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'''Aldaar''' (Asahri: ''الدار)'', officially '''The Divine Republic of Aldaar''' (''جمهورية'' ''الدارس'' ''الالهية'' [jum-HUUR-ya al-DAAR-su a-laa-la-HII-ya]) is a theocratic republic located in the Anabat Desert of Alaria, a subcontinent of [[Gondwana]]. It borders [[Askaraban]] to the south and the [[Pacific Ocean]] to the west. The Aldaari city of [[Hasa]] is the birthplace of the national [[Dawra]] religion, and Aldaar's capital and most populous city is the coastal city of [[Mukarras]].
'''Aldaar''' (Asahri: ''الدار)'', officially '''The Divine Republic of Aldaar''' (''جمهورية'' ''الدارس'' ''الالهية'' [jum-HUUR-ya al-DAAR-su a-laa-la-HII-ya]) is a theocratic republic located in the Anabat Desert of Alaria, a subcontinent of [[Gondwana]]. It borders [[Askaraban]] to the south and the [[Pacific Ocean]] to the west. The Aldaari city of [[Hasa]] is the birthplace of the national [[Dawra]] religion, and Aldaar's capital and most populous city is the coastal city of [[Mukarras]].

It is unknown exactly how or when people first arrived in Aldaar, but the prevailing belief is that the deserts of Aldaar were originally settled 200,000 years ago by [[Orc |Orcs]] migrating southwards as a result of desertification who managed to make their home in the vast desert; however, a less-supported theory holds that the desert is actually the homeland of the entire Orcish species long lost to the same desertification process, and the people living there were staying behind and gradually learned to adapt over generations. Eventually, Humans would migrate to the Anabat and, due to having generally longer life expectancies and requiring less caloric intake, would become the dominant species in the area around 50,000 years ago. Meanwhile, the first evidence of [[Vulpine#Variants|Aldaari Vulpines]] comes about 36,000 years ago. Due to the harsh desert conditions in the area, as well as a broad mountain range to the south, contact between the Aldaari peoples and external governments was virtually non-existent for most of history, with only sparse trade between the southernmost tribes and the [[Sayyed |Emirate of Sayyed]]. As these tribes often funneled goods throughout the entire desert, this led to the entire Aldaari language of [[Asahri]] having close ties to the Sayqidi languages of Atasiyaqidu and Haqen. However, the Aldaari tribes otherwise developed a unique cultural identity tied strongly to desert life.
It is unknown exactly how or when people first arrived in Aldaar, but the prevailing belief is that the deserts of Aldaar were originally settled 200,000 years ago by [[Orc |Orcs]] migrating southwards as a result of desertification who managed to make their home in the vast desert; however, a less-supported theory holds that the desert is actually the homeland of the entire Orcish species long lost to the same desertification process, and the people living there were staying behind and gradually learned to adapt over generations. Eventually, Humans would migrate to the Anabat and, due to having generally longer life expectancies and requiring less caloric intake, would become the dominant species in the area around 50,000 years ago. Meanwhile, the first evidence of [[Vulpine#Variants|Aldaari Vulpines]] comes about 36,000 years ago. Due to the harsh desert conditions in the area, as well as a broad mountain range to the south, contact between the Aldaari peoples and external governments was virtually non-existent for most of history, with the exception of trade between the southernmost tribes and the [[Sayyed |Emirate of Sayyed]]. As these tribes often funneled goods throughout the entire desert, this led to the entire Aldaari language of [[Asahri]] having close ties to the Sayqidi languages of Atasiyaqidu and Haqen. However, the Aldaari tribes otherwise developed a unique cultural identity tied strongly to desert life.

Around the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Aldaari tribes began to see a massive influx of new population as several countries began sending their criminals and exiles to the Anabat Desert. The majority of these exiles were taken in and reintegrated into desert society by the Aldaari tribes, which each became extremely diverse, and led to technological advancements which would cause some tribes to become at least partially settled starting in the 12th century. In the early 17th century, the Dawran prophet [[Suleiman Abd'ildarra]] would unite the Aldaari tribes into a single nation, which would last until 1844 when disputes over succession caused the country to split into seven separate republics. In the 1920s, foreign multinational corporations would discover vast oil reserves in the desert and begin to supersede local authority, in some cases setting up banana republics and in other cases outright corporatocracies. These were plagued by cultural suppression and popular resistance, and in 2022 a new Dawra prophet [[Yufraan Abd'ildarra]] would lead a [[Aldaari Spring|popular revolution]] in the [[Republic of Mukarras]], and reform the Divine Republic of Aldaar with the intention of once more uniting the desert.
Around the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Aldaari tribes began to see a massive influx of new population as several countries began sending their criminals and exiles to the Anabat Desert. The majority of these exiles were taken in and reintegrated into desert society by the Aldaari tribes, which each became extremely diverse, and led to technological advancements which would cause some tribes to become at least partially settled starting in the 12th century. In the early 17th century, the Dawran prophet [[Suleiman Abd'ildarra]] would unite the Aldaari tribes into a single nation, which would last until 1844 when disputes over succession caused the country to split into seven separate republics. In the 1920s, foreign multinational corporations would discover vast oil reserves in the desert and begin to supersede local authority, in some cases setting up banana republics and in other cases outright corporatocracies. These were plagued by cultural suppression and popular resistance, and in 2022 a new Dawra prophet [[Yufraan Abd'ildarra]] would lead a [[Aldaari Spring|popular revolution]] in the [[Republic of Mukarras]], and reform the Divine Republic of Aldaar with the intention of once more uniting the desert.
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== Etymology ==
== Etymology ==
The modern name ''Aldaar'' was first used to describe the area and corresponding country in the 17th century when Suleiman Abd'ildarra founded the nation. He based the name off of the colloquial term for the area used by its residents, ''Aldaarnu'' (الدارن), which in Asahri simply means "Our Home." Suleiman removed the suffix ''-nu'', meaning "our," because he wanted to establish his nation as a safe haven for all people; not just those who already lived in the desert; "Aldaar" simply meaning "Home." Since then, Aldaar has always been used as the name for the area, even for the approximately two centuries that the nation of Aldaar had ceased to exist. When Yufraan Abd'ildarra refounded the country, they chose to keep the name the same, wanting to reemphasize it as their people's home and a home to anyone who wished to be there, as well as establish a connection between their regime and the historical state.
The modern name ''Aldaar'' was first used to describe the area and corresponding country in the 17th century when Suleiman Abd'ildarra founded the nation. He based the name off of the colloquial term for the area used by its residents, ''Aldaarnu'' (الدارن), which in Asahri simply means "Our Home." Suleiman removed the suffix ''-nu'', meaning "our," because he wanted to establish his nation as a safe haven for all people; not just those who already lived in the desert; "Aldaar" simply meaning "Home." Since then, Aldaar has always been used as the name for the area, even for the approximately two centuries that the nation of Aldaar had ceased to exist. When Yufraan Abd'ildarra founded the second divine republic, they chose to keep the name the same, wanting to reemphasize it as their people's home and a home to anyone who wished to be there, as well as establish a connection between their regime and the historical state.

== History ==
== History ==
{{Main|History of Aldaar}}
{{Main|History of Aldaar}}
===Early History===
The first sapient [[species]] to be present in the Anabat desert were [[Orc|orcs]], with the first concrete signs of habitation being in the lower paleolithic era. Throughout the remainder of the paleolithic era, humans and [[Vulpine|vulpines]] would also settle in the area. Very little is known about the prehistoric period of Aldaari history, and as such, many competing theories have emerged with more or less support from the broader scientific community - including on the location where orcs first evolved, and at what stage in the desertification process sapient species started migrating into the Anabat. However, archaeological progress has been slow, due to the difficulties of obtaining permits of any kind during the majority of the 20th century. As a result, much of the debate has focused on the analysis of what little evidence is available.

Early Aldaari tribes were mostly nomadic, but some would begin to settle around 2,000 BCE, especially in the western and eastern edges, which were more temperate and closer to the ocean and savanna respectively. In addition, various permanent settlements were established around oases, and in the significantly more hospitable areas of the southern mountains. Along with the establishment of permanent settlements came a wave of technological innovations, including writing, currency, aquaculture, agriculture, and a trade economy focused around the production of complex crafts. In addition, as settlements began to develop in Sayyed, trade routes began to form as both raw and finished goods were exchanged. In the eastern regions of the Anabat, some amount of mining became fairly commonplace, and many cities became important hubs for trade between Aldaar, Sayyed, [[Marisha|Marishan]] peoples, and [[Crimpateia]]. Many tribes developed fairly distinct cultures, and would eventually merge into seven major tribes, each with different variations on mainstream Aldaari culture.

In the late 15th and early 16th centuries, global improvements in naval technology made Aldaar accessible to the wider world, and major port cities were built up, heavily strengthening the positions and cultural relevance of the western tribes. In addition, it allowed Aldaari settlements in the west such as [[Mukarras]], [[Sayaduun]], and [[Hasa]] to become large, well-established cities in their own right.
===First Divine Republic===
[[File:Suleiman_Abd'ildarra.jpeg|thumb|230x230px|A modern rendition of Suleiman Abd'ildarra as Mutadiit, painted in 2023.]] In 1610, [[Suleiman Abd'ildarra]] would establish himself as the first [[Mutadiit]] of the newly established [[Dawra|Dawrani]] religion, created when Suleiman went on a spiritual journey and gained the favor of the deity [[Ildarra]] in order to stop a massive conflict that had been brewing between the militaristic eastern tribe of [[Sujabwaal]] and the rest of the Aldaari tribes. After doing this, Suleiman was able to use his high levels of popular support and extreme reverence by the overwhelming majority of the Aldaari population to, for the first time in the region's history, unite all seven tribes into a single nation - the Divine Republic of Aldaar. Under Suleiman, there was a period of massive development in art, culture, architecture, and religion, as Dawra spread across Aldaar and many [[Maktaba|maktabat]] were built. In addition, a strong central government allowed Aldaar to quickly progress in terms of technology and civics, becoming on par with the rest of the world.

In 1671, Suleiman Abd'ildarra died at the age of 77, leaving his chosen successor [[Yufraan Nuur'ildarra]] to inherit the title of Mutadiit. This began the period in Aldaari history known as the [[History of Aldaar#Divinely Guided Period (1671-1844)|Divinely Guided Era]], named as such because of the line of Mutadiits, believed to hold the favor of Ildarra, who worked to carry out Suleiman's vision and safeguard Aldaar. Yufraan Nuur'ildarra was more conservative than Suleiman had been, opting to leave many institutions unchanged from the time of their predecessor. However, they did establish the official system of advisors and the Three Houses, making Aldaar into a more formal republic and allowing laws to originate somewhere besides the Mutadiit, although the Mutadiit's approval was still required. In 1722, Nuur'ildarra was succeeded by [[Karyan Ishq'ildarra]], who embraced the more spiritualistic sects of Dawra and diverted many resources into religious developments. Ishq'ildarra also made it a point of her speakership to widely print and distribute texts of a religious nature, such as the [[Journals of Suleiman]], as well as encouraging printing and literacy as a whole throughout Aldaar.

In 1759, Ishq'ildarra was succeeded by [[Ismaat Alhilm]], who is wildly considered to have heralded the majority of the [[History of Aldaar#Aldaari Golden Age (1746-1806)|Aldaari golden age]] due to his knowledge and conceptual grasp on trade. Under Alhilm, the Aldaari government subsidised craftsmen and encouraged artisan and agricultural manufacture and massively expanded the ports, as well as sending missions to other, more powerful nations to encourage trade and cultural exchange. The massive expansion of the Aldaari economy allowed the government to channel funds into the arts, as well as massively improving the quality of life of average citizens, especially in the cities. The reign of Alhilm is most notably remembered by the [[w:Rococo|Rauuqaqau]] (or Rococo) style of art and architecture that symbolised the general opulence of this period of Aldaari history. In 1804, Alhilm would be succeeded by [[Jadariin Kalim'ildarra]], who adopted a more contemplative and reserved style than Alhilm, and the style of Aldaar closely followed. While Aldaar still had considerable wealth, many of the displays of opulence and riches became less and less common, leading many to consider the Aldaari golden age over. Kalim'ildarra was unsatisfied with Aldaar's lackluster position on the global stage, despite its economic position, and dedicated much of her speakership to build Aldaar's international power through diplomacy and realpolitik. However, her sudden death in 1844 with no person set to assume the position of Mutadiit and much of her work left unfinished caused widespread instability in Aldaar, leaving the nation without a leader for the first time in its history. While many suspected some other person would come forth as Mutadiit, chosen by Ildarra, none did, and eventually the First Divine Republic of Aldaar fractured into seven smaller republics in order for each to maintain control of their own regions.
===Modern Period===
While the Republics continued to have beneficial relationships with each other and engaged in trade, both with each other and the rest of the world, they were largely stagnant - no major developments were made in technology, culture, or civics. For the most part, these republics adopted a form of constitutional democracy based on ideas pioneered in nations such as [[Tretrid]] earlier in the century. In the later part of the 19th century, the discovery of oil in Aldaar made the region somewhat relevant again, but ultimately would have no great long-term impact. Similarly, while the changes to international commerce brought on by the [[Great War]] saw some small changes, there was no immediate long term impact.

In 1920, following the great war, the [[Mirhaime|Federation of Mirhaime]] - looking to regain resources lost in the war and become a regional power in [[Novaris]] - established a blockade of the Republics of [[Republic of Mukarras|Mukarras]] and [[Republic of Sayaduun|Sayaduun]]. After talks with then-president of Mukarras, [[Takuhii Hatem]], Mirhaime assumed full control over the republic. From there, they used it as a staging ground to invade the rest of the region, with only the more militaristic [[Republic of Fawdaa]] being able to hold back the exhausted and overextended Mirhaimian forces. As part of their mandate, Mirhaime established the [[Western Gondwanan Economic Company]], or WEGEC, and allowed them almost complete control over the Protectorate of Aldaar. Immediately, WEGEC proved itself to have an authoritarian streak - blatantly influencing elections, changing laws, and even establishing a militaristic wing, the [[Aldaari Volunteer Guards]], to maintain control. While tactics and impacts varied from republic to republic, WEGEC's goal of fully utilizing any possible resource in Aldaar, at any cost, remained the same.

Despite the [[Mirhaime#The Troubles, and the Coup of Draal|Coup of Draal]] in 1963 bringing significant changes to the political landscape of Mirhaime, which many in both Mirhaime and Aldaar expected would lead to reforms in how WEGEC operated, special interests in the Fefsen government were able to not only kill any reforms but maintain complete control over the protectorate for themselves. They established a legislative black box in Mirhaime's government, nominally overseeing significant reforms to the operations of WEGEC while heavily monitoring and doctoring any information into and out of the Anabat, and siphon off money for themselves. However, revolutionary groups within the Protectorate of Aldaar, especially in the Republic of Mukarras, maintained a sizeable resistance against the regime that, despite numerous setbacks, were able to persist into the 21st century. In 2022, [[Yufraan Abd'ildarra]] would, according to Dawrani teachings, gain the favor of Ildarra and, with massive support from the Mukarrasi people, lead a popular rebellion in the region, pushing WEGEC out of the main populated areas and establishing a competing government. Claiming the title of the Second Divine Republic of Aldaar, Abd'ildarra had the power to prepare the newly reestablished nation for war, gaining support from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast]], as well as [[Alane Kairas|Lewydh Alane Kairas]] in Mirhaime. In March 2023, Protectorate forces and the Second Divine Republic would clash in the [[Battle of Mukarras]], which combined a compelling defeat of the Aldaari Volunteer Guard in Mukarras, a second insurrection staged in the Republic of Sayaduun, and the arrests of many WEGEC conspirators in Ymirodraeth for a compelling victory for Abd'ildarra. On March 20th, 2023, Mirhaime recognized the independence of Aldaar, with [[Talia Jaziri]], newly declared President of Sayaduun, opting for unity with the Second Divine Republic.