Akuanism: Difference between revisions

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| headerstyle = background:#F0DC82;
| label1 = | label2 = Belief | data2 = [[wikipedia:pantheism|Pantheism]] ; [[wikipedia:animism|Animism]]
| label3 = Deity | data3 = Numerous spirits/DeitiesSpirits
| label4 = Region(s) | data4 = [[Borea]], [[Novaris]], [[Gondwana]], [[Aurora]] and [[Yasteria]]Worldwide
| label5 = | data5 =
| label6 = Founded | data6 = Primordial
| label7 = Origin | data7 = Old Borean Cultural Traditions; Syncretism with other religions and/or cultures
| label8 = Shrines | data8 =
| label9 = Followers | data9 =
| label10 = Denominations | data10 = AkuanismAkuanists
}}'''Akuanism''' is an ethnic-religion and sometimes referred to as a collection of cultures or ethnicities that have roots. It has been some measure of difficulty to classify what is and isn’t Akuanism outside of vague generalities. As beliefs of Akuanism is more of concepts and is heavily interpreted differently by various forms, ethnicities, nationalities, regions and any other manner of differences. Another difficulty of categorizing is the ambivalence centralization nature of it, sometimes being centralized and sometimes being deeply de-centralized nature. Akuanism can be both centralized and decentralized in nature. Overall, there is no overall central authority on Akuanism, and defining concepts of Akuanism itself is heavily argued in Akuan society. Despite the massive difference, such as in [[Nys'tat'en|Nys’tat’en]] form, beliefs, stories and their interpretation, and even the structure of form of worship of Akuanism. As a general rule, Akuanists say all forms of Akuanism is valid except for [[Akuan Socialism]], which mainstream Akuanism states that Akuan Socialism cannot be Akuanism for breaking what is generally accepted as core concepts of Akuanism.
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Akuanism, outside of the [[Akuan Democracy|Akuan Republics]] and [[Novaris]] Akuanism, has no official doctrine and relies heavily on local Brewmasters to inform or tell stories of relation to the faith. Often the stories or folklore are adapted from native folklore or faith in the form of syncretism both culturally and religiously. Always taking the new lore, through Akuan lenses and interpretation. Novaris Akuanism, due to its unique development and history, has a more unified doctrine compared to other regions of the world. Including being the only region where Akuanism is found that has a unified holy text, quasi unified holidays across the region and various other similarities. Meanwhile [[Akuan Democracy|Akuan Republics]] create a uniformed dialogue, mostly shared holiday and traditions, primarily driven by the elected Brewmasters of the faith to create a shared form of Akuanism across the state.
== Beliefs ==
Administrators, verified
