Volkia: Difference between revisions

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The total length of common-used railway tracks exceeds 35,000 miles (56,327 km). The entirety of this railroad is electrified, and additionally there are more than 18,641 miles (30,000 km) of industrial non-common carrier lines. Like most of the world, LaiatanVolkia uses the {{wp|standard gauge}} for their railroads. The most renown railway in LaiatanVolkia is the Trans-LaiatanVolkia Railway, which connects the southern port city of [[Sande]] to the northern port city of [[Mys]], the furthest points in LaiatanVolkia.
As of 2011 LaiatanVolkia had 226,800 miles (365,000 km) of roads, of which 200,000 were paved. Some of these make up the [[Laiatanese intranational highway system|Volkian intranational highway system]].
Much of LaiatanVolkia's inland waterways, which total 58,030 miles (93,390 km), are made up of natural rivers or lakes.
Major sea ports of LaiatanVolkia include Izumrud, Sande, Mys, [[Rantza]], [[Priluk]], [[Yurmansk]], and [[Kalshgorod]], which are located on the [[Gulf of Itur]] and the [[Mahigan Sea]]. In 2008 the country owned 2,023 merchant marine ships.
[[File:Laiatan long train.jpg|thumb|left|LaiataneseVolkian long train in northern [[Kekur]].|link=Special:FilePath/Laiatan_long_train.jpg]]
The newest addition to the LaiataneseVolkian pipeline system was completed in June of 2014, which connected the Northern and Southern Pipeline Systems. The project also introduced several new tanker terminals, refineries and storage facilities along the coastlines of the country. This has helped expedite the refinery process and allows the country to hold more reserves.
LaiatanVolkia has 500 airports, the busiest being Volkgoroda International Airport, Befrei, Vereint in [[Volkgoroda]], Schwenistor in [[Kosma]] and Tureinokiv in [[Letov]]. The total length of runways in LaiatanVolkia exceeds 100,000 miles (160,934 km).
Typically, major LaiataneseVolkian cities have well-developed systems of public transport, with the most common varieties of exploited vehicles being bus, trolleybus and tram. Most major LaiataneseVolkian cities have underground metros. The total length of metros in LaiatanVolkia is 750 miles (1,207 km). Volkgoroda Metro and Kosma Metro are the oldest in LaiatanVolkia, opened in 1925 and 1935 respectively. These two are among the fastest and busiest metro systems in the world, and are famous for rich decorations and unique designs of their stations, which is a common tradition on LaiataneseVolkian metros and railways.
=== Industry ===
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The teen pregnancy rate is 15 per 1,000 women. Abortion is legal throughout the country thanks to the Legal Abortion Act, which was signed into law in 1982. The abortion rate has been falling in recent years, the ratio being 132 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2008. In 2015, the average age at first birth was 24 and 37.8% of births were to unmarried women.
The total fertility rate (TFR) was estimated for 2013 at 2.36 births per woman. Adoption in LaiatanVolkia is common and relatively easy from a legal point of view. Same-sex marriage has been legal nationwide since 1987 and it is legal for same-sex couples to adopt. Polygamy is illegal throughout the country.
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{{bar percent|Other religions|red|2.1}}
The Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids the government from passing any laws that violates this protection. By far, the lupine religion of [[Mahitou]] is the most commonly practiced religion in Volkia, with 72.25% of the population stating they practice the religion in 2018. The human religions of {{wp|Christianity}} and {{wp|Islam}} are practiced in minority human populations within Volkia, and additionally a small number of people consider themselves irreligious.
===Health ===
The life expectancy in LaiatanVolkia is 78.6 years for males and 81.1 years for females. LaiatanVolkia has made many advancements in the healthcare industry, extending life expectancy nearly 20 years since the 1920s. The infant mortality rate is 2.9 deaths per 1,000 live births while the maternal mortality rate is 4.7 per 100,000 live births.
LaiatanVolkia has a hybrid healthcare model, insuring everyone under a national single-payer system. Nearly 90% of citizens also have private, supplemental insurance, which is either provided by their employer or purchased on the market.
Over 99% of LaiataneseVolkian citizens aged 15 and above are able to read and write. Responsibility for educational supervision in LaiatanVolkia is primarily organised within the individual provinces. Primary and secondary education is required by federal law. Students often continue their education into the post-secondary level. State universities are tuition free, and are available to all citizens and documented residents. Citizens are encouraged to enroll in post-secondary classes and pursue degrees.
