2020 Puntalian Crisis: Difference between revisions

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It began in the morning of 21 June 2020. At 07:20, a small taskforce of Puntalian and Rodenian forces marched the capital of San Agustín, capturing President Juarez who was at the front of an alleged communist conspiracy. At 08:00 the [[Rodenia|Rodenian]] 23rd tank battalion and the 4th and 11th Infantry brigade marched across the border into Puntalia and established checkpoints with Puntalian forces. Riots in San Agustín began.
The [[NSTO]] and [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances|UCA]] established a no-fly zone over Puntalia, and alongside the [[Urthian Worker's Internationale|UWI]] and the [[League of Novaris|LN]] condemned the Rodenian intervention. The UCA sent [[Kirk Santon|Supreme Archon Santon]] an ultimatum to withdraw from Puntalia and establish [[Wikipedia:
Status quo ante bellum|status quo ante bellum]], which was ignored, and subsequently mobilised a fleet to blockade and later invade Rodenia. The [[Great Morstaybishlia|MBE]]’s Prime Minister [[Franklin Barvata]] called on a ceasefire and condemned the UCA-NSTO’s actions as ‘warmongery’. The [[North Ethalrian Confederacy]] and [[Packilvania]] sent thousands of troops into Rodenia and Packilvania sent its own fleet to support Rodenia.