Volkia: Difference between revisions

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According to the 2020 National Census the total population of Volkia is 80,641,743. The population density in 2020 was estimated to be 149.5/sq mi (57.74/km2). Volkia's population has an average age of 39.8. The 20122020 National Census revealed that 2122.6351% of the country's population lives in one of the top 20 largest cities.
Volkia's population has always been concentrated in southcenter and westsouth of the country, a phenomenon which became more pronounced with urbanization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The capital and largest city, [[Volkgoroda]], is located in the center of the country. About 8180% of Volkian citizens live in urban areas (including suburbs); about half of those reside in cities over 50,000. In 20122020, 7486 incorporated places had populations over 100,000. There are four metropolitan areascities with populations greater than one million, one of which has a population of overnearly three million. Of Volkia's 20 largest cities, 16 of them are located in the southern half of the country.
Nearly the entirety of Volkia's population is made up of [[Lupine|Volkian lupines]]. Minority races make up 0.6% of Volkia's population and include [[Vulpine|vulpines]] and {{wp|humans}}, who tend to live in the country's larger cities.
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===Family structure===
As of 20122020, 5457% of Volkian citizens were married, 67% were widowed, 1011% were divorced, and 3025% had never been married. Women now mostly work outside of the home and earn a majority of bachelor's degrees.
The teen pregnancy rate is 1514 per 1,000 women. Abortion has been legal with little restriction since the passage of The Legal Abortion Act legalized abortion nationwide in 1982. Since legalization the abortion rate has continued to decline, the ratio being 132126 abortions per 1,000 live births in 20082020. In 20152020, the average age at first birth was 2425 and 3739.82% of births were to unmarried women.
The total fertility rate (TFR) was estimated for 20132020 at 2.3624 births per woman. Adoption in Volkia is common and relatively easy from a legal point of view. Same-sex marriage has been legal nationwide since 1987 and itsame-sex couples receive the same rights as heterosexual couples. It is legal for same-sex couples to adopt. Polygamy is illegal throughout the country.
Polygamy is illegal throughout the country.
''See also: [[Volkian language]]''
According to the constitution the official language of Volkia is [[Volkian language|Volkian]]. Roughly 7477.72 million, or 99% of the population aged five years and older, spoke only Volkian at home in 20122020. While Volkian is by far the dominant language in the country, Volkians are becoming increasingly multilingual due to globalization. Roughly 5457% of Volkian citizens claim to be able to communicate at least one foreign language, while 2223% claimed to be competent in at least two. The learning of Volkian is a requirement forto become a naturalized naturalizationcitizen.
The Volkian Government does not regulate the choice of language in publications by individuals but requires the state to operate in Volkian. Print media, public notices, road signs, and state services are provided in Volkian.
[[Codexian]] is the second most spoken language in Volkia, and is often taught as a second language to Volkian students.
[[File:Lunarist Necklace.png|left|thumb|164x164px|Lunarists commonly wear crescent moon necklaces.]]
''See also: [[Lunarism]]''{{bar box
|title=<center>Religion in Volkia (20122020)</center>
|left1= <center>Religion</center>
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{{bar percent|[[Lunarism]]|green|8785.2515}}
{{bar percent|[[Thaerism]]|blue|1.63}}
{{bar percent|{{wp|AtheismIrreligion|Unaffiliated}}|greyblack|110.425}}
{{bar percent|{{wp|Irreligion|UnaffiliatedAtheism}}|blackgrey|1.8.45}}
{{bar percent|Other religions|red|1.25}}
The lupine religion of Lunarism was historically the state religion of Volkia's predecessor states, starting with Grand Duchy of Volkgoroda in 365 CE. This trend continued all the way through to the Kingdom of Volkia until the establishment of the Volkian federal republic. Today Volkia has no official religion. However, Lunarism remained dominant within the political landscape until the amendment of the constitution in 1947. Volkia's current constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids the government from passing any laws that violates this protection.
Today, Lunarism remians the most commonly practiced religion in Volkia. As of the 20122020 Volkian National Census, 8485.2515% of Volkians practice the religion. [[Thaerism]] is the most commonly practiced minority religion in Volkia, with 1.63% of the population stating they practice the religion in 20122020. Atheists make up 1.48% of the population while those who consider themselves "unaffiliated" or "irreligious" are 810.4525% of the populace. An additional 1.25% of people practice other religions.
Although the government may not show favoritism towards any particular religion, five of the twelve federal holidays coincide with religious holidays. Challenges as to the status of these holidays have been rejected by the Federal Supreme Court repeatedly, with the Court maintaining the holidays have their own meanings among those who don't practice Lunarism. The religion continues to play an important part in the lives of many Volkians, and the number of Lunarist churches within Volkia far outnumber the minority religions combined.
