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In 1920, following the great war, the [[Mirhaime|Federation of Mirhaime]] - looking to regain resources lost in the war and become a regional power in [[Novaris]] - established a blockade of the Republics of [[Republic of Mukarras|Mukarras]] and [[Republic of Sayaduun|Sayaduun]]. After talks with then-president of Mukarras, [[Takuhii Hatem]], Mirhaime assumed full control over the republic. From there, they used it as a staging ground to invade the rest of the region, with only the more militaristic [[Republic of Fawdaa]] being able to hold back the exhausted and overextended Mirhaimian forces. As part of their mandate, Mirhaime established the [[Western Gondwanan Economic Company]], or WEGEC, and allowed them almost complete control over the Protectorate of Aldaar. Immediately, WEGEC proved itself to have an authoritarian streak - blatantly influencing elections, changing laws, and even establishing a militaristic wing, the [[Aldaari Volunteer Guards]], to maintain control. While tactics and impacts varied from republic to republic, WEGEC's goal of fully utilizing any possible resource in Aldaar, at any cost, remained the same.
Despite the [[Mirhaime#The Troubles, and the Coup of Draal|Coup of Draal]] in 1963 bringing significant changes to the political landscape of Mirhaime, which many in both Mirhaime and Aldaar expected would lead to reforms in how WEGEC operated, special interests in the Fefsen government were able to not only kill any reforms but maintain complete control over the protectorate for themselves. They established a legislative black box in Mirhaime's government, nominally overseeing significant reforms to the operations of WEGEC while heavily monitoring and doctoring any information into and out of the Anabat, and siphon off money for themselves. However, revolutionary groups within the Protectorate of Aldaar, especially in the Republic of Mukarras, maintained a sizeable resistance against the regime that, despite numerous setbacks, were able to persist into the 21st century. In 2022, [[Yufraan Abd'ildarra]] would, according to Dawrani teachings, gain the favor of Ildarra and, with massive support from the Mukarrasi people, lead a popular rebellion in the region, pushing WEGEC out of the main populated areas and establishing a competing government. Claiming the title of the Second Divine Republic of Aldaar, Abd'ildarra had the power to prepare the newly reestablished nation for war, gaining support from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast]], as well as [[Alane Kairas|Lewydh Alane Kairas]] in Mirhaime. In March 2023, Protectorate forces and the Second Divine Republic would clash in the [[Battle of Mukarras]], which combined a compelling defeat of the Aldaari Volunteer Guard in Mukarras, a second insurrection staged in the Republic of Sayaduun, and the arrests of many WEGEC conspirators in Ymirodraeth for a compelling victory for Abd'ildarra. On March 20th, 2023, Mirhaime recognized the independence of Aldaar, with [[Talia Jaziri]], newly declared President of Sayaduun, opting forto unityunify with the Second Divine Republic.