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===Classical Antiquity (748 BCE - 345 CE)===
(this will be pared back in the distant future)[[File:ISS-38 Kliuchevskoi Volcano on Kamchatka.jpg|thumb|Mt. Koriba in the present day, photographed from low orbit]]
====Koriba Catastrophe====
In 748 BCE, Mount Koriba in the eastern Lyr valley experienced its most powerful eruption in recorded history, rating a 6 on the volcanic explosivity index. The explosion is recorded being heard across the entire peninsula and beyond, surrounding towns are thought to have been levelled instantly by the shockwave and buried by pyroclastic flows. This caused devastating local effects, causing widespread crop failures due to the ash clouds and acid rain. Whilst all civilisations west of the Zycannes were impacted by the eruption, the trade dependant Teba empire was among those who suffered the most. Cross mountain trade sharply declined in the following years, causing the empire to became significantly weaker and internally unstable. Many neighbouring civilisations soon jumped on the opportunity to take advantage of the empire and began raiding Teban settlements, sparking a century of wars which ravaged both sides and caused far more damage than the relatively short term effects of the volcano. A further effect of this was that the Kormistazics, who had indirect trade links with the Teba, entered a period of infighting and civil wars as various members of trading nobility attempted to seize control of Sekan-Aruqa. As commodity trade with the North failed to recover, the instability in the region would remain, resulting in the confederacies decentralised political structure collapsing and beginning a trend of power being consolidated by an increasingly small number of oligarchs. The wars often spilled out into surrounding unincorporated settlements, often leading to subjugation and incorporation under the banner of the outlying cities.
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===Colonial age (1102 - 1523) ===
(Third Kormistazic empire is founded, early attempts to colonise southern Arcturia begin)
(This incarnation of the empire is organised in a much more decentralised fashion, akin to the first empire)
====Third Kormistazic Empire Golden age (~1200)====
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(Alliances with Ethalria and Salovia may have been key in holding them off for the initial few decades of the war)
(Eventually Morstaybishlia takes vast amounts of the North coast, and as they begin incursions into other parts of the empire much of Kormistazm rapidly capitulates as those with the elitemeans to do so flee to Arcturia)
[[File:Lousquarii peak 1575.png|thumb|The Lousquarii empire just after its foundation in late 1573]]
====The Lousquarii Empire (1573 - 1586)====
Shortly before the Surrender of the mainland, the Arcturia territories of Kormistazm declared themselves to be a separate empire under the rule of former General Ñazj al-QeeoraQiirua. Originally from [[Muštamarah]], Ñazj had lead a successful campaign to take over much of Morstaybishlia's Arcturian colonies during the war and was very popular amongst colonists and the fleeing elite. As the mainland capitulated he assumed total control as Lousquarii emperor as well as assuming protectorateshipprotectorship over his homeland as a show of good will. Several cities on the South West tip of the mainland and the surrounding land were also incorporated into the empire in an attempt to escape Morst occupation. Whilst stretching over vast swathes of coastal land, the new empire facedwas criticalcritically instabilityoverstretched from its founding asand numerous parts of the empire took advantage of the situation and revolted almost immediately. Ñazj was unwilling to spread his limited military capacity thinly in case of a naval invasion from Morstaybishlia, and thus several regions were granted freedom with little resistance, such as the region of [[Gratulto]] which became an independent duchy in 1576. Efforts were instead concentrated on quelling revolt in the well developed core territory and regions of significant strategic value.
In 1578 Ñazj met with a delegation from Morstaybishlia to formalise a peace declaration, as the two had not yet officially ended the state of war, as well as define what the borders of the new status quo would look like. Still maintaining a relatively strong navy, Ñazj only offered the Lousquarii holdings on the mainland and refused the Morsts demands for the return ofreturning their colonies,former possessions of [[New Kaltar|New Kaltaria]], Rodenia and Lokania. After failing to come to any kind of compromise, the Morst navy launched a surprise attack on Boscawen and clashed with the Lousquarii navy in the seas outside of the city. The Morstaybishlian's also landed on the far side of the island and rallied resistance against Lousquarii garrisons, successfully driving them from New Kaltar by 1580. This defeat came as a great surprise as the empire was believed to have held naval superiority in the area, and it cast a doubt on the emperor's ability to protect the Lousquarii core territory. Confidence in him begin to waver, especially amongst the members of the merchant class, most of which had only just fled the mainland and feared the possibility of a total Morstaybishlian occupation. However as Ñazj returned to Porto Idola from the lost battle he remained steadfast in his refusal of the Morst demands. Confidence in the emperor continued to decline, however, becoming critical in 1584 after the eastern regions of Rodenia fell to an uprising and became independent, after which Morstaybishlia re-established control. Ñazj was overthrown shortly afterwards, dying of hypothermia whilst imprisoned. He was succeeded by Lord Draughtsman Kayo Aurazzi, who acceded to Morstaybishlia's demands for their colonies in the Treaty of Porsloe in late 1585. After assuring peace, Kayo disestablished the imperial government and officially ended the Lousquarii empire. On the first of May 1586 he founded the republic of [[Quariin]] which flourished throughout the later centuries and remains independent to the present.
===Morstaybishlian rule (1575 - 1969) ===
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Internally, the integration of Axdelia was endorsed by the Thaerist church, which had heavily emphasised the theological aspect of the west Aurora crusades. Many of the politically and economically active population (largely local and municipal governors) converted relatively quickly to avoid harsh penalties imposed on non-Thaerists. However, the drive to proselytise was also concerned with the population at large, as it was by far the largest concentration of non-Thaerists in the empire and there were questions about how it would affect their loyalty. As well as converting Kozamists and [[Aqlanism|Aqlanists]], building Thaer temples and removing other religious icons, church missionaries riled up fervour against non-thaerists which escalated into attacks and riots. After a monastic Kozam school in Koliqon was burned down by militant Thaerist partisans in 1643, monks across the peninsular protested in what would become known as the [[Revolt of the monks|Revolt of the Monks]]. The protests were largely nonviolent, but earned a great deal of sympathy from both Aqlani imams<ref name=":0">placeholder as of feb 24</ref> and a significant amount of the public. In Koliqon, the monks and their followers walked en-masse into the residence of the governor and occupied it for several days, and refused to leave unless demands for religious protection and top-level political representation were met. Tragedy was averted when the Morstaybishlian government conceded to their primary demand of protecting followers and buildings of non-Thaerist religions. Many Kozam schools and monasteries that had been shut down were able to reopen and resume their practice as a result. An act enfranchising the local aristocracy and allowing them to serve as lords was also considered but it was vetoed by [[Florence I]], believing that granting such a privilege would cause similar demands from other conquered territories. Thaerist missions and proselytes continued to convert the population, however with their reputation besmirched and Aqlani Mosques<ref name=":0" /> and Kozam monastic schools continuing to operate, their success was limited compared to other regions and colonies of the empire.
[[File:Qayami-style coffee house.png|thumb|A notable coffee house in Sekan. Until the 18th century, most coffee houses were the South]]
After the Revolt of the Monks, incidents of organised resistance reduced significantly across the region, and the next century and a half was considered relatively peaceful. During this time the population rose tremendously whilst Morstaybishlia as a whole was enriched by its burgeoning network of colonies and reaped the rewards from it's competition against other powers to monopolise global trade. Axdelia was not seen as a core territory of the empire, and was affected by several acts affecting sea trade with [[Staynes]] and [[Kaltariezh]] which imposed tariffs on goods exported but exempted imports, which worked to keep Axdelian peasant workers impoverished. Despite this, Axdelia's seperateseparate culture and convenient position on the periphery of the empires core made it infamous as a place where dissident Morstaybishlian academics would convene to discuss controversial ideas in politics and science. Such intellectuals usually met in the well established Qayami style coffeehouses in major towns and cities, using the stimulantingstimulating drink to excite thought, and thus they quickly became popular as centers of conversation. They were also notable in that Cavan intellectuals were also welcomed into such spaces, many of which would subsequently spur on a domestic scientific movement, reinvigorating old universities and founding new ones, thatwithin would host the conception ofwhich the modern scientific method would be conceived, employed, and produce numerous advances in technologyscience over the years. Many principles of the Auroran enlightenment, democratic and republican movements were developed in Axdelian coffeehouses, as well as several influential theories of economics. Whilst certain products of this renegade academia were eagerly embraced by the empire, the right of the Morstaybishlian monarchy to absolute rule was keenly defended. Generally, throughout the 17th and 18th century, all attempts to reform the overall structure of society were resisted. Even reforms being increasingly accepted by other monarchies, such as an independent legislaturelegislatures, were considered seditious. Regardless of the political tension, as academia became more centralised and institutional, Axdelia cemented itself as a center of science, engineering and philosphyphilosophy, particularly along the Southern coast. [[File:SteamEngine Boulton&Watt 1784.png|thumb|Sketch of a Qishal engine designed in 1782|left]]
===== Early Industrialisation =====
[[File:SteamEngine Boulton&Watt 1784.png|thumb|Sketch of a Qishal engine designed in 1782]]
Axdelia's mountains had become an important source of metal and minerals for Morstaybishlia, particularly iron and coal, as Axdelian ore was noted as being very rich. As the manufacturing boom in the prelude of the industrial revolution continued to drive up demand, devising an efficient means of draining waterlogged mines became a far more pressing issue, which spurred engineers in Anyuur to develop various steam-powered pumps for the purposes of reducing the time and labour cost of drainage. This culminated in 1710 with the [[wikipedia:Newcomen atmospheric engine|vacuum engine]] which utilised the partial vacuum pressure produced by condensing steam to pull a piston, the first of its kind and a design used in mines across the Teban mountains. An automatically operated and far more thermodynamically [[wikipedia:Watt steam engine|efficient design]] would invented by the polymath Aeuwe K. Qishal in the 1770's, a design which would quickly spread across Aurora and soon find its way to other continents. For his achievements in chemistry and the development of increasingly efficient Qishal engines, he would become the first Cava to be accepted as a fellow in the Staynish royal society in Sani Bursil; although he would cause later controversy after his death when it was revealed he was biologically female.
With the turn of the 19th century, the high pressure steam engine would be invented by Axdelian mine engineers specifically for use in first steam locomotives which drewdrawing carriages along iron tramways. The value of such a technological leap would quickly be realised, and high pressure steam engines in factories and steam locomotives for transportation would completely transform the Morstaybishlian economy over the next century.
===== Posolic Wars =====
[[File:Andelian republic.png|thumb|The banner of the Andelian Enlightened Republic from 1798-1810]]
With the rise of [[Vakhudan Posol]] in the Biramuran Empire and its allegiance with The Queendom of Ethalria, war was declared against Morstaybishlia in 1795. Axdelia was subject to a moderate draft in order to provide soldiers for the war effort, but despite their numerical advantage over the coalition, Morstaybishlia suffered several catastrophic defeats during the invasion of [[Marislia]], completely losing the territory to Ethalria and leaving Biramura free to explosively expand southwards. Expecting further attacks from Ethalria, another larger draft was called upon Axdelia only a year later in 1796 which incited a wave of unrest from the populace, surprising the empire's government which had grown used to Axdelian passivity in the past century. As the war dragged on, killing many Axdelian soldiers sent to fight on the front lines, discontent grew rapidly in many of the regions cities, fuelled by radical republicans who called for the overthrow of imperial rule. The first uprising would come in Baronhali during late 1797, being quickly quashed after the local garrison was reinforced by navy seamen docked in the Lyr estuary. Several other minor revolts would also fail, however on the 4th of May 1798 the Andel Imperial garrison guards led a popular uprising against the local government, successfully seizing the capital and several warships in the docks. Declaring an enlightened republican government, the new leadership called for other regions across Axdel to rise against imperial rule, as well as rallying nearby population centers under their banner. Several other regions would gain independence through similar uprisings, with notably powerful examples being Jilkania in the south, and the city of Nalsekanii in central Lyrevale.
Suffering from several decisive pushbacks in Marislia and the Ider valley, Ethalria welcomed the Axdelian enlightened republics as new allies against Morstaybishlia, hoping that their land forces would weaken significantly if they could successfully open up another front on the west. Despite being the most vulnerable to attack from Morstaybishlia by both land and sea and with a significant numerical disadvantage, Andel was especially successful at driving back imperial forces on the north coast thanks to assistance from sympathetic locals and the occasional shipment of Ethalrian guns. A bout of consistently poor winter weather also provided indirect help by preventing any significant action from the Morstaybishlian navy. Wedged against [[Qayam]] and surrounded by mountains respectively, the republics of Jilkania and Nalsekanii made their mark on the war with numerous small skirmishes and guerrilla activity, hampering imperial control and riling up discontent across Axdel from their positions of relative safety. With its relatively safe sea access, Jilkania also supplied volunteer troops to aid coalition forces in central Aurora. The fortune of the republics would soon falter, however, as after the failure of the coalitions campaign in Kaltariezh and frontlines in the east becoming increasingly entrenched and support continuing to pour in from its colonies, Morstaybishlia diverted more and more forces westwards to deal with the breakaways. A wave of more frequent and powerful Naval attacks in 1808 would quickly force Andel to fall back to more defensible lines, although Ethalrian support continued wherever holes in the blockade could be found, keeping the city state afloat until the end of the first war in 1810.
At the request of Ethalria, representatives from Andel, Jilkania and Nalsekanii were present at Weyrcliff as observers to the signing of the peace treaty. To their surprise, however, Ethalria agreed not cease supporting them militarily and cease recognising their independence in return for Morstaybishlia recognising Marislia as part of the Queendom. Despite raising vocal objections, the republics were struck from the peace agreement, with only a verbal promise of political reform in Axdel from the Morstaybishlian representative. In a bloody battle lasting multiple weeks, the navy struck the Andel directly, fighting street by street to gain control of the renegade city and decapitate the republics leadership. Without support, Nalsekaniis government surrendered, before either fleeing or being captured and executed. Jilkania resisted several attacks thanks to its defensible positions in the hills running along Mona valley and heavy fortifications controlling the rivers mouth preventing direct naval attacks on the capital of Barque. Whilst Jilkania was besieged, the newly coronated Queen [[Florence II]] was overseeing the process of transforming Axdelia into a devolved Principality to be ruled by the crown-heir or seniormost prince of the empire. Whilst championed as a liberating reform to the Axdelian people, in practice it pushed Axdel outside of the broad concern of the central government in Kalmington and under the purview of the reigning prince, tasked foremost with keeping the population passive and suppressing any revolts. With every attempt to destroy it resulting in heavy losses, Jilkania would exist in an uneasy peace with Morstaybishlia for several years until the second Posolic War broke out in 1814. Under the cover of night, sappers destroyed one of the forts guarding the mouth of the Mona river, allowing a naval force to surge up the river and strike Barque directly, causing the struggling enlightened republic to fall into chaos, after which it was subsumed into the Principality.
====Posolic Wars====
(Several regions attempt to secede from the empire with limited success)
====Principality of Axdel (1810-1917)====
(AfterDevolved status gained after the first posolic war inas responsea means to aexert stronger control over the peninsula and prevent any revolt/demandsfurther fromenlightened returningrepublican veteransuprisings.)
(The boundless exploitation of industrial capitalism spawns mass organised labour movements, inspiring subsequent local leftist economists and philosophers who in time would refine the ideology)
(also industrial age, a lot of cool science And radical intellectuals like Freidrik Noros exist)
(ends with a blast thanks to the great war)
====Dominion of Axdel (1917-1966)====
(Transition to becoming politically, economically and militarily independent from the empire as a dominion as part of democratising reforms, 12th of December 1917)
(LeftCertain left wing groups promote independent militarisation for the purpose or pursuing independence. Pro-independence ideology flourishing in the popular counterculture era late 1950's onwards)
(from mid 1950's onwards, the NPLPAxdelian Peoples Liberation Party, a broad group of communist vanguardists, syndicalists and anarchists, begins seriouslyserious planning for the violent overthrow of the dominion government)
===Noroist Axdel (1966-1996)===
''main article:'' [[Noroist Axdel|''Noroist Axdel'']] ''(actually has text now!)''
==== NPLPAPLP Coup ====
(With a crisis in central aurora diverting the MBE's attention, the NPLPAPLP launches its coup and successfully takes much of the Axdelian peninsula)
(Skirmish with the MBE ending in stalemate and unrecognition. Axdel enters war economy mode and arms itself for future conflict)
(Perhaps the AIW could be triggered partially by the assassination of the APLP's leader Atsau Noros)
=====Auroran Imperial War=====
[[File:Kevatuul from 2nd stage.jpg|thumb|Kevatuul photographed from the 2nd stage of the Alus rocket manoeuvring into retrograde orientation]]
''main article: [[Auroran Imperial War]]''
Line 235 ⟶ 243:
====Federation with Lyrevale ====
(More people more money. Authoritarian Quasi-democratic bi-devolved state solution welded together by Kiet Narvga but somehow works alright thanks to magic economy computer (and other things ig))
(Massive infrastructure investment and modern industrialisation only increases in speed, leads to a period of high optimism and prosperity)[[File:Montza 1996.jpg|thumb|Ulysses street in Montza after a battle between coop paramilitary and Yensi-loyal forces|left]]
==== Axdelian civil war====
(Friction between the largely vanguardist government and syndicalist/anarchist worker movements boiling to the surface coupled with economic downturn and a spate of fascist activity causes the government to start cracking down on dissent more)
[[File:Montza 1996.jpg|thumb|Ulysses street in Montza after a battle between coop paramilitary and Yensi-loyal forces]]
(tldr: Kiet Narvga falls into a coma after a failed assassination, Darius Finch dies. Cavan Nationalist/Other reactionary bobblehead Admiral Huralo Yensi takes power, dissolves the legislature in a soft coup. OppositionFriction escalates into riots and gunfighting. slow burn civil war between elements of the military and, paramilitary forces and opportunists which forces Yensi to eventually submit to arrest. Clarissa Zurin leads a provisional government after which moderate Socdems crawl out of the woodwork and take power with begrudging support from Unions and Anarchists.)
===Modern Axdel===
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===Geology, topography and hydrography===
Due to its size and geographic variety, Axdel includes a number of climate types within its borders. The north coastal plains and the wide river valleys of Korstazia that feed the West sea have a humid subtropical climate, with mild winters and hot, humid summers. Downwards into the interior the climate shifts to humid continental, with warm summers and cold, often snowy winters. This is due to the increasing distance from the temperature moderating oceans as well as the increasing altitude further from the coast. Mountain ranges within the countries interior and along its flanks create small regions of montane climate, with the Aurics, [[Zycannes]] and some of the tallest peaks in the Teba mountains being tall enough to produce a year round cold alpine climate at their extremes. Uniquely, a small region of cold semi-arid climate exists in north Lyrevale where the convergence of the Auric and Teba mountains and their rain shadows creates a dry steppe in the pass. The West and South coasts of Axdel have an oceanic climate due to the moderationmoderating ofinfluence warmof ocean currents, featuring mild summers and cool winters as well as significant precipitation.
[[File:Axdel climate temp.png|thumb|Koppen climate classification map of Axdel]]
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===Foreign Relations===
[[File:A-23.jpg|thumb|Axdelian Q-106B fighter jets]]
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insert(Insert overview here, including paragraphs concerning heavy/technical industry, mining, and agriculture)
insert overview here, including paragraphs concerning heavy/technical industry and agriculture
===Transport ===
[[File:Rail map Axdel.png|thumb|A map of Axdelian main line railways with notable lines named]]
Axdel has an extensive network of serviceable roadway that connects to practically every part of the country. The system is interlinked with highways that connect internationally to Emberwood coast, Morstaybishlia, Oceansend and KèyaQayam as part of the greater Auroran highway network. Axdel is part of the Auroran free movement zone and no customs check is required for crossing borders by any means, including road. Most new cars on the road are imported, with the majority coming from other Auroran car manufacturers, although the domestic automobile market still makes up a small fraction. The road network is publicly funded and operates without tolls, with vehicle, road and fuel tax contributing towards its maintenance. Road freight, primarily transported by lorries, is a major source of road wear, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in Axdel, and is subject to stringent regulation in order to mitigate its effects.
Axdels railway network is one of the most extensive and well developed in Aurora. Both track and rolling stock are maintained and operated on by the state owned railway company Arqa, with other operators also running on the network for international high-speed services. A number of dedicated high-speed lines connect most large cities operating at speeds of up to 350km/h, and inter-urban lines connect a large proportion of the nations towns with regular service. Rail connections exist between every country that borders Axdel and like the roadways requires no customs check. Intraurban systems are also very common, with most cities and large towns having Arqa operated metro and/or tram systems to compliment local buses. The network is standard gauge, much of it being electrified using a combination of 25kV AC overhead line and 750V DC third rail standards. Freight rail makes up a large share of transport in Axdel due to stringent regulations on truck transport and how businesses are allowed to transport certain goods.
Line 324 ⟶ 329:
Whilst under the Morstaybishlian empire, the duty of developing Axdels infrastructure was the responsibility of competing private companies. Compared to the rest of the mainland empire, Axdel often lagged behind in terms of development, but immensely benefited from projects to facilitate access to the regions mineral wealth during the industrial era and the transport of commuters. With the massive governmental reforms following the end of the Great war, Axdel gained significantly more autonomy and rapidly caught up in terms of its infrastructure. However the relatively low income of the average Axdelian meant that automobile ownership was low and that as air travel became popular it was generally unaffordable. When Axdel gained independence in 1969 and the provisional government took control of all the countries infrastructure, it invested into constructing a huge number of cheaply made and easily repaired low-speed freight railways in order to facilitate the efficient movement of goods across the country for the war effort. Many highways were also built during the war, all of which had wide, long straights at various points that were mandated to be capable of allowing military aircraft to land and take off safely.
With an oil price crisis, a lacklustre bomb-damaged infrastructure network, and a low income populace without widespread access to automobile and air transport, the post-war government commissioned a vast, nationwide transit project focusing on railways. This included the electrification, modernisation and expansion of intraurban and commuter services for workers, as well as the construction of thousands of kilometers of new metro systems in dense urban areas and high-speed rail track for intercity journeys that would serve as an alternative to air travel. This would also provide tens of thousands of high paying jobs across the country for the recently demobilised populace. The ultimate goal of the project was to vastly increase the efficiency and capacity of the rail network, reduce the overall cost of its maintenance and operation, and reduce Axdels dependence on imported automobiles and petroleum for its transportation. Almost all of the new railways were electrified thanks to the high capacity of the hydroelectric and nuclear energy plants in place or under construction across the country. Criticism often came with the demolishing of neighbourhoods, both damaged and undamaged by the war, for the construction of new railway and metro lines, including several historic buildings. The cost of the project was also immense, requiring a noticeablesignificant percentage of Axdelian copper wire, steel and concrete production to satisfy the construction. As both Lyrevale and Quartz fern coast were reintegrated into Axdel the scope of the project was increased to compensate, and the development of the network continues to the present day.
===Science and technology===
==== space program ====
[[File:Gemini South 01.jpg|thumb|The Tausavo-MW Laser station in the [[Zycannes]]]]
(Space program is getting up to speed after a relatively lacklustre history aside from the late 80' and early 90's)
(A mountaintop Laser broom project following the [[Space Debris Crisis|space debris crisis]] was a large part of the mitigation effort)
(Soltan and the north coast are tourism hubs, as well as the Tebans)
this is so sad, can we get icarly in Soltan
(Some issues have been raised due to increasing numbers of tourists visiting holy sites and temples around Zuel)
===Water and Sanitation===
Moderators, verified
