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===Early History===
===Early History===
Lupine settlement in the area dates to at least two thousand years before the present. When they reached the area, they encountered ursines migrating eastward, believed to have ultimately originated in [[Asendavia]], who had been present for some centuries already and were moving eastward. These ursines would eventually settle primarily what is today [[Lunaeria]]. There was some violence between lupines and ursines during this period, and while the two species generally kept to their own communities, evidence of interaction is indicated by linguistic similarities between Vesienvällic and modern Asendavian. Ursines generally elected to continue migrating rather than remain in what is now Vesienväl, although there are still significant ursine communities today in the far northeast, near the border with Lunaeria. The ursines brought with them their [[Ademarism|Ademarist]] faith that did influence some lupine communities; however, the traditional Vesienvällic lupine animist faith remained predominant.
[[File:Casco y collera de lobo tlingit (M. América, Madrid) 01.jpg|thumb|left|200px|A helmet and collar used in battle by a Vesienvällic lupine in the Ursine Wars.]]
[[File:Casco y collera de lobo tlingit (M. América, Madrid) 01.jpg|thumb|left|200px|A helmet and collar used in battle by a Vesienvällic lupine in the Ursine Wars.]]
Lupine settlement in the area dates to at least two thousand years before the present. When they reached the area, they encountered ursines migrating eastward, believed to have ultimately originated in [[Asendavia]], who had been present for some centuries already and were moving eastward. These ursines would eventually settle primarily what is today [[Lunaeria]]. There was some violence between lupines and ursines during this period, and while the two species generally kept to their own communities, evidence of interaction is indicated by linguistic similarities between Vesienvällic and modern Asendavian. Ursines generally elected to continue migrating rather than remain in what is now Vesienväl, although there are still significant ursine communities today in the far northeast, near the border with Lunaeria. The ursines brought with them their [[Ademarism|Ademarist]] faith that did influence some lupine communities; however, the traditional Vesienvällic lupine animist faith remained predominant.

Over the course of time, lupine tribes consolidated into competing petty kingdoms. Some time near 1000 CE, the various lupine petty kingdoms in the area united under the banner of the Kingdom of Vesienväl. The name is believed to come from a Vällic language (the predecessor of modern Vesienvällic) term for "between the waters," referring to the Norsian Sea to the north , Lake Etala to the south, and the various smaller lakes to the east. Historical records from this era are incomplete and the exact date of the establishment of the Kingdom is unclear. The prevailing theories date the Kingdom to as early as 950 CE and as late as 1120 CE, depending on when the unification of the various petty kingdoms could be considered "complete." In any case, by the 12th century, the Kingdom's power over the entirety of the region was consolidated and would remain unchallenged until the 20th century.
Over the course of time, lupine tribes consolidated into competing petty kingdoms. Some time near 1000 CE, the various lupine petty kingdoms in the area united under the banner of the Kingdom of Vesienväl. The name is believed to come from a Vällic language (the predecessor of modern Vesienvällic) term for "between the waters," referring to the Norsian Sea to the north , Lake Etala to the south, and the various smaller lakes to the east. Historical records from this era are incomplete and the exact date of the establishment of the Kingdom is unclear. The prevailing theories date the Kingdom to as early as 950 CE and as late as 1120 CE, depending on when the unification of the various petty kingdoms could be considered "complete." In any case, by the 12th century, the Kingdom's power over the entirety of the region was consolidated and would remain unchallenged until the 20th century.

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The Kingdom of Vesienväl hosted the 1947 edition of the International Winter Aldanic Games in the capital, Vällilä. The Conservative Party government at the time believed the games would strengthen the economy and bring the country international prestige. The general public, however, broadly opposed the games due to the overwhelming cost. The winters of 1945 and 1946 were particularly harsh in Vesienväl, and in both winters there were fuel shortages. The government declined to reallocate funding from the games to provide aid to people who were having difficulty heating their homes. There were several riots leading up to the games, but in November 1946, the national gendarmerie was ordered to shut down any protest regarding the games by any means necessary. Hundreds of people were arrested on charges of sedition, and dozens of people were injured by the police. These events led a groundswell of opposition to the government and support switching to the Communist-backed Liberal Party.
The Kingdom of Vesienväl hosted the 1947 edition of the International Winter Aldanic Games in the capital, Vällilä. The Conservative Party government at the time believed the games would strengthen the economy and bring the country international prestige. The general public, however, broadly opposed the games due to the overwhelming cost. The winters of 1945 and 1946 were particularly harsh in Vesienväl, and in both winters there were fuel shortages. The government declined to reallocate funding from the games to provide aid to people who were having difficulty heating their homes. There were several riots leading up to the games, but in November 1946, the national gendarmerie was ordered to shut down any protest regarding the games by any means necessary. Hundreds of people were arrested on charges of sedition, and dozens of people were injured by the police. These events led a groundswell of opposition to the government and support switching to the Communist-backed Liberal Party.
[[File:Vesienval kingdom flag.png|250px|left|thumb|The flag of the Kingdom of Vesienväl prior to the revolution, used 1819-1948.]]

In the elections of March 1948, the Liberal Party won a supermajority of the lower house of the maapäivät, 205 out of 300 seats, on a platform that decried the games and echoed the socialist goals of improving workplace conditions, reducing hours, making factories safer, and reducing the power of the King and the nobility. They also proposed that the government provide free heating fuel to citizens. However, after the results, the King ordered that the Liberal Party be declared retroactively ineligible to stand because of the socialist element in party leadership, and also stated that their platform of reducing royal power amounted to treason. Royal guard troops sealed the doors of the lower house to physically prevent the Liberals from taking their seats. The upper house passed a bill, called the Treason Act of 1948, retroactively disbanding the Liberal Party and the King accepted it as a law, stating that the upper house was the only legally constituted house of the maapäivät at that time.
In the elections of March 1948, the Liberal Party won a supermajority of the lower house of the maapäivät, 205 out of 300 seats, on a platform that decried the games and echoed the socialist goals of improving workplace conditions, reducing hours, making factories safer, and reducing the power of the King and the nobility. They also proposed that the government provide free heating fuel to citizens. However, after the results, the King ordered that the Liberal Party be declared retroactively ineligible to stand because of the socialist element in party leadership, and also stated that their platform of reducing royal power amounted to treason. Royal guard troops sealed the doors of the lower house to physically prevent the Liberals from taking their seats. The upper house passed a bill, called the Treason Act of 1948, retroactively disbanding the Liberal Party and the King accepted it as a law, stating that the upper house was the only legally constituted house of the maapäivät at that time.

These actions were enormously unpopular and led to riots in every major city in the country. Significant portions of Pohjoinen were destroyed by a fire started by protesters, and the King was evacuated from the capital by military plane. The King ordered the military to restore order and gave an explicit order to kill any rioters and "any and all persons, no matter station, sex, or age, seen to give the anarchists aid, comfort, succor, or support in any fashion." While in some areas the military acted as ordered, in most major cities the soldiers dispersed when attacked by local residents, as the rioters significantly outnumbered the soldiers. On March 20th, an armed rebel group that contained several elected members of the lower house besieged and eventually overtook the parliament building in Välillä. At the same time, the nobles who had remained in the city were attacked and killed in their homes. On March 22nd, in a reversal of the Treason Act, the lower house declared itself the only legitimate house of the maapäivät, as the members of the upper house were either dead or in hiding, and passed a resolution ordering the arrest of the King for crimes against the state.
These actions were enormously unpopular and led to riots in every major city in the country. Significant portions of Pohjoinen were destroyed by a fire started by protesters, and the King was evacuated from the capital by military plane. The King ordered the military to restore order and gave an explicit order to kill any rioters and "any and all persons, no matter station, sex, or age, seen to give the anarchists aid, comfort, succor, or support in any fashion." While in some areas the military acted as ordered, in most major cities the soldiers dispersed when attacked by local residents, as the rioters significantly outnumbered the soldiers. On March 20th, an armed rebel group that contained several elected members of the lower house besieged and eventually overtook the parliament building in Välillä. At the same time, the nobles who had remained in the city were attacked and killed in their homes. On March 22nd, in a reversal of the Treason Act, the lower house declared itself the only legitimate house of the maapäivät, as the members of the upper house were either dead or in hiding, and passed a resolution ordering the arrest of the King for crimes against the state.
[[File:Budapest 1945, Castle District, war damage Fortepan 105833.jpg|thumb|left|300px|The remains of the Royal Palace in Välillä, destroyed in April of 1948. It was abandoned and unoccupied at the time.]]
[[File:Budapest 1945, Castle District, war damage Fortepan 105833.jpg|thumb|right|300px|The remains of the Royal Palace in Välillä, destroyed in April of 1948. It was abandoned and unoccupied at the time.]]
Fighting occurred across the country for several weeks, but by-and-large, the socialists gained and held power over most of the country. Most of the military eventually began taking orders from the socialist maapäivät. On May 1st, the King was arrested by soldiers in Järvi. The King had donned a disguise and was attempting to purchase groceries at a local store, but was recognized and reported by the proprietor of the store. According to news reports at the time, the King had insisted on leaving to make the purchase himself because he felt humiliated and trapped while hiding in his safe house in Järvi, and the King was recognized when he appeared to have no idea how grocery shopping worked. He is said to have approached a cashier who had customers in line to pay already, and asked her to gather his requested items. (The grocery was self-service.) He is also said to have asked if he could pay in bearer bonds or gold bullion as he "[did] not carry petty cash." Communist soldiers quickly apprehended the King and removed his false mustache and wig there in the store with other customers observing. Several people threw tomatoes at the King as he was taken away, at least two of which did hit the King in the face.
Fighting occurred across the country for several weeks, but by-and-large, the socialists gained and held power over most of the country. Most of the military eventually began taking orders from the socialist maapäivät. On May 1st, the King was arrested by soldiers in Järvi. The King had donned a disguise and was attempting to purchase groceries at a local store, but was recognized and reported by the proprietor of the store. According to news reports at the time, the King had insisted on leaving to make the purchase himself because he felt humiliated and trapped while hiding in his safe house in Järvi, and the King was recognized when he appeared to have no idea how grocery shopping worked. He is said to have approached a cashier who had customers in line to pay already, and asked her to gather his requested items. (The grocery was self-service.) He is also said to have asked if he could pay in bearer bonds or gold bullion as he "[did] not carry petty cash." Communist soldiers quickly apprehended the King and removed his false mustache and wig there in the store with other customers observing. Several people threw tomatoes at the King as he was taken away, at least two of which did hit the King in the face.