Ziaraat: Difference between revisions

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The earliest archaeological artifacts found in Ziaraat confirm a human presence in Ziaraat sincefor 200,000atleast 1.5 million BCyears. Ziaraat's artifacts have been found mainly in the Shomaw and Makar zones, mainly at sites such as Warwasi and Tafyeh. FromDuring thethis 10th to the seventh millennium BCperiod, earlyhumans agriculturalled communitiesa were founded and began flourish in and around the Makarhunter-gatherer zoneexistence.
TheFrom firstthe evidence10th ofto groupedthe hamletsseventh inmillennium ZiaraatBC, early agricultural communities were foundfounded and began flourish in and around the Makar zone. and,The asfirst determinedevidence byof radiocarbongrouped dating,hamlets rangesin fromZiaraat 4395–3955were tofound 3680-3490in the BCMakar zone. There are dozens of prehistoric sites across the Makar and Shomaw zones, which points to the existence of ancient cultures and urban settlements in and before the fourth millennium BC. FromAfter 3200significant BCagricultural todevelopment 1200 BC,between the territory5th ofand present-day4th Ziaraatmillennia was home to several other civilizations such as MalmBC, Riroar,metallurgy andwas Zazenddeveloped. ZazendInitially, whichit wasworked theon mostcopper prominentand of these civilizations, developed in the southbronze and continuedlater itsincluded existence until the emergence of the Kingdom of Ziaraat. The advent of writing in Zazend beganiron and was developed since the third millennium BCgold.
From 3200 BC to 1200 BC, the territory of present-day Ziaraat was home to several other civilizations such as Malm, Riroar, and Zazend. Zazend, which was the most prominent of these civilizations, developed in the south and continued its existence until the emergence of the Kingdom of Ziaraat. The advent of writing in Zazend began and was developed since the third millennium BC.
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