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==Economy ==
[[File:Izumrud.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Izumrud is a major shipping port of Volkia.]]
Volkia has a {{wp|mixed economy}}, which has resulted in a prosperous capitalist {{wp|welfare state}} with a combination of {{wp|free market}} activity and large state ownership in certain key sectors. This was influenced first by socialist governments in the early 1930s and fully implemented by [[Social Democratic Union|Social Democratic administrations]] starting in 1973. Public healthcare is free and parents receive 40 weeks of paid parental leave. Volkia also guarantees its workers a minimum of 3332 days paid vacation (20 paid days off, 1312 public holidays). The unemployment rate is 3.4%, with 66% of the population aged 15-74 employed. Nearly 8% of the population aged 18-66 receives a disability pension and 25% of the labor force are employed by the government. The vast majority of workers are unionized, totaling nearly 70% of the labor force in 2018.
The wage difference between the lowest paid worker and the CEO of most companies has been kept relatively low compared to other industrialized economies due to Volkian society's {{wp|egalitarian}} values.
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|January 1st||New Year's Day (День нового года)||Celebrates the beginning of the {{wp|Gregorian calendar}} year. Festivities typically begin the previous evening.
|Third Monday of January||Unification Day <br> (День объединения)||Celebrates the formation of what is considered the beginning of Volkia's history of a nation, Lai.
| First Friday of March|| Republic Day <br>(Pеспублика день)||Celebrates the revolutions that gave Volkia a republic.
|Last Monday of March||Labor Day (День труда)||Celebrates achievements of workers and the labor movement.
|April 17th||Federation Day <br>(День Федерации)||Celebrates the adoption of the [[Constitution of Volkia]] and the creation of the FederationFederative Republic.
|Last Friday of April||Zukov's Birthday <br>(День рождения Жуков)||Honors [[Aleksey Zukov]], the first president of the Federation.
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|Third Monday of June||Defenders of the Federation Day <br>(День защитника Федерации)||Honors all members of the [[Volkian Defense Forces]], especially surviving veterans of wars.
|Last Friday in September||Festival of the Sky <br>(Фестиваль неба)||Celebrates the supreme deity inof Mahitou, ZhanaYelena. Religious and federal holiday.
|Last Wednesday in October (Biennial)||Election Day <br> (День выборов)||Public holiday held every other year for purposes of federal elections. The next federal elections are to be held October 28, 2020.
