Volkia: Difference between revisions

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|January 1||New Year's Day <br> (День нового года)||Celebrates the beginning of the {{wp|Gregorian calendar}} year. Festivities typically begin the previous evening and include fireworks displays, counting down to midnight, and parties.
|LastMarch Monday in March20||Spring Festival <br> (Весенний фестиваль)||Commemorates the Spring Equinox and the beginning of spring, an important holiday for [[Lunarism|Lunarists]] and non-Lunarists alike. Modern celebrations include neighborhood parties, barbecues, dancing, and crowning the Queen of Spring.
|April 17||Federation Day <br>(День Федерации)||Celebrates the ratification of the [[Constitution of Volkia]]. A majority of provinces ratified the document on April 17, 1888, though it would not go into effect until August 6, 1888. Fireworks celebrations are held throughout the nation and other festivities include barbecues and parades.
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|Last Monday in August||Labor Day <br> (День труда)||Honors and celebrates the Volkian labor movement and workers. The date coincides with the 1947 general strike that crippled production nationwide and ultimately led to significant rights for workers.
|OctoberSeptember 922||Autumn Festival <br>(Осенний фестиваль)||Celebrates the autumnbeginning harvestof autumn in Volkia, and is one of the four major holidays in Lunarism. Non-Lunarists celebrate this holiday as well; it is one of Volkia's biggest holidays. Celebrations include parades and feasts.
|NovemberDecember 3021||Winter Festival <br>(Зимний фестиваль)||Viewed asCelebrates the unofficialwinter startsolstice. to winter, theThe Winter Festival has its roots in [[Lunarism]] but is celebrated by Lunarists and non-Lunarists alike with various traditions. Winter Festival markets are open across many cities and towns nationwide starting NovemberDecember 1.
