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=== [[wikipedia:Mesolithic|Mesolithic]] Uspria (8800-5800 BC)===
Although the exact date is still hotly debated amongst historians and scholars it is within the Mesolithic Era that elves from what would become modern day [[Arcturia]]said eastward towards the continent of [[Aurora]]. Utilizing ancient voyager ships the elves bridged the gap between the two landmasses. The elves proceeded across the southern coast of Aurora following native populations of [[Aurochs]] along the southern coast of Aurora and into what would become modern Uspria. While archaeological records are scarce archaeologists have found remains of old stone tools and decorative art that described the nomadic proto Usprian people. Within the caves remains of shattered pottery were found along with trace residue of foodstuffs as well as salt withing the shards, suggesting that ancient Usprians utilized a method of [[wikipedia:Desalination|desalinating]] water to utilize the salt for enhancing or preserving food.
Close to the late Mesolithic Usprians settled into into what would become modern day Valerica. Settlers built tightly packed [[wikipedia:mudbrick|mudbrick]] settlements along the cliffside. based upon historical artifacts recovered this was the same time in which early Usprians began the domestication of a Hapsi, a [[wikipedia:Glutinous rice|medium-grained rice]]. It is theorized early Usprians utilized hapsi as well as hunting game and fish to consume. Wild [[wikipedia:Common fig|figs]], olives, nuts, berries, and seeds were also used to supplement dietary needs deeper inland. Those who settled upon the rocky shores of Uspria ate much higher proportions of fish, mollusk, and berries that grew within the rocky crags of the mountainous coastline. Early Usprians also used a variety of domesticated animals for travel, food, labor, and clothing. Some of the earliest examples are the early domestication of goats, auroran pheasants, and [[wikipedia:Aurochs|Hummarian Aurochs]].
Early Usprian society was still highly tribal during this period however limited instances of bartering and cultural exchange did occur between the different settled tribes as well as native human populations. It is theorized the Usprian people traded foodstuff, seeds, livestock, and handicrafts. During the late Mesolithic period early Usprians developed the groundwork for the Aocini faith as evidenced by exhumed remains featuring jewelry and talismans reminiscent of the symbolism used in early medieval Aocini.
File:MesoolithicRuinsUspria.png|<center>Ruins in Northern Uspria.
===[[wikipedia:Neolithic|Neolithic]] Uspria (5800-4500 BC)===
The Neolithic Era in Uspria is characterized heavily by more permanent settlements being established throughout the mountainous regions. As Usprian society started to coalesce in mountainous holds and the religion of Aocini took a greater cultural prominence over early [[wikipedia:shamanism|shamanistic religions]] cities increased in not only size but also organization with [[wikipedia:City-state|city-states]] rising to prominence across Usprian lands. The advent of organized agriculture along the banks of Uspria's many rivers which carried nutrients down from the mountains and into the rivers and tributaries that flowed through the lowlands. Cultivation of Hapis greatly increased after the discovery of the [[wikipedia:millstone]] quickly led to the utilization of rice flour and the creation of rice bread. The method for cultivation, milling, and baking improved the quality of Usprian life tremendously and allowed Usprians to gain the upper hand when bartering with goods before the process was disseminated to Aurora.
Usprians traded bread, pottery, and salted fished for a variety of goods specifically jewelry, textiles, and human labor. As Usprian cities expanded, specifically those along the coast, more workers were needed for additional labor than the Usprian elves slow reproductive speed could create. Usprians purchased or forced early human tribes into bondage to utilize them as a fast growing source of labor for their fields and dockyards. By the year 4900 the slavery of humans became a common practice in Uspria. Usprian cities utilized the slave labor to quickly catapult themselves forward in both the ability produce goods as well as the ability to extract new resources. During this period aggression between the native humans and elven populations reached a tipping point, causing one of the first known extensively recorded wars. Ancient Usprian city-states faced a guerrilla war against human tribesmen which forced the Usprian city-states to unite under the leadership of the most prominent city, Lieca. This Usprian league managed to eventually crush the human tribesmen, thanks to their efforts being led from one place. However after the external threat was gone, new problems arose. Many city states longed for the dissolving of the league, as was originally agreed upon. Lieca however was reluctant to give up it’s hegemonic position. What followed, were the so called Usprian wars, in which the league was forcibly dissolved.
File:USPbread.jpg|<center>A recreation of early Usprian bread made from rice flour.
File:USPboat.png|<center>An artist's rendition of early Usprian merchant vessels.
===[[wikipedia:Chalcolithic|Chalcolithic]] Uspria (4500-3500 BC)===
The Chaloclithic Era of Usprian society revolves primarily around the advent of larger scale mining operations utilizing slave labor as well as early forges to mold copper into more effective tools and weapons as well as ornamentation. Usprian mines primarily extracted copper from the craggy ground alongside copper-bearing gemstones such as [[wikipedia:Larimar]], [[wikipedia:Malachite]], and [[wikipedia:Azurite]]. Usprian jewelers took the copper and gemstones and began to forge intricate pendants, brooches, and hairpins. Usprian craftswomen, now spared from working in the fields and mines, turned their focus towards the sybarite culture that Usprians are known for. With the increase in luxury items as well as greater desire to trade with neighbors along the coastline of Aurora. These merchants utilized an almost universally desired good: salt, to exchange for goods of those whom they traded with. Usprian merchants soon found themselves creating a new social structure based upon the vast difference in wealth between the human slaves and their elven masters.
Upon the advent of metallurgy Usprian military forces became a superior fighting force as well. Usprians using copper tipped spears and weighted nets became excellent hunters of both game and humans within early Usprian society. These hunters were often the children of merchants who would then utilize the captured animals and people as goods to be sold, creating a strongly clan aligned military that was loyal to their matriarch. The largest change in Usprian warfare would be the domestication of the metlae. Its domestication and use as a mount assisted early Usprians greatly with navigating both the deep forests of the lowlands as well as the mountainous terrain thanks to the metlae's natural agility and its ability to leap and pounce with surprising accuracy. Usprians riding metlae quickly rose in prominence in Usprian society and mounted warriors became a symbol of wealth and prestige, often equipped with rudimentary copper armor and reinforced spears specifically designed for their use in mounted combat.
Usprian society, building upon the budding desire for luxury, the surplus of wealth from trading, and through the actions against the less organized tribes of humans began to develop some of the first the signs of civilization. Series of universal laws were enacted, a setting of standard prices and valuation of goods throughout the unified city-states was established, as well as a rudimentary cuneiform script that was utilized primarily for counting stores of materials as well as denoting amounts. An early form of scales was developed and utilized in order to evaluate the weight of salt and how much of other materials it would be worth.
File:USPancientmines.png|<center>Ancient Usprian copper mines found in the cliffside.
File:USPprotocity.png|<center>Artist depiction of lowlands farming commune.
File:USPspears.jpg|<center>Copper spearheads recovered from burial mound.
File:USPearlynecklace.jpg|<center>An example of early Usprian jewelry.
