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'''Vessarlian,''' officially the '''United Kingdom of Vessarlian and Illiath''', is a relatively large sized nation, approximately 2,005,379.1352 sq km, located in the continent of [[Gondwana]] on [[Urth]],. itIt bordersshares bothland [[Nyo-Kitwana]]borders andwith [[Nyo-Yahya]]only toone theother northeastnation, [[Almyra]] to the souththat andbeing [[KrystaliniaAugustia]] to the south-east. The country is a Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy currently governed by Prime Minister [[Roderick Lockwood]] with [[King Cerasale XII]] as its head of state.
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=== Government ===
[[File:Final Vessarlan Parliament Election Results 2021.png|left|thumb|350px|The current party makeup of the Vessarlan Chamber of Representatives, as of 6th May 2021. The parties are:<br /><br />'''Government:'''<br />[[VES Democratic Socialists|Union of Democratic Socialists]]: 201 seats (light red)<br />[[VES Greens|Green Party]]: 50 seats (green)<br /><br />'''Official Opposition:'''<br />[[VES Conservatives|Conservative Party]]: 73 seats (dark blue)<br />[[VES Libertarians|Libertarian Party]]: 31 seats (yellow)<br />[[VES Nationalists|Vessarlan National Party]]: 19 seats (purple)<br /><br />'''Other Opposition:'''<br />[[VES Communists|Communist Peoples Party]]: 45 seats (dark red)<br />[[VES Monarchists|Monarchist Party]]: 31 seats (black)<br />[[Illiath Independence Party]]: 11 seats (light blue)]]The Vessarlan parliament is divided into two branches: a lower house called the Chamber of Representatives, which has 461 members, and an upper house called the Chamber of Delegates, which has 700 members. Members of the Chamber of Representatives (commonly referred to as MP's or Representatives) are directly elected by the people. They are elected under constituency-based system, in which the nation is divided into 461 constituencies of ~70,000 people. These people then elect one MP to represent their constituency. Voting is done under the First Past The Post (FPTP) electoral system, in which the candidate with the most votes wins, regardless of whether they have more than 50% of the vote. Members of the Chamber of Delegates (commonly referred to as Delegates or Piers) may receive their positions in a variety of ways: 40% of the Piers are appointed by the Appointments Council, which selects new members based on their skills, experience, and contributions to the nation. 30% of the Piers are appointed according to the amount of MP's each party wins in the general election, for instance, if a party wins 50% of the seats in the lower house they would receive 50% of this 30%. The remaining 30% of the piers are appointed proportionally to the vote share each party receives in the general election.
[[Category:Vessarlian Links]]
