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'''Verk'ohism''' (Salovian: Adidets’mindari), officially known as the '''Church of Ver and K'oh''', is an Auroran religion. Considered one of the oldest continuously-practiced religions on Urth., Itits isadherants eitherare aprimarily duotheisticconcentrated oron polytheisticareas religionformerly thatheld by the [[Grand Republic of Salovia|Salovia]] and centers around the teachings of the [[Verk'ohism#Ts'igna'reli|Ts'igna'reli]] and the [[Verk'ohism#Ts'ignabi'neli|Ts'ignabi'neli]], a series of religious texts said to be written by the semi-mythical prophets [[Ki'esule]] and [[MordokaiMaleki]]. Categorically, uponit encounteringis Verdebated andon K'ohwhether to be considered a duotheistic or polytheistic religion, with many excerpts within both texts supporting either claim. Its adherants are primarily known as Verk'ohists, with denominational variationsexceptions in the form of Veriststwo anddenominational K'ohists,variations who follow the teachings of only one of the two prime deities. The adherents of these denominations call themselves Verists or K'ohists, depending on the deity worshipped. The total number of adherantsadherents is unknown, but estimates range from 100 million to 300 million followers worldwide. The religion served an important role historically, serving as a cultural unifier among the many ethnic, special, and racial peoples that make up the former Salovian territory.
The term "Verk'ohism" in Staynish and Codexian is a compounded word taking the names of the two deities, Ver and K'oh, and adding the religious suffix "-ism" to the end of the word. The native name for the religion, "Adidets’mindari", derivesis fromin thefact Saloviana wordsstatement "Adidet",in Salovian meaning "PraisedPrased be", andthe Holy Two."Ts’minda oriThe phrase "Adidet Ts'mindari," directlyis translatingcommonly toused "Theat Holythe Two"end of prayers and sermons.
The word for "Ver" and "K'oh" are directly related to the Salovian words "Verti" and "K'ohtili," both words being synonymous to the Staynish/Codexian word "Righteous One" or "Virtuous One," depending on the translation. It is believed that both the terms "Verti" and "K'ohtili" are descended from a parent term that the two words share with "Ver" and "K'oh".
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