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Volkia entered the 21st Century rather quietly, with minimal societal and general unrest. The ruling Social Democratic Union (SDU) continued its dominance in Volkian politics into the new millennium with few signs of losing power. With the arrival of the millennium, Volkia began seeing a rise in what would go on to be described as new religious cults. Federal and provincial authorities combatted this growing trend among disillusioned youths and elderly people through the media and educational programs. The [[Lunarism|Lunarist Church]] joined with the government in trying to prevent vulnerable individuals from joining new religious movements with some success. Those cults considered dangerous were met with law enforcement action, which ranged from arresting cult leaders to full-blown raids on cult compounds.
The "Cult Wars" would continue on into the mid-2000s and the new religious cult known as [[Yarkiye]], responded to the crackdown on "dangerous groups" with the [[2006 Volkgoroda bombings|deadliest terrorist attack on Volkian soil]]. Yarkiye's leaders were arrested, tried, and convicted for their roles in the attacks and, aswere ofexecuted 2021,on areNovember awaiting19, execution2021. The bombings inadvertently led to a dramatic decrease in new religious movement membership and by 2009, the number of groups identified as cults had dropped from nearly 2,000 to 302. Their numbers further declined into the 2020s, with only 112 groups identified as of December 2021. Yarkiye would go on to be designated as a terrorist organization, which allowed for almost unchecked law enforcement action against the group.
Volkia entered the [[Dverian War]] on May 11, 2014 in support of Tano after the activation of the countries' bilateral defense agreements, and opened its borders to accept a large number of Tano refugees. President [[Zakhar Kreskov|Kreskov]] ordered Volkian troops into Tano on May 12, 2014 and Volkian generals drew up invasion plans of Dveria proper. Volkian troops engaged Dverian troops for the first time on May 13, 2014 in eastern Tano;. whileWhile a minor skirmish, it resulted in the [[Lavr Okladnikov|first Volkian soldier to be killed in combat]] since 1953. Volkia, along with its wartime allies, helped bring the war to a rapid close, helping establish a democratic government in the north shortly after the declaration of the Vekaiyu-backed nation of [[South Dveria]].[[File:T-99 Molotok MBT.jpg|thumb|265x265px|Volkian [[T-99 Molotok|T-99 Molotok 2R2s]] in eastern [[Tano]] during the [[Dverian War]].]]
Tensions between Blaskog and Volkia rose to their highest level in over 50 years when BlaskogianBlaskovian ships entered Volkian territorial waters on May 14, 2014, near [[Shimanovsk Oblast]], which nearly escalated into a shooting war between the two countries. Blaskog withdrew their naval forces after Volkian Navy vessels, originally en route to assist Tano in the Dverian War, returned to confront the BlaskogianBlaskovian ships. While it was revealed the intrusion of Volkian waters was accidental, tensions between the two countries remain high.
Support for the Dverian War at home was relatively high, with many Volkians supporting the country's entry into the war to support Tano. However, many felt betrayed when Tano's Sultan abruptly declared the dissolution of the Tanoese government and the annexation of Tano by South Hills. While the government officially denounced this action, President Kreskov signed the [[Kerilo Accord]] which included a section accepting the annexation. Shortly after the signing, Volkians launched protests against both their own government and the government of South Hills, with protests taking place outside the South Hills embassy in Volkgoroda as well as consulates across the country. The signing resulted in a drop in popularity for the SDU, who saw their largest electoral loss in their history during the [[2014 Volkian elections|2014 elections]]; the party lost almost 40 seats and barely held onto their majority in the Chamber of Deputies.
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Volkia's legal system operates on {{Wp|common law}} and has a written constitution which provides for a federal constitutional republic. The federal court system consists of the [[Federal Supreme Court of Volkia|Federal Supreme Court]], the [[Volkian courts of appeals|Courts of Appeals]], and the [[Volkian district courts|District Courts]], all of which apply Volkain federal law and hear both criminal and civil matters. The provincial court systems are set up similarly, with minor differences between each province; all provincial court systems consist of a supreme court, appellate court, and a trial court. Provincial courts try the vast majority of criminal cases in the country. Trials for serious offenses must be tried before a {{Wp|jury}} unless a {{Wp|plea bargain}} can be reached. The Federal Supreme Court and federal Courts of Appeals have the power of judicial review across both federal and provincial law and actions, while provincial supreme courts and appellate courts may only review laws and actions within their province. Except in exceptional circumstances, court hearings must be held in public.
[[File:Volkgoroda Central Prison.png|thumb|263x263px|Volkgoroda Central Prison has been in continuous service since 1884 and is the oldest prison in Volkia.]]
Law enforcement in Volkia is generally the responsibility of local police and sheriff's departments, with provincial police providing broader services. These departments are responsible for all aspects of civil policing, both in terms of territory and infrastructure. Each department may be set up slightly differently, though generally speaking they will be headed by either a Chief or a Sheriff who may be elected or appointed. Most uniformed officers carry a pistolhandgun while military-style firearms are reserved for specialty units. There is a federal police force, the [[Volkian Federal Police|Volkian Federal Police]], which is responsible for a wide variety of tasks including general crime prevention, railway and aviation security, and protection of certain federal officials, and combating serious, complex, and organized crime. Other federal agencies, like the Volkian Border Services Agency, will typically have more specialized duties.
While much of the world has abolished {{Wp|capital punishment}}, it is sanctioned as a legal punishment for certain crimes at all levels: federal, provincial, and military. The Volkian public has generally supported the death penalty, with a 2018 survey reflecting 72.1% believing it to be "permissible" while 21.4% said it should be abolished. Executions happen relatively infrequently, likely due to the extensive appeals process and infrequency in which the death sentence is applied. Death sentences are typically given out in cases of multiple murder, though in extraordinary cases individuals who have committed a single murder have received the death penalty. Executions could take place years after sentencing depending on the length of the appeals process; the average time from sentence to execution is about six years. Executions are carried out by hanging or lethal injection.
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Same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide in 2002, though same-sex civil unions with the same rights as traditional marriage had been performed since 1987. Same-sex marriages today have the same rights as heterosexual couples; same-sex couples are also allowed to adopt with the same requirements as heterosexual couples. According to the 2020 National Census, there are approximately 700,000 same-sex married couples in Volkia, according to the 2020 National Census.
Women were traditionally considered "homemakers" and thus did not often work outside of the home. As laws were passed granting women more rights, such as the right to vote, as well asand equal pay legislation, more and more women began working outside the home and challenging the traditional gender roles. Today, the majority of women work outside the home and also earn a majority of bachelor's degrees. Additionally, the Legal Abortion Act of 1982 cemented women's right to choose in Volkian federal law after years of court challenges. Since legalization the abortion rate has continued to decline, with about 120 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2020.
The teen pregnancy rate is 14 per 1,000 women. In 2020, the average age at first birth was 26 and 39.2% of births were to unmarried women. The total fertility rate (TFR) was estimated for 2020 to be at about 2.25 births per woman.
Divorce was legalized in 1947, but there was significant stigma around the practice that remained until the 1970s. The Elder Council of the [[Lunarism#Elder Council|Lunarist Church]] issued a statement in support of the practice during the Church's liberalization period in the 1970s and 1980s, which also led to the Church's acceptance of same-sex relationships. Polygamy iswas practiced widely prior to the spread of Lunarism, and was punishable by death until the establishment of the federal republic. It remains illegal nationwide and is now punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both depending on the laws of the province and circumstances of the case.
As of 2020, approximately 52% of Volkian citizens were married, 8% were widowed, 12% were divorced, and 28% had never been married.