Zu'la'fylf: Difference between revisions

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'''Zu'la'fylf''' (''Narrow Road of False Hope''), also known as the '''Path of No Return''', is a footpath that trails along the border of [[Nystatiszna]] and [[Kæra'zna]], acting as the only proper land crossing between the two nations. As of 1919, the path has been heavily guarded by the Kæra Collective Security Forces as part of the nation's '''closed-door policy'''. While paths in the area much predate the 19th Century, Zu'la'fylf was founded formally as '''Da'fylf''', translating to the Path of Good Faith, in November 1834. The Path was an agreement between the Kæra Kingdom and the Zrei'ruat Borean Trading Company. The name was set to become ironic, however, as it was destroyed with rudimentary explosives in 1853 during the Nylic Revolution, seeing land trade between Kæra'zna and the rest of Borea return to becoming of greater difficulty. This issue was not solved until stability was regained in the latter half of the decade, seeing the path rebuilt to be reopened in 1858. After a decade of use for trade and travel, the path saw itself in contention with the Kæra Government, beginning the earliest implementation of security placed upon it, though restrictions laxed in 1877.
The path saw expansion and improvement during the dawn of the 20th Century, establishing it at a symbol, first of friendship, then of subservience, between [[Kæra'zna]] and [[Zreiru'a]] following the former becoming a vassal. This led to the path's modern name, one born of resentment for the situation between the two states which only heightened as the path was used by Imperial Troops during the Invasion of [[Kæra'zna]] during the Great War, seeing the path closed for good by the post-war government. In modern day, it is mainly known as not only a historical site, but as a place associated with suicide, as an alarming number of Nystatinne cross past the signposted and fenced off path in order to commit assisted suicide via means of being in the firing line of Kæra Collective Security Forces, giving the path it's much darker Codexian name. Those who do commit suicide in this manner are almost all Nekomimi, owing to the brutal working conditions placed upon the species by [[Nystatiszna]], as well as a desire to escape capture by the [[Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau]] (NIB), believing death to be preferable.
== Geography & Fauna ==
The footpath is deep with in a sprawling tundra plain which is often has frequent snow storms.
The only animal that habits the area around footpath is the polar bear, which has adapted to eating the nekomimi corpses that litter through out the area. It's common to see the animal to hunt along the footpath as they have adapted to the sapient travel along the path.
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