Alliance of Northwest Gondwana: Difference between revisions

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The Alliance Council has the power to suspend or revoke the membership of member-states who are held to have "acted contrary to the established doctrines" of the Charter. In order to suspend a member, the Council must vote by 2/3, while revocation of membership requires a unanimous vote excluding the member-state being considered for revocation.
==Alliance Space Cooperative==
In 2020, the Alliance officially inaugurated its joint space program, the Alliance Space Cooperative. Currently, member states Acronis, Ayaupia, the Tavari Union, and Zukchiva participate in the Cooperative, although membership is open to all member-states of the Alliance. The launch site for the Cooperative is at Vraalatec in Ayaupia, and is positioned very near the Aequator. This allows for easier launches into aequatorial, geostationary orbits, and because the site faces east over the sea, rockets can take advantage of the Urth's angular momentum while having less risk of debris falling on inhabited areas. The program's first launch took place on December 26th, 2020, with manned orbital missions planned to take place as soon as 2021.