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[[File:Founders Fountain.jpg|left|thumb|241x241px|Founder's Fountain outside Izmaylov Auditorium at Osinsky Federal University.]]
''Main article: [[Education in Volkia]]''
Education is primarily organized within the individual provinces. {{Wp|Kindergarten}} is optional and is provided to all children between the ages of three and six, after which school is compulsory until the student completes [[Education in Volkia#Secondary school|high school]] or reaches the age of 18. Volkia operates on a K-12 model, wherein elementary school will usually last from ages six to 11, middle school from ages 11 to 14, and high school from ages 14 to 18. This may vary slightly across provinces.Over 99% of Volkian citizens aged 15 and above are able to read and write. Responsibility for educational supervision in Volkia is primarily organized within the individual provinces. Primary and secondary education is required by federal law. Students often continue their education into the post-secondary level. State universities are tuition free, and are available to all citizens and documented residents. Citizens are encouraged to enroll in post-secondary classes and pursue degrees.
Most of the universities in Volkia are public institutions run by either the federal or provincial governments, and students are permitted to study without fee payment. The general requirement for entrance to a university is a high school diploma or equivalent. [[Volkgoroda University]] is the oldest university in Volkia as well as one of the world's oldest, established in 1478. Some 91% of Volkia's university students attend a public university.
Of Volkians aged 25 and older, 89.4% graduated high school, 54.2% attended some college, 36.2% earned a bachelor's degree, and 14.8% earned graduate degrees. The basic literacy rate is 99%.
