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Since the conclusion of the Civil War, the government of Vesienväl has emphasized development of the country from rural and agrarian into an urbanized society. Transitions of power have remained largely peaceful and stable since 1954, with no major coups or other interruptions of the power of the party. The economy remains centrally planned. Early in the Worker's State era, the focus was on building infrastructure such as trains, highways, and hydroelectric dams. In the 1960s and 1970s the government began a concerted effort to become self-sufficient in manufacturing, and homegrown industries for everything from cars and trucks to aircraft and semiconductor-based electronics were established. However, Vesienvällic products of this era were largely considered to be on inferior quality and were never able to successfully exported to the global market. In the 1980s the government relaxed import restrictions while emphasizing importing first (and exporting first) to fellow socialist countries before entering into economic relationships with capitalist states. Since the 80s, the Vesienvällic manufacturing sector has declined from its artificially-inflated highs in the 70s as imports have largely domestically produced goods in most sectors. The Vesienvällic government has begun emphasizing art and culture, believing it important to show the world that socialism in general and Vesienväl in particular can support a vibrant, happy cultural scenes. Athletics, too, has been emphasized, especially in international competitions. Both prior to and after the space debris crisis of the late 2000s, Vesienväl built and maintained a space program, aiming to be the most advanced country of its size operating in space.
[[File:SCW election 2020.svg|left|thumb|200px|A parliament diagram of the Supreme Council of Workers elected in 2019.]]
The politics and governance of Vesienväl take place within the framework of a one-party socialist state. Nominally, the supreme body of the country is the Supreme Council of Workers, a unicameral legislature elected every 5 years. However, in order to stand for election, one must either be nominated by the United Workers' Party or present the district electoral council with a petition signed by ten percent of the registered voters in the district and stand as an independent. This functionally gives the power to the United Workers' Party, which is itself acknowledged in the Constitution as the "primary organ for organizing worker's power" in the State, the position of most powerful body in the country.
===Supreme Council of Workers===
There are 1,024 members of the Supreme Council, each of whom is elected in a first-past-the-post system in single-member districts. It is rare for there to be more than one candidate standing for election in a given district. Independent candidates rarely attempt to gather signatures, and are even more rarely successful. The identities of petition signers are verified by party officials making calls to those who sign and then made public, which reduces participation. In each election, voters are presented with the choice between the United Workers' Party candidate, any independent candidates, and an option for "none of these candidates." Margins of victory for members of the Supreme Council routinely average greater than 70 percent.
Nominally, the Supreme Council is the ultimate authority in the State. In practice, however, it acts as a rubber stamp to confirm policies and decisions made by the United Workers' Party. The Supreme Council meets in session typically once a year, for two to three weeks in May. The Supreme Council is presided over by a President of the Council, who has several deputies. There are several committees of the Supreme Council for considering legislation related to various topics, such as Agriculture, Transport, and Education. The most powerful committee of the Supreme Council is the Executive Committee, also called the Presidium, which may act with legislative authority during times in which the Supreme Council is not in session. The Presidium consists of a Chairman, the General Secretary of the Party, the Chairman of the State Defense Commission, and various others elected by the Supreme Council. The Chairman represents the Supreme Council on the troika, and the other two troika members serve as members of the Presidium ''ex officio''. The Presidium is the body that selects the President of the Supreme Council.
===United Workers' Party===
The United Workers' Party was created in 1954 from the merger of various leftist factions that had fought each other during the Civil War. Every electoral district, municipality, and province has a local Party Committee, each of which elects delegates to represent it in the committee above it in the hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy is the National Committee, which elects the General Secretary of the Party, one of the three members of the troika. (The other members of the troika automatically serve in the National Committee.) Each local or provincial Party Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for the various governmental positions in their jurisdiction. The National Committee sets the party platform and other party policies. The National Committee meets in its entirety typically twice a year, in the spring and in the autumn. Between meetings of the National Committee, a body known as the Party Executive Bureau acts with the power of the entire National Committee. In theory the Party Executive Bureau is elected by the entire National Committee, but in reality it consists of party elites elected on a slate nominated by the Party Executive Bureau themselves. The members of the troika are automatically members of the Party Executive Bureau.
Officially, the factions of the party that existed during the Civil War no longer exist, and "factionalism" is against the law. Functionally, there are always several competing interest groups in the Party committees, and there is an unspoken convention that each member of the troika come from a different faction. Meetings of Party Committees are often held in closed session and therefore not public, but it is generally understood that the most powerful factions of the party include reformers who encourage expanding economic and social freedoms; traditionalists who advocate a rigid governance structure according to the system set up at the Worker's State's inception; militarists who advocate for a strong military presence in and outside the country; isolationists who believe the state should return to self-sufficiency and not engage with foreign powers; and both agrarian and industrial factions that focus policies on workers in their sectors of the economy.
[[File:Allied Prisoners of War at Oflag Ivc, Colditz HU91465.jpg|left|thumb|300px|The members of the first State Defense Commission, 1954.]]
===State Defense Commission===
The State Defense Commission is a quasi-independent body established by the Constitution to direct the armed forces and coordinate the defense of the country in the event of an invasion, and also handles responses to other national emergencies such as national disasters. The members are elected by the Supreme Council after being nominated by the National Party Committee. The Commission elects its own Chairman, who serves on the troika. The other two members of the troika serve on the commission ''ex officio''. In addition to the troika, there are typically four to six other members, although the number is not set out in law. The commission has the authority to declare national emergencies and deploy the military to address the emergency. The leaders of the branches of the Armed Forces report directly to the State Defense Commission.
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