Volkian Federal Police: Difference between revisions

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| motto = {{nowrap|"Protecting our Communities"}}
| mottotranslated =
| formed = {{Start date and age|19731930|6|26}}
| preceding1preceding2 = {{nowrap|Federal InvestigationProtection Service}}
| preceding2 = Federal Protection Service
| preceding3 = Federal Transport Police
| preceding4 =
| dissolved =
| superseding =
| employees = 8754,157023 (August 2020)
| budget = $65.4186 billion (2021)
| country = Volkia
| federal = yes
Line 53 ⟶ 52:
| hqlocmappoptitle =
| sworntype = {{nowrap|Sworn member}}
| sworn = 7042,726768 (Aug 2020)
| unsworntype = Civilians
| unsworn = 1611,431256 (Aug 2020)
| multinational =
| chief1name = Fyodor Kondakov
| chief1position = Commissioner
| chief2name = Matvei Arshavin
| chief2position = <br>Assistant Commissioner
| parentagency = {{nowrap|[[Ministry of Internal Affairs (Volkia)|Ministry of Internal Affairs]]}}
| child1agency =
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The '''Volkian Federal Police (VFP)''' ([[Volkian language|Volkian]]: Волкскийская федеральная полиция (ВФП), tr. ''Volkskiyskaya federal'naya politsiya)'' is the national and principal law enforcement agency of the [[Federal government of Volkia|Volkian Federal Government]], being subordinate to the [[Ministry of Internal Affairs (Volkia)|Ministry of Internal Affairs]]. As of February 2019 the commissioner of the Volkian Federal Police is Fyodor Kondakov, the former Chief of the Volkgoroda Metropolitan Police Department.
The VFP has a wide variety of duties. The agency is primarily responsible for preventing, investigating, and disrupting {{wp|transnational crime|international}}, serious, complex, and {{wp|organized crime|organized crime}} including terrorism, violent extremism, cybercrime, drug smuggling, and sapient being trafficking. It is also responsible for railroad and aviation security, protection of federal witnesses, and protection of certain federal institutions. It also has the capacity to provide various specialty units to local and provincial law enforcement within Volkia. While the agency has nationwide jurisdiction and has the ability to provide it, the VFP is not currently responsible for community policing, asin thatany fallsprovince underdue to the responsibility offalling to local and provincial law enforcement agencies. The VFP has a responsibility for community policing in nonprovincial territories of Volkia, however since there are none the agency does not actively perform this duty.
The VFP works closely with Volkia's national security agency and its federal investigative agency, the Federal Security Intelligence Organization and the Federal Criminal Investigations Agency.
== History ==
The idea of a federal police force has its origins in the aftermath of the [[Volkian Civil War]], which ended in 1926. [[President of Volkia|President]] [[Stefan Gurkovsky]] had attempted to have the National Security Act of 1925 renewed for a third time to continue targeting monarchist aligned groups, but this was defeated in the [[National Assembly of Volkia|National Assembly]] over renewed concerns of using the military for what many in Volkian politics now saw as a policing issue.
In response, Gurkovsky floated the idea of a paramilitary force that could be used to respond to internal threats in order to bypass the need to deploy the [[Volkian Defense Forces|Defense Forces]]. The National Assembly remained skeptical, but thought the idea of a national police force had some merit. By now, most of Volkia's provinces and municipalities had organized their own police forces in order to perform community policing and investigate crimes. There were several agencies responsible for policing duties at the federal level, notablyincluding the Federal InvestigationProtection Service (FISFPS), whichand wasthe responsibleFederal forTransport investigatingPolice federal crimes(FTP). TheseFederal investigations wouldwere thenusually behandled referred toby the Ministryvarious ofinvestigative Justiceunits forwithin the country's prosecutionministries.
The Volkian Federal Police Act of 1930 successfully passed in the National Assembly and was signed into law by Gurkovsky; the act combined the FPS and the FPT into a single agency and also provided more extensive policing roles to the newly founded federal police force. The VFP began providing community policing to four of Volkia's northernmost provinces, including in [[Uzlovaya Oblast]], {{Wp|bodyguard|close protection}} to high ranking federal officials, and as transit police in the nation's major railway stations and at ports. The federal police force proved popular with Volkian citizens and other law enforcement agencies in Volkia and its responsibilities grew.
The main precursor to the VFP, the FIS worked effectively until the 1960s when its leaders were hand selected by then president [[Matvei Lukyanov]]. Lukyanov used the FIS outside the scope of its original duties, infiltrating Volkia's opposition parties and targeting political enemies of Lukyanov. Following his ouster from power, the FIS was targeted for replacement by the incoming administration of [[Alexander Polivanov]] and the newly founded [[Social Democratic Union]]. With support across several political parties, the FIS was disbanded and replaced by the VFP via the Volkian Federal Police Act of 1973.
By 1950 the agency had absorbed the Volkian Aerodrome Police, the Volkian Judicial Police Service, and the National Assembly Police Force. The agency was was tasked with providing protection to airports, federal buildings, and federal witnesses. The VFP's Community Policing Division ceased operations in 1959 following the creation of the Uzlovaya Oblast Police, who took over responsibility to police the province. The VFP added an elite police tactical team, the [[Special Intervention Unit]], intended for hostage rescue and counterterrorism in 1978.
The VFP absorbed several other agencies when it was created in 1973 including the Federal Protection Service and the Federal Transport Police, charging it with the duties of a protective force, transportation police, fighting drug smuggling, and especially with fighting public corruption. Public corruption in particular was a volatile topic for Volkians in the aftermath of the Lukyanov administration, and in February 1974 the VFP took its first steps in combating it. Lukyanov was arrested by officers of the VFP for crimes allegedly committed by Lukyanov during his tenure as president, setting the stage for the VFP and its relationship with the country's executive office.
During the administration of [[Matvei Lukyanov]], the Skopa Special Police Unit (Skopa) was formed by presidential decree which took over certain duties from the VFP in what analysts at the time called a "significant declawing of fair policing." Skopa units quickly began gaining notoriety for their use of illegal activities against Volkian citizens including {{Wp|racketeering}}, {{Wp|terrorism}}, {{Wp|physical violence}}, {{Wp|torture}}, and {{Wp|voter intimidation}}. A notable incident between Skopa and the VFP officers took place in Korkino on October 28, 1970, where three on-duty VFP officers opened fire on four Skopa agents who were [[Valentin Botvinnik|beating an elderly citizen for wearing a campaign button]] of an anti-Lukyanov politician in the 1970 general election. The incident sparked riots in Korkino and was a catalyst in the removal of Lukyanov from the presidency.
The agency continues to fight public corruption across Volkia, and has arrested public officials ranging from mayors to sitting [[Federal Council (Volkia)|Federal Councilors]]. The VFP would go on to expand its powers and absorb several other agencies, expanding their roles and functions in Volkian society.
Mikhail Yurevich succeeded Lukyanov as president following [[Impeachment of Matvei Lukyanov|Lukyanov's impeachment in 1971]], and signed into law the Reforming Volkian Federal Law Enforcement Act, which disbanded Skopa units nationwide and returned all roles to the VFP. The agency's roles expanded to now include combatting public corruption, drug smuggling, money laundering, and sapient being trafficking. An investigation into Lukyanov and other high level members of his administration, including those still in their roles after his removal, had begun in secret on the orders of the newly created Federal Criminal Investigations Agency (FCIA).
The VFP took its first steps in combating public corruption after Yurevich was succeeded by [[Social Democratic Union|Social Democratic]] president [[Alexander Polivanov]], arresting many former Skopa members, high ranking members of Lukyanov's administration, and Lukyanov. himself after the FCIA announced criminal charges against nearly 250 individuals for crimes committed during Lukyanov's time in power.
The VFP absorbed several other agencies when it was created in 1973 including the Federal Protection Service and the Federal Transport Police, charging it with the duties of a protective force, transportation police, fighting drug smuggling, and especially with fighting public corruption. Public corruption in particular was a volatile topic for Volkians in the aftermath of the Lukyanov administration, and in February 1974 the VFP took its first steps in combating it. Lukyanov was arrested by officers of the VFP for crimes allegedly committed by Lukyanov during his tenure as president, setting the stage for the VFP and its relationship with the country's executive office.
The agency continues to fight public corruption across Volkia, and has arrested public officials ranging from mayors to sitting [[Federal Council (Volkia)|Federal Councilors]]. The VFP would go on to expand its powers and absorb several other agencies, expanding their role and functions in Volkian society. Today the VFP is a multi-faceted agency with numerous responsibilities and works closely with local law enforcement when necessary as well as with international law enforcement partners.
== Missions ==
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* Combating international, serious, complex, and organized crime including terrorism, drug smuggling, money laundering, sapient being trafficking, as well as cybercrime.
* Providing the federal government's mobile response force for internal security events ([[Rapid Intervention Unit]]).
* Providing counter-terrorism forces ([[Special Intervention Unit]]).
* Providing transportation security at major Volkian airports and on Volkian railways.
