2023 Askarabani invasion of Sayyed

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On June 13, 2023, Askaraban attacked the Askarabani-Sayqidi border with chemical weapons, causing the deaths of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

International reactions

After the event, various countries issued statements in response to the attacks.

 Tavaris: Prime Minister Žarís Nevran Alandar condemned the attacks, saying "The Kingdom of Tavaris condemns in the strongest possible terms the blatantly illegal and deeply horrifying deployment of chemical weapons of mass destruction, in any context whatsoever, but especially in areas with civilians. This egregious violation of international norms by Asakaraban is beyond the pale and unacceptable." Nevran Alandar convened an emergency meeting of the National Security Council and pledged to continue regular meetings regarding the situation as it developed. The chairperson of the Diet Committee on National Security, Delegate Vandra Oren Ecendõl (also the deputy chief whip for the governing Irínavi Voi! party) announced plans to hold "preliminary discussions regarding potential military asset deployment in the region," but Prime Minister Nevran Alandar has stated that military action is "not under current consideration."