Amhoud-Asgeir Day

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Revision as of 03:08, 10 January 2023 by Cowlasie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Amhoud-Asgeir Day''', (also known as Liberation of the Spirits Day) is a yearly two week long holiday celebrated by Akuanists in Shakar, Packilvania. It is held on first two weeks of January and primary hosted with the two cities of Sharkol and Tabrayn in the Akuan corner of the city. Though it is common to have smaller festivals in the rural villages the Akuanists have settled in. The holiday originated as a victory festival over the Packilva...")
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Amhoud-Asgeir Day, (also known as Liberation of the Spirits Day) is a yearly two week long holiday celebrated by Akuanists in Shakar, Packilvania. It is held on first two weeks of January and primary hosted with the two cities of Sharkol and Tabrayn in the Akuan corner of the city. Though it is common to have smaller festivals in the rural villages the Akuanists have settled in.

The holiday originated as a victory festival over the Packilvanian Communist Party during the Packilvanian Civil War (Akuanist 1947-1985; Packilvania 1974-1985) to celebrate both Asgeir of Ny'Shakiszna sacrifice and Amhoud I seizing control of Packilvania. The festival is the only recognized Akuan holiday that celebrates a military victory in the long history of Akuanism. The holiday opens with a parade with portraits Amhoud in the front of the parade and Asgeir of Ny'Shakiszna in the middle section. The back section of the parade is effigies and communist symbols which will burn at the end of the holiday in a grand ceremony. After the parade, the effigies and symbols are placed in a town square and nailed with various insulting or anti-communist notes from participants. In addition to the parade, the celebrate features gift giving from the Akuan community to the Packilvania government officials, in form of custom-made bottles of wine.

Throughout the two weeks, various holiday foods and drinks are served at Akuan shrines, such as red bean rice, noodle dishes mixed with spices native to Packilvania and black tea mixed with red wine.

Gift Giving

The beginning of the Shakar Governor's wine bottle.

Each year, the Akuan community of Shakar creates custom glass bottles of wine and has been in tradition since 1985. First started by a poverty-stricken kemonomimi Akuanist glassblower in Sharkol, who made a elaborate wine bottle in the design of a feline shepherd and filled it with his last bottle of wine before having it mailed to Amhoud I. Since then, the tradition grew beyond from sending the artistical glass bottles to only the Sultan to expanding the across important members of government and the governors. It has been tradition to send the most elaborate and most expensive wine to the current ruling Sultan and their current partner. More important the member of government position is, the more elaborate the wine bottle. The lowest member of government official such as mayors or city councilors only receiving simple bottles. Governors often getting wine bottles of elaborate designs but no where near to the level for the Sultan and their partner. The governor of Shakar receiving special treatment, with their bottle designs only being second to the Sultan and their partner.