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The symbol of Yuserism ()
DenominationsNeo-Yuserism (Contemporary)

General Yuserism (Middle)

Classical Yuserism (Strict)

Yuserism is a religion with a considerable following around the globe. Holy texts indicate that this would be a very old fate, hailing from the Ancient Age.


The widely accepted belief amongst Yuserists is that a prophet preaching the Truth (religious texts) comes down to Urth every 5000 years.


Yuserists believe in many deities, though it is known that some smaller ones have been forgotten over time.

The Infinite Loop

The Infinite Loop is considered to be more of a concept than a god. It demonstrates the cyclical tendancies of life, death and everything. The beleif is that they must accept their return into the nature once they die, as does our planet and the universe once they face the same fate. Infinity is what created the Universe and the Gods and, according to Yuserists, it will also be what brings an end to it all, restarting the cycle.

The Legend of the Great Turtles

While only beieved by the most fervent Yuserists, the original theory for the creation of Urth comsisted of turtles rising out of the sea and forming the land. Nowadays, most who practice the faith believe in the scientific explanation.

The Seven Ancients

Grandalfa, God of Wisdom

Mortgentum, God of Life

Todd the Loud, God of Death

Kodio, God of Kindness

Dylannius, God of Greed

Pagarael, God of Fate

Lerasi, God of Manipulation

The Council of Seven

Sowel, God of the Mind

"Sowel was originally a human whose family ruled over a significant kingdom. When he was 3, the kingdom was invaded and he was taken as hostage by the conquering kingdom. He was emasculated, raised as servant and forgot about his past. When he was 16, he was told the truth and started to look for answers asking people and searching through archives secretly. He was caught and had to explain himself to the queen: she forgave him but he figured he was not in the right place, serving for the ones that invaded his fatherland and killed his family. He went through several lands after that, searching for his place and always looking for answers to his spiritual questions. During his voyages, he met a royal comittee whose king wanted to talk with him, seeing his strange clothes. They mutually shared knowledge and the king was impressed, so he accepted him and asigned him the duty to preserve knowledge by being his first administrator of the royal library. Sowel looked everywhere for stories, legends, religions, history and all the things lost in the depths of time. The work of his life resulted in the creation of the biggest library the world had ever seen, to which people from all around the known and unknown world came to share knowledge and to learn. But Sowel still felt alone, among books, but alone. He progressively fell into sadness, and decided to resign from the library and travel again. He didn't come back this time: he instead found a better life in the mountains, where some people say he can be still seen sometimes. Some also say he found a partner with whom he could share his knowledge and live peacefully away from all the busy life in the kingdom. In the end, peace was all he was searching for. He has since been become the god of the mind and preservation, his true and destined purpose. His legacy is still visible to this day, as many of the myths and legends were preserved by his work that has inspired generations."[1]

Evidence shows that the legendary library might've existed but it was most likely destroyed in an earthquake.

Nyalix, Goddess of Day

Ronar, God of Night

Kuno, Goddess of Fortune & Luck

Zöök, God of Mayhem & Theives

Pavaa, Goddess of Peace

Thret, God of War

The Seven New Gods

Rutile, God of Science & Technology

Yustinian, God of Dreams

Vultanius, God of Sorrow

Helgraf, God of Fire & Lightning

Kamudar, God of the Seas

Vauri, God of Wanderers

Artali, God of Justice

The Demigods

Fructuseius, Demigod of Agriculture

Toturus, Demigod of the Winds

The Fallen Ones

Myths & Legends


  1. The Truth Ch. 5, Part D