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(Lots of invasions and wars)
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Initially gold and copper was found to be the solution. Though those veins soon ran out in but a century's time. Then by the time of industrialisation, Valerica was found to be rich in coal and soon countless mines dotted the land
Initially gold and copper was found to be the solution. Though those veins soon ran out in but a century's time. Then by the time of industrialisation, Valerica was found to be rich in coal and soon countless mines dotted the land

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=== Century of invasions (17th century) ===

'''First invasion (1627)'''

The 1600s saw South Staynish military commanders almost matter of factly mounting invasions to the cities of Valerica. However these were usually born of officers wishing to gain renown and glory, rather than as some King led efforts. First of these efforts was initiated by Riannar Krasvadere, 5th Baron of Lhumes in the late 1620s. In the summer of 1627, Staynish troops crossed the border into Valerican territory, with some 40 000 men. At the time Valerica was suffering from severe famishes due to repeated crop failures. This resulted in the four cities, Lieca and Baecca maging to raise mere 10 000 men each to face the enemy, with further 6 000 men coming Serraca and Morlca combined. The Valericans, led by Governor Haro Siefer of Serraca, faced the Staynish near the village Horec some 25 miles north of Serraca. The battle in the end proved indecisive when a flanking force of 6 000 Staynish turned to face the enemy prematurely, resulting in itself being flanked by Valerican cavalry and fleeing the field in chaos. Yet governor Siefer failed to capitalize on the oppoturnity, allowing the enemy to retreat in good order. Though indecisive the battle resulted in 2 300 Staynish and 2 000 Valerican casualties.

Following the skirmish at Horec, Staynish forces feinted advance towards the city of Morlca, succesfully fooling the Valerican into rushing to the city's defense. Their feint succesful, Krasvadere turned again and marched to Serraca, sieging the city. What neither side could anticipate however, was that the winter would come extremely early that year, with the weather rapidly growing colder come sebtember. Despite being largely undefended, city of Serraca still had notable and modern defenses, resulting in the siege drawing out. 10th of October the Valericans returned to once more meet the Staynish invaders, this time right at the city of Serraca. Governor Hafer believed that with the advantage of surprise on their side, his smaller force could trap the Staynish between his army, the city and the sea. Yet immediately his right wing got bogged down against the Staynish palisade, leading into the left flank overextending and being routed by Staynish cavalry. What could've been the victory the Staynish were looking for turned into a pyrrhic one when a freak cannonball came and hit Baron Krasvadere to his shoulder. He was carried from the field, but would not live to see the end of the day. Nonetheless the Valericans were driven off and the siege continued. Come october 24th however, two weeks after battle first snow came. Leaderless, the winter setting in and the prospect of a long siege facing them, the Staynish decided to abandon the siege and retreat.

Their march home would become known as the "cold trail" as the winter proved to be unsually cold. During the winter march the army would lose further 3 000 mean to cold, disease and hunger. The Valericans force that attempted to shadow them was also met with such hardships and forced to turn back to winter in Serraca. However as spring came neither side had willingness to continue hostilities, leading the conflict coming to an end.

'''Rise of Jannes Stinje and the prelude to Asernic invasions'''

The decade following the First invasion was a time of relative peace for Valerica. Though the abnormally cold winters continued, help from neighboring friendlier states saved them from major famishes like the one faced during the war. During this time Great Morstayblishia was busy taking over Kormistazic Arcturia and colonising the south concordian ocean. Though they had not forgotten. During the year 1631 Jannes Stinje was elected as the new Serenissimo of Valerica. He would strive towards finishing the modernization of defensive structures surrounding the cities of Lieca, Baecca and Morlca, following the model of Serraca that had proved to be so effective against the invaders. Furthermore, he tied the four cities tighter together by setting united standards for ship building, resulting in a more uniform navy. He was also the first Serenissimo in decades to succesfully rise the taxes levied on merchants, the new nobility of Valerica. Though his attempts at standardizing taxation throughout all the cities failed due to fierce resistance.

Overall the Valerican nation shifted from a union of free cities, into a more centralized nation with Serenissimo being able to excercise more power than before. This developement can be seen as part of overall wave of centralized absolutism over feudalism rushing over Aurora at the time.

'''Six Years’ War (1671-1677)'''

'''Posolic Wars (1795-1810 and 1814-1826)'''

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