Ailis Brenas Samraidh

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Her Majesty Ailis Brenas Samraidh, styled Alais II of Samraidh, was a Mirhaimian politician and attonery who served as the Lewydh of the Mirhaimian Realm from 1918 till her death in 1945. Though having emerged to office under perilous circumstances with Mirhaime's economic turmoil following the end of the Great War, Samraidh became a central figure in much of Mirhaime's foreign diplomatic events in the early half of the 20th century. As the leader of the Ahmar Ansan Block within the Ansan Coalition, Alais II and her party guided Mirhaime through the period of economic and political troubles, implementing her Rejuvenation domestic agenda in response.

Born into the illustrious clan of Samraidh in Modraeth, Tenkir, she was the eldest child of Mestres Ciaran III to bear the Samraidh name and was thus designated upon birth to be the first successor to title of Matriarch of Clan Samraidh, and helmsperson of the Tenkirian Canton of Abban. Despite this, Ailis was born a sickly child with debilitating asthma, though she overcame her health problems as she grew by embracing a strenuous lifestyle. Having attended Saint MIransah III's House of Education for the duration of her conventional education, Samraidh eventually enrolled into the Ankien Coalition Ytharsilach University as a student of History. Her 1900 book, "The History of the Darseidite Question" established her reputation as a learned historian and popular writer. Her graduation from Ytharsilach with an M.A coincided with the outbreak of the Great War, and thus, Samraidh was chosen to accompany the Mirhaimian Volunteer Forces' as a commissioned officer unofficially serving as an observer for the MRG for the duration of the Forces' existence. Her return home in 1910 coincided with Mirhaime's official entrance into the Great War, wherein soon after the MVF was officially disbanded and its members recalled to Mirhaime. Samraidh re-enlisted yet again and fought along Saint Miransah's Regiment of Modraethian Light Infantry. It wasn't until early 1912 that she was honourably discharged due to a battlefield injury. It was then that she began her involvement in politics in a Mirhaime focused on war. With her reputation as a war hero and soon-to-be Matriarch of a illustrious clan, Samraidh ran for the office of Helmsperson of Tenkir in 1915 and was elected for the 1912-1917 term - having won a landslide victory based on a platform of victory, peace, and prosperity.

Samraidh ascended to the office of Lewydh of the Mirhaimian Realm in the 1918 election at the age of 34 wherein she, having been a frontline veteran herself, gained widespread popularity with wave of soldiers returning home frim the war. As part of her campaign, Samraidh advocated for a unifying front between and successfully appealed to a war-torn populace against a retreat into isolationism. As the leader of the newly-formed progressive Ahmar Ansan Block, she championed her "Rejuvenation" domestic policies. It strongly advocated for fairness for all citizens, breaking of bad trusts, regulation of railroads, and pure food and drugs. Samraidh also prioritized conservation and established national parks, forests, and monuments to preserve the nation's natural resources. In foreign policy, she pioneered the rapid extension of Mirhaimian reach abroad, in particular in Afragola and in Western Gondwana where she, along with the Sayqidi Emira Soraya, formally began diplomatic relations between the two countries.