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The Wahdist League (WL; Dabiristani: الدوري الوحدوي) is a major political party in Dabiristan and one of twothree major parties in Dabiristani politics, along with the [[Combatant Clergy League]] and [[Wahdist Republicans]]. The partyIt is the current ruling party of Dabiristan following its victory in the 2022 National Elections. It is the oldest continuous political party in Dabiristan, being established on 20 March 1976.
The Wahdist League, as a political party, was not a legal party until the successful Wahdist Revolution which overthrew the [[Sadeghid Qawahtanate]]. It proceeded to win the [[First Dabiristani National Elections]] and established itself as one of the primary political parties of Dabiristan. It competes with the Wahdist Republicans and [[Combatant Clergy League]]. Winning the three most recent elections, the Wahdist League has seen an increase in votes since the [[2018 National Elections]].
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Azageh would declare that a premature national election would have to be held as the current government had been incapacitated. Then Minister of Agriculture, Mir-Jafar Kashafli, would be elected as Chairman of the Wahdist League. The Wahdist League would again win the National Elections and Kashafli would form his cabinet soon after. Kashafli would go on to hold the position of President for one full term. Unexpectedly, Kashafli announced he would not be running for a second term in office and declared he would retire from politics the day after his presidency ended. He cited "personal reasons" for his reason of resignation.
Following Kashafli's announcement of retirement, the Wahdist League would promptly elect then Minister of Energy, Majed Al-Basim, to become Chairman of the Wahdist League. Al-Basim was considered too "liberal" by somemany members and supporters of the Wahdist League. and thisThis saw a massive loss of support for the Wahdist League. This would also result in a new political party forming after splitting ofoff from the Wahdist League. It knownnamed asitself the [[Combatant Clergy League]] dueand campaigned on the basis of "staying true to Al-Basim'sthe spirit of the Wahdist ChairmanshipRevolution". Led by former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Erda Rasheed, the Combatant Clergy League would begin their rise in Dabiristani politics. Regardless ofDespite the split and loss in support, the Wahdist League would win the 1990 National Elections.
Al-Basim's presidency is considered to be extremely controversial. He is seen as the reason for the Wahdist League losing in the 1994 and 1998 National Elections. His presidency is marked with failed attempts to privatise the energy industry and attempts to reform the military. In 1993, a scandal involving the assassination of far-left politician, Bozorg Tahabadi, resulted in many blaming Al-Basim's government for corruption and dictatorial rule. Al-Basim announced he would be resigning from politics after his presidential term ended in similar fashion to his predecessor. He also cited "personal reasons" for his reason of resignation.
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! |Seats
! |±
! |StatusResult
! |1984
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! |2006
| Abdallah Al-Hujatullah
| Hassan Inollahi
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! |2010
| Abdallah Al-Hujatullah
| Hassan Inollahi
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| {{yes2|Victory}}
