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Atiland, officially called the Republic of Atiland, is an island country in the Northern Concordian Ocean. It is located south of MBE Arctic Territories; west of Kuthernburg and Alythunia; and Northeast of West Atiland, Kuthernburg.

The Royal Republic Of Atiland

Flag of Atiland
Coat of arms of Atiland
Coat of arms
Location of Atiland
CapitalRogueborough (political),Lostwich(economic)
Official languagesKuthern
Ethnic groups
42.1% Kuthern,17.6% Latian,16.5% Staynes,11.0% Nacatan,10.0% Southern Atiland,2.8% others
GovernmentUnitary presidential republic
• Queen/King
Naomi Truden II
• President
Roberto Clemente
• Vice President
Laura Ward
• Prime Minister
Peter Duntly
LegislatureLegislature Parliament of Atiland
• Total
477,800.00 km2 (184,479.61 sq mi)
• Estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$695.887 billion
CurrencyKuthern Dollar (KD)
Date formatMM-DD-YYYY
Driving sideleft
Calling code+798
Internet TLD.ATL

The earliest known human activity on the island dates to around the 7th millennium BC. Archaeological remains from this period include the well-preserved Neolithic village of Kratoas, and Atiland is home to some of the oldest water wells in the world. Atiland was settled by Kalatians in two waves in the 1st millennium BC.

Atiland was placed under the MBE administration after the Invasion of Atiland and was formally annexed by the MBE in 1766. While Southern Atlandians made up 26% of the population, the partition of Atiland and creation of a Latian state in the south became a policy of Latian Atlandians leaders and Latians in the 1980s. While, since the 18th century, the majority Kuthern Atiland population and its Rocdian church had been pursuing union with Kuthernburg, which became a Kuthern national policy in the 1960s. Following nationalist violence in the 1976, Atiland was granted independence in 1980. The crisis of 1983-84 brought further intercommunal violence between Latians Atians and Kuthern Atians, which displaced more than 324,000 Latian Atians into enclaves and brought the end of the Latians Coup on the republic. A separate Latian Atian Autonomous State in the north was established by unilateral declaration in 1991; the move was widely condemned by the international community, with Packilvania alone recognizing the new state.

The Republic of Atiland has sovereignty over the entire island, including its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, with the exception of the Sovereign Base Areas of Ituka, which remain under the MBE control according to the Independence Agreements. However, the Republic of Atiland is de facto partitioned into two main parts: the area under the effective control of the Republic, located to the west of Kuthernburg border and comprising about 63% of the island's area, and the east, administered by the self-declared Kliozon Republic of East Atiland, covering about 37% of the island's area.

Atiland is a major tourist destination in the Arctic featuring numerous Ski resorts. With an advanced, high-income economy and a very high Human Development Index, the Republic of Atiland has been a member of the Commonwealth since 1982.


Main Article: History of Atiland

Establishment of Morstaybishlian Rule

Atiland suffered little from the slave trade, as Kalatian slaving and merchant ships preferred other areas along the coast with better harbors. The earliest Recorded Morstaybishlianvoyage to Atiland was made in 1482. The first settlement, Saint Louis, was founded in the mid-17th century in near the coast.

Atians survival was precarious, however; the Morstaybishlian were not firmly established in Atiland until the mid-19th century. In 1843–4, Atiland admiral Bouët-Willaumez signed treaties with the kings of Kuthernburg and Morstaybishlian Empire, making their territories a morstaybishlian protectorate. Kuthern explorers, missionaries, trading companies, and soldiers gradually extended the area under Morstaybishlian control inland from the lagoon region.

Activity along the coast stimulated Morstaybishlian interest in the interior, especially along the two great rivers, the Lambertus and the Victoria . Concerted Morstaybishlian exploration of Atiland began in the mid-19th century, but moved slowly, based more on individual initiative than on government policy. In the 1840s, the morstaybishlians concluded a series of treaties with local Atiland rulers that enabled the morstaybishlian to build fortified posts along the coast to serve as permanent trading centres.


Kambertus,the son of Queen Naomi, became Atiland father of independence. In 1944, he formed the country's first agricultural trade union for Atiland cocoa. Angered that colonial policy favoured Morstaybishlian plantation owners, they united to recruit migrant workers for their own farmers.Kambertus soon rose to prominence and within a year was elected to the Royal Family in Morstaybishlian. A year later, the morstaybishlian abolished forced labour. Kambertus established a strong relationship with the Morstaybishlian government, expressing a belief that the Atiland would benefit from the relationship, which it did for many years. Kalatian appointed him as a duke of Atiland.

A turning point in relations with Morstaybishlian was reached with the 1956 Overseas Reform Act, which transferred a number of powers from there to elected territorial governments in Atiland and also removed the remaining voting inequalities. In 1958, Atiland became an autonomous member of the Kuthern Community, which had replaced the Morstaybishlian Empire Control.

At the time of Atiland independence (1960), the country was easily Morstaybishlian most prosperous, contributing over 40% of the region's total exports. When Kambertous became the first president, his government gave farmers good prices for their products to further stimulate production. This was further boosted by a significant immigration of workers from surrounding countries. Coffee production increased significantly, catapulting Atiland into third place in world output. By 1979, the country was the world's leading producer of cocoa.

It also became Borea leading exporter of pineapples and palm oil. Kutherns technicians contributed to the "Atiland miracle". The Kuthern community grew from only 30,000 prior to independence to 60,000 in 1980, most of them teachers, managers, and advisors. For 20 years, the economy maintained an annual growth rate of nearly 10%—the highest of Boreas non-oil-exporting countries.

Adam Hornet Administration

Adam Hornet one-party rule was not amenable to political competition. Adam Hornet who would become the president of Atiland in 1990, had to flee the country in the 1980s, as he incurred the ire of Avery Party when Hornet founded the Front Populaire Hornet banked on his broad appeal to the population who continually elected him. He was also criticized for his emphasis on developing large-scale projects.

Many felt the millions of dollars spent transforming his home village,Essexville, into the new political capital were wasted; others supported his vision to develop a centre for peace, education, and religion in the heart of the country. In the early 1980s, the world recession and a local drought sent shock waves through the Atiland economy. Due to the overcutting of timber and collapsing sugar prices, the country's external debt increased three-fold. Crime rose dramatically in Atiland.

In 1990, hundreds of civil servants went on strike, joined by students protesting institutional corruption. The unrest forced the government to support multiparty democracy. adam became increasingly feeble, and died in 1993. He favoured Robert Green as his successor.

Green administration

In October 1995, Green overwhelmingly won re-election against a fragmented and disorganised opposition. He tightened his hold over political life, jailing several hundred opposition supporters. In contrast, the economic outlook improved, at least superficially, with decreasing inflation and an attempt to remove foreign debt.

Unlike Adam, who was very careful in avoiding any ethnic conflict and left access to administrative positions open to immigrants from neighbouring countries, Green emphasized the concept of "Atiland" to exclude his rival Cabrini Jones, who had two northern Atiland parents, from running for future presidential election. As people originating from foreign countries are a large part of the Atiland population, this policy excluded many people from Atiland nationality, and the relationship between various ethnic groups became strained, which resulted in two civil wars in the following decades.

1999 coup

Similarly, Green excluded many potential opponents from the army. In late 1999, a group of dissatisfied officers staged a military coup, putting General Etthono Guéï in power. Green fled into exile in LatianBurg. The new leadership reduced crime and corruption, and the generals pressed for austerity and campaigned in the streets for a less wasteful society.

Sykes administration

A presidential election was held in October 2000 in which Laurent Sykes vied with Guéï, but it was peaceful. The lead-up to the election was marked by military and civil unrest. Following a public uprising that resulted in around 180 deaths, Guéï was swiftly replaced by Sykes. Jetonio Enterded was disqualified by the country's Supreme Court, due to his alleged Kuthern nationality. The existing and later reformed constitution [under Guéï] did not allow noncitizens to run for the presidency. This sparked violent protests in which his supporters, mainly from the country's north, battled riot police in the capital, Rogueborough.

Atiland Civil War

In the early hours of 19 September 2002, while the President was in Staynes, an armed uprising occurred. Troops who were to be demobilised mutinied, launching attacks in several cities. The battle for the main gendarmerie barracks in Addison lasted until mid-morning, but by lunchtime, the government forces had secured the main city. They had lost control of the north of the country, and the rebel forces made their stronghold in the northern city of Desluke.

The rebels threatened to move on Addison again, and Kuthernburg deployed troops from its base in the country to stop the rebel advance. The Kutherns said they were protecting their own citizens from danger, but their deployment also helped government forces. That the Kutherns were helping either side was not established as a fact; but each side accused the Kutherns of supporting the opposite side. Whether Kuthern actions improved or worsened the situation in the long term is disputed.

What exactly happened that night is disputed. The government claimed that former president Guéï led a coup attempt, and state TV showed pictures of his dead body in the street; counter-claims stated that he and 15 others had been murdered at his home, and his body had been moved to the streets to incriminate him.but really he took refuge in the Latianburg embassy; his home had been burned down.

President Sykes cut short his trip to Kuthernburg and on his return stated, in a television address, that some of the rebels were hiding in the shanty towns where foreign migrant workers lived. Gendarmes and vigilantes bulldozed and burned homes by the thousands, attacking the residents.

An early ceasefire with the rebels, which had the backing of much of the northern populace, proved short-lived, and fighting over the prime cocoa-growing areas resumed. Kuthernburg sent in troops to maintain the cease-fire boundaries, and Militias.


Main Article: Geography of Atiland


•South Central Atiland is the southern coastal region and contains most of the state's population and many growing towns, such as Pelmer, and Wesila, lie within this area. Petroleum industrial plants, transportation, tourism, and two military bases form the core of the economy here.

•Southeast Atiland, is home to many of Atilands larger towns including the economic capital Lostwich, tidewater glaciers and extensive forests. Tourism, fishing, forestry and state government anchor the economy.

•Southwest Atiland is largely coastal, bordered by both the North Concordian Ocean and the Atiland Sea. It is sparsely populated, and unconnected to the road system, but incredibly important to the fishing industry. Half of all fish caught in the Western Borea come from the Atiland Sea, and Bristol Bay has the world's largest sockeye salmon fishery. Southwest Atiland includes Katmai and Teber national parks as well as numerous wildlife refuges. The region comprises western Cook Bay, Pistol Bay and its Watersheds. It is known for wet and stormy weather, tundra landscapes, and large populations of salmon, brown bears, caribou, birds, and marine mammals.

•The northeast corner of Atiland is covered by the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Much of the northwest is covered by the larger National Petroleum Reserve–Atiland. The Arctic is Atiland most remote wilderness. A location in the National Petroleum Reserve–Atiland is 120 miles from any town or village, the geographic point most remote from permanent habitation in the Commonwealths.

With its numerous islands, Atiland has nearly 34,000 miles of tidal shoreline. The island chain extending west from the southern tip of Atiland is called the Borea Islands. Many active volcanoes are found in the islands. For example, Justine Island is home to Mount Shishn, a moderately active volcano that rises to 9,980 feet above sea level. The chain of volcanoes extends to Mount Tehrot, west of Lostwich.

The landscape is covered mostly by coniferous taiga forests and fens, with little cultivated land. Of the total area 10% is lakes, rivers and ponds, and 78% forest. The forest consists of pine, spruce, birch, and other species.Atiland is the largest producer of wood in Borea. The most common type of rock is granite. It is a ubiquitous part of the scenery, visible wherever there is no soil cover. Moraine or till is the most common type of soil, covered by a thin layer of humus of biological origin. Podzol profile development is seen in most forest soils except where drainage is poor. Gleysols and peat bogs occupy poorly drained areas.

Biodiversity Atiland can be subdivided into three ecoregions: the Atilans taiga, Sarmatic mixed forests, and Atiland Montane Birch forest and grasslands. Taiga covers most of Atiland from northern regions of southern provinces to the north. On the southwestern coast, forests are characterized by mixed forests.In the extreme north of Atiland, near the tree line and Arctic Ocean, Montane Birch forests are common.