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'''Verk'ohism''' (Salovian: Ts'ilore'mide), often incorrectly referred to as '''Verism''' and officially known as the '''Church of Ver and K'oh''' is one of the oldest continuously-practiced religions on Urth. It is either a duotheistic or polytheistic religion that centers around the teachings of the [[Verk'ohism#Ts'igna'reli|Ts'igna'reli]] and their counterpart the [[Verk'ohism#Ts'ignabi'neli|Ts'ignabi'neli]], a series of religious texts said to be written by the likely mythical prophets [[Ki'esule]] and [[Mordokai]], upon encountering Ver and K'oh. Its adherants are known as Verk'ohists, with denominational variations in the form of Verists and K'ohists, who follow the teachings of only one of the deities. The total number of adherants is unknown, but estimates range from 100 million to 300 million followers worldwide.
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Verk'ohists believe that there are two immanent, all-knowing, and allbalance-natured deities, [[Ver]] and [[K'oh]]. Ver is said to be the deity of all things lightcreation, and K'oh being Ver's opposite as the deity of all things darkrecreation. In traditional Verk'ohism, neitherVer deityand isK'oh are taught to be superiorthe todrivers of balance in the otherworld, and are often portrayed symbolically as a double spiral, symbolizing the importance of boththe lightnatural andcycles dark inof the world. In stark contrast, Verists and K'ohists believe that their respective deities are the "true one", and closely follow the religious text pertaining to the deity they worship. There is also mention of a third chaos-natured deity, known as Gizhuri, the god of all chaos and imbalance, who stands in stark contrast to the balance created by Ver and K'oh.
Many scholars and theologians place Verk'ohism firmly as a duotheistic religion, as the religion withworships two primary deities, however the existence of lesser deities, as well as the existence of Gizhuri, has brought up cause for debate on whether it is duo-duotheistic, tritheistic, or polytheistic. Many scholarsTheologians postulate that Verk'ohism has many pantheistic attributes with excerpts in the Ts'igna'reli, such as ''Samq’aro; Khazi'', in which the universe is described as "the mortal extension of Ver and K'oh; our blood and flesh is theirs, and their love and life ours."
The teachings of the Ts'igna'reli and Ts'ignabi'neli strive to show the natural state of balance that everything in nature adheres to, as well as various guidances and epochs that teach lessons to be applied to in every day life. It also tells the story of the constant battle between balance and chaos, and that through promoting balance in your life will chaos be kept at bay. In modern times, the Zycalerian Myths, a series of teachings and messages claimed to be passed down from Mortagra, are also taught alongside the Ts'igna'reli and Ts'ignabi'neli in worship, with many teachings having been adapted into children's stories.
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===Creation Story===
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Verk'ohism believes that the twothree realms of ''Q’vela'' (directly translated to "All") and, ''Didi Sitsariele'', and ''Sisulelis Spero'' (translated to "Realm of Nonsense") are uncreated and eternal realms in which boththe three deities were manifested, Ver to ''Q'vela'' and, K'oh to ''Didi Sitsariele'', and Gizhuri to ''Sisulelis Spero''. Originally, the two realms of Q'vela and Didi Sitsariele were both empty realms consisting of just Ver and K'oh, until, as stated in the Ts'ignabi'neli, "Ver extracted corporeality itself from the realms, and created the first worlds, most principal of which ours, ''Uzenaesi'qaro''. Ver extracted from K'oh the first souls and brought them to Uzenaesi'qaro, and while doing so echoed into existence K'urieri, who would continue collecting souls for Uzenaesi'qaro. The souls attached themselves to the urth, the sky, and the water, and the first living creatures came into being. ''Sisuleleis Spero'' is said to have been "situated between the Holy Two, and through its custodian Gizhuri began the great struggle (''Didi Brdzola'') between balance and chaos."
The creation of sentient beings is also described in the books, as "Ver and K'oh breathed a new life into the three confluences of urth, sky, and water. The first confluence, humanity; the second, elves; the third, nekomimi."
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===The Zycalerian Myths===
===Didi Brdzola===
cartographer, Administrators, verified
