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| title = Yuserism
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| label3 = Deity | data3 = Many
| label4 = Region(s) | data4 = Worldwide
| label5 = Founder | data5 = UnknownThe Infinite Loop
| label6 = Founded | data6 = WIPUnknown (Ancient)
| label7 = Origin | data7 = WIP
| label8 = Parson of Matilda | data8 =
| label9 = Churches | data9 = WIP
| label10 = Followers | data10 = WIP
| label11 = Denominations | data11 = Neo-Yuserism (Contemporary)
General Yuserism (MiddleMixed)
Classical Yuserism (StrictTraditional)
'''Yuserism''' is a religion with a considerable following around the globe. HolyRecovered texts indicateand thatinscriptions thisindicte wouldthat beit ais verymost oldlikely fate,the hailingoldest fromreligion thestill Ancientpresent Agetoday.
Amongst Yuserists, it is believed that a prophet is born on Urth every 5000 years to preach what is called "The Truth". Other religions are generally accepted within these spheres, as the belief is that their deities are simply misconceptions of Yuserist ones.
The widely accepted belief amongst Yuserists is that a prophet preaching the Truth (religious texts) comes down to Urth every 5000 years.
Yuserists believe in many deities, though itsome isare knownmore thatrevered somethan smallerothers onesor havemore localised. Myths and legends having mostly been forgottentransmitted orally, which has lead to some information being lost over time.
Though some Yuserists dispute this, ancient illustrations carved into stones indicate that all gods have both an animal form and a human form. The latter is also debated, as other carvings demonstate that the gods can turn into any species to fit in with the populus during their visits on Urth.
=== The Infinite Loop ===
The Infinite Loop is considerednot toa begod morein ofthe apractical conceptsense thanand ais godmore conceptual. It demonstrates the cyclical tendancies of life, death and everything. TheAccording beleifto isYuserists, that theyone must accept their return into the nature once they die, as does our planet and the universe once they face the same fate. Infinity is what created the Universe and the Gods and, according to Yuserists, it will also be what brings an end to it all, restarting the cycle.<ref>The Truth. Ch. 1, Part 1.</ref>
=== The Legend of the Great Turtles ===
While only beievedbelieved by the most fervent Yuserists, the originallegend theory forof the creation ofinvolved the two Great Turtles, Alavara and Aliviri, joining together to form Urth. comsistedOver ofthe turtlesmillenia, risingcreatures outstarted ofbuilding the sealanscapes and formingnature until the land.<ref>TheTurtles Truth.were Ch. 3,no Partlonger 2visible.</ref> Nowadays, most who practice the faith believe in scientific explanations for the scientificformation of explanationplanets.
=== The Seven Ancients ===
The Ancients were the first gods, "created" (some use the term "caused") by The Infinite Loop. They are also known as the Felines, since their true appearence is of creatures in the ''Felidae'' family.
==== Grandalfa, God of Wisdom ====
"The fool thinks they know everything when they are alone, they only discover their own ignorance when questioned by wiser folk. As such the most lonly man is often the most ignorant man" - Grandalfa, during the long debate.
Clothed by old graying clothes, and looking as an frail old bearded man, it would be near impossible to such a person to be a god. In fact Grandalfa have walked among the mortals of Urth since the existence of mankind unnoticed. Among the most wisest mortals his existence is noticed and respected, but for though who is held back by blissful ignorance he would not even be remembered. Though Grandalfa prefers that, as he can then walk among them will little issue. With his continued look out for knowledge, as such he studies both the wise and ignorant. While rarely use his power, according to ancient texts his power was shown to be avaible to control the very knowledge of mortal men.
==== Mortgentum, God of Life ====
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And so he wandered with a new purpose, ever promising, ever manipulating, ever gaining power. And so, even as a mortal, he earned respect and power. His influence grew, and soon, he was in control. Using his web of powerful servants, he found where the Dreamweaver's cult hid, and he travelled to it, manipulating the people he came across until he had an army of followers, gorging on the promises and lies of this expert deceiver. And so the disgraced god of power arrived at the Dreamweaver's lair, reclaiming his spear and thus his divinity.
With his power returning to him, Lerasi pointed his spear at the hideout, blasting a large crater in the ground, destroying the lair of evil, and rewarding his followers with the land. They would soon develop city states, squabbling nations that fought for power through war and manipulation. Just the way Lerasi would intend it. '''»'''<ref>Ancient written accounts from oral tradition of the Lerasi Shrinetenders</ref>
Frontierwood Crater, located in the wilderness of northwestern [[Aivintis]], is believed to be the one created by Lerasi. Scientists have stated that the crater is quite abnormal but was most probably caused by a very large meteorite impacting the Urth. Most research has been carried out through satelite imagery due to the remoteness of the location.
=== The Council of Seven ===
The Council are all children or descendents of The Ancients, though their lineage is unclear. The Avians is their alternate name, being that their true forms are of various birds of prey.
==== Sowel, God of the Mind ====
'''«''' Sowel was originally a human whose family ruled over a significant kingdom. When he was 3, the kingdom was invaded and he was taken as hostage by the conquering kingdom. He was emasculated, raised as servant and forgot about his past. When he was 16, he was told the truth and started to look for answers asking people and searching through archives secretly. He was caught and had to explain himself to the queen: she forgave him but he figured he was not in the right place, serving for the ones that invaded his fatherland and killed his family. He went through several lands after that, searching for his place and always looking for answers to his spiritual questions. During his voyages, he met a royal comittee whose king wanted to talk with him, seeing his strange clothes. That king was [[Yuserism#Lerasi, God of Manipulation|Lerasi]], the Yuserist God of Manipulation. They mutually shared knowledge and the king was impressed, so he accepted him and asigned him the duty to preserve knowledge by being his first administrator of the royal library. Sowel looked everywhere for stories, legends, religions, history and all the things lost in the depths of time. The work of his life resulted in the creation of the biggest library the world had ever seen, to which people from all around the known and unknown world came to share knowledge and to learn. But Sowel still felt alone, among books, but alone. He progressively fell into sadness, and decided to resign from the library and travel again. He didn't come back this time: he instead found a better life in the mountains, where some people say he can be still seen sometimes. Some also say he found a partner with whom he could share his knowledge and live peacefully away from all the busy life in the kingdom. In the end, peace was all he was searching for. He has since been become the god of the mind and preservation, his true and destined purpose. His legacy is still visible to this day, as many of the myths and legends were preserved by his work that has inspired generations. '''»'''<ref>The Truth. Ch. 5, Part 2.</ref>
Evidence shows that the legendary library might've existed but it was most likely destroyed in an earthquake.
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==== Thret, God of War ====
=== The Seven New Gods ===
The New Gods are all children or descendents of The Ancients and The Council. Their Reptilian appearance has gotten them the fitting nickname.
==== Rutile, God of Science & Technology ====
==== Yustinian, God of Dreams ====
'''«''' In the ancient days, when man was new, they did not have access to the infinite tumults within their collective minds. During this long first day while man still thought their thought lacked perspective. This was until the first night when the first men slept. With their first dreamings man was scared, for their dreams looked directly into the Infinite Loop leaving humanities young minds burned by their visions. This unconscious cry by humanity for relief from their own sight formed something out of the Loop. It started as a great mist obscuring the truths of the cosmos behind its mass. Over time as the minds of man grew in power and strength and concepts the mist began to form into more distinct shapes and as the gods gained prominence the mist formed itself into a god of its own, Yustinian the Dreamweaver. On his great loom where he uses the minds of humanity to weave the cloth of the Infinite Loop into the tapestries of dreams the god wishes to inform humanity of the truths of existence which he is privy to directly. With this the god sees the formation of full and complex kingdoms to further obscure the truth in the minds of humanity. With this the god began to give those humans that he saw as being the closest to being able to see this truth based on those dreams he wove for them teaching them how to spread the knowledge of this to others through his sacred vapors created through the sacred mixture then immolation of many potent plants giving them the sight to see past the woven mist that he created and strengthening them so their minds would not be harmed by doing so. '''»'''<ref>The Truth. Ch. 26, Part 3.</ref>
==== Vultanius, God of Sorrow ====
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=== The Demigods ===
The Demigods are children of gods and mortals. Demigods are themselves mortals and usually have a permanent Homesian appearance.
==== Fructuseius, Protector of the Harvest ====
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==== Dyrcarus, Protector of the Miners ====
Dycarus, Son of Dylannius and Marrium, the wife of Kippander the Brutal, a Dwarven Sorceror who gained wealth through forcing those who have wronged him to work one of the first mines. Attracted by her wealth, Dylannius had a child with Marrium. When Kippander found out, he sent Marrium and her child to work in the mine, using magical chains to bind them for their lives. One day, a young Dycarus swung his pickaxe, but he missed the rock and struck his chains, which disintegrated due to his divine powers. He gathered the freed miners and guided them through the dark of the cave, with his pickaxe glowing gold to guide the way.
When the free men walked out into the sunlight, Dycarus led them in a battle against Kippander, striking the sorceror down with his pickaxe. While the older interpretation states he then gave Kippander's wealth as an offering to Dylannius, the more popular modern interpretation is he shared the wealth among his men, rejecting his father. This interpretation made him popular amongst the peasentry, with him worshipped as a breaker of chains and enemy of tyrants.
==== Deoch Làidir, Protector of the I'''nebriated''' ====
=== The Fallen Ones ===
The Fallen Ones (or simply "The Fallen") are a group of gods that have been ostracized or banished from the pantheon for their actions. Though rare, some small communities and cults still revere these fallen gods.
==== Moon, Destroyer of Worlds ====
Moon was once the God of Creation, an ancient god, before he created The Singularity Equation that led to him being cast out and called the Destroyer of Worlds.
His original name is unknown but by his choice he selected the name Moon because he enjoyed the beauty of it at night and chose to represent himself as the Black Jaguar that he seen in the moonlight during his twilight time after being cast out.
Moon is the most powerful of The Fallen Ones and many gods that cross his path still tremble in fear as it is not known how much power he retains. The fear comes from the creation of The Singularity that brings all things to chaos or an end but also a beginning.
During his creation times he pondered to himself how he could manipulate The Infinite Loop by adding what he called The Singularity Equation into the fabric of The Infinite Loop itself enhancing the rebirth cycle by adding unnecessary chaos, destruction but eventually rebirth. He used his unrestricted power to secretly put the equation into the creation of all things that would unlock itself at unknown times that would fundamentally change The Infinite Loop.
The first indication something was wrong with The Infinite Loop was a gravitational singularity that formed in a galaxy that destroyed countless worlds and life. The ancient gods did not notice the changes in the fabric of the loop but clearly seen the increase of death and chaos spreading across everything.
It finally was discovered something in the fabric of The Infinite Loop was changed in the form of a technological singularity and all following related terms across space, time and civilizations that always came to discover fragments of a equation that was unsolvable and near impossible to prevent or escape from to the mortality of mortal life.
The ancient gods searched for Moon across the vast fabric of space and time when it could only have been his power, as the other ancient gods could not prevent its spread, that created such a destructive force that was becoming part of nature as more time went by.
As the search for Moon spanned millions of years the gods devised a plan to silence several civilizations that prayed to him to lure him out from wherever or whenever he might have been.
Moon was very connected to the civilizations that primarily prayed to him and due to his monitoring The Singularity Equation ripple effect he could sense the untimely end of these civilizations.
Upon exiting where he was on the plain of everything and nothing he was confronted by his fellow ancient gods about that “singularity” was and how it was placed in the fabric of everything.
Moon naturally responded with his desires enhance The Infinite Loop and saw no need to openly get permission as the God of Creation it was his duty to create anything. From life to death it was his purpose to be the creation of it in one way or another and the original Infinite Loop prevented this. All the ancient gods disagreed with any fundamental changes to The Infinite Loop without permission and ended up in a massive battle across space and time to subdue Moon that took all the ancient gods powers to do so in order to cast him out from the god realm.
After Moon was cast out he was labeled the Destroyer of Worlds and is the original of The Fallen Ones. While
====Raal, the Traitor====
Once, Raal was one of the greatest gods, and was perhaps the most powerful one. It is said that he could even manipulate the very fabric of the Infinite Loop. However, Raal was greedy for power, and plotted to strip his fellow gods of it, so he could rule by himself. Eventually, he made war against the other gods in an attempt to bring his plans to fruition. However, after a devastating battle, Raal was defeated, stripped of his powers, and was cast into the abyss. Now Raal is reviled as a traitor and as an evil being.
It is said that, before the very end, Raal will rise once again, and once again be defeated by the other gods.
Treachery is believed to be caused by Raal's hatred seeping into the minds of people, inciting them to betray others, to rebel, and to commit treason.
= Myths & Legends =
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= References =
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[[Category: Turtlemisc]]
Moderators, verified
