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== History ==
==== Settlement Era ====
Vakrestrender isles was originally settled by a series of hyper-religious cannibal orc tribes. The tribals waged a special kind of war against each other. Instead of trying to kill each other, they use unarmed martial skill and duel on rafts. Fighting each other until one team is left on the raft. The prize of these kinds of conflicts being in charge raids on the mainland. Being in charge gives the tribe the largest share of the loot. Agriculture was seen as a heretical act by the tribes, believing that only ending a life and sustaining life.
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The cannibals would spend hundreds of years raiding, stealing and worshiping the flesh gods of the isles. The tribes used non-orcs they brought in as both for eating, economical uses and most importantly, note-taking. Slaves able to read and write in their home language, was used as a scribes. Copying books, scrolls, poems and other forms of religious text the raiders stole in their raids. Believing that knowledge about other gods that they bring back to their island brings power to their gods. Stealing statues, rituals knives and other assorted religious artifacts bring glory and power to the flesh gods. Their devotion and brutality was known throughout the seas. They have perfected the art of harvesting sapient species of types. Able to use every bone, organ and other assorted flesh bits into their meals. Each part of the body is reserved for a specific meal time and specific rituals.
==== Confederation Era ====
However in the early 1100s, the tribes was united under a confederation of U’doloth. United the orc-raiding fleets into one mighty fleet, expanding its operations from raiding to including piracy, mercenary work and as slave traders. The flesh raids slowly went out of fashion, preferring the economic benefits of piracy, ransoming the crewescrews back instead of harvesting them.
Growing a massive treasure horde which they used to make statues of their dark gods. Believing the new found wealth will keep the endless hunger of their gods satisfied. The statues that were used in offering rituals, became lavish vaults of wealth. Being viewed as the gods personal wealth on Urth. These vaults slowly grew into massive stone towers curved into the hills, acting as both a, temple, museum and as a defense structure. Each of the isles had their own tower, competing with one another. It’s still currently unknown which tower was the largest, due to the towers being completely destroyed and the foundation turned part into the sprawling cityscape of the modern day country. Only now referred to in text from local history and foreign merchants.
In late 1300 the confederation completely collapsed due to the loss of the fleet due to a storm. Civil war and strife takes hold of the isles. A renewed belief in the old gods of flesh spreads once again, blaming greed is the reason for the loss of the fleet. The orcs turned on to their slaves first, consuming all except the scribe slaves. The raids renewed once again, they harvested the nearby islands and the mainland once more. The clergy took control of the wealth inside the of towers
In the 1500s the confederation was reformed under a single island once more, backed by several international powers with a promise to end the raids. The renewed confederation fell apart as almost as quickly as it was formed. The civil conflict went on for nearly a century with different factions killing one and consuming one another. The war only ending when the plague nearly killed all the orcs and slaves.
The 1600s to 1700s was known as the era of chaos as the plagues, faimesfamines and violent cannibalism drastically dropped native orc populations. Knowledge that has been taken care of for generations was lost as the scribes were consumed by the starving masses of orcs. Much history is lost in this era as many of the wooden structures were burnt down leaving only a handful of stone structures.
==== Colonial Era ====
The 1700s brought a new foreign power to the isles, a lost Norgesveldet fleet filled with Akuanist deportreesdeportees that was once bound for greener pastures. They established a colony, under the Norgesveldet crown and for those who were not religious no longer tolerated at home. Primary the Akuanist which collected on the fringes of Norgesveldet territories and the atheists questioning the new Fylkir Gustaf II. The orc tribes were pushed violently back by the combined forces of the Akuanist and atheist deportreesdeportees, destroying many of the religious artifacts across all the islands. Stone structures being brought down by cannon shot and the statues of the flesh gods torn down. They march under the banner of tolerance, wanting a society free of persecution and wanting to dedicate their lives to art. They nearly completely geocided the orc civilization on the island forcing them to be trapped on a single lone island in the north. Believing that they can one day change stop being cannibals if they wait it out enough. They shot any orc that came out onto the beach and kept that policy for nearly hundred years before Jarl Bjørn III put an end to it. Once again allowing the orcs to come out onto the beach without being machine gunned down.
==== Modern Era ====
In the early 1930s, after the great war the country was under massive suffering under economic strains. Having to undergo a military occupation by Norgsveldet during the great war, which forced many of the adult members into defensive militias and grinding the economy to a halt as defense earthworks curved into the earthwork. When the occupation was lifted after the great war, the charismatic Prime Minister Torbjørn Flaten formed a government as an independent politician with a coalition government with the Liberal and Social Democratic parties. Shifting from fishing industries towards service and entertainment focused industries. Liberals pushed for becoming a tax haven for NorgsveltenNorgsveltian entertainment and the Social Democratic finally agreed to the tax reforms in the 1940s. After being assured by several entertainment executives they will establish a “tourist paradise” and bribe the heads of the democratic party. The bribery scandal was exposed later in the 1960s and several department heads of the government were arrested. The crown realm decided to not press charges on the entertainment industries, instead reaching a backroom deal where they would create several luxury entertainment complexes and pay for the creation of a new airport.
Modern day within 2020, the crown realm isn’t suffering as it has in the past. With several art house studios, luxury hotels, amusement parks and many other relaxation services built through the isles. Diamond polishing industry has taken off in the isles as well, thanks to government subsidies and close-ties to the Norgsveldet jewelry industries.
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==== Judicial ====
== Economy ==
==== Tourism ====
'''Tourism Vakrestrender Isles''' became a massive hub for tourists quickly in 1940s as entertainment industry giants flocked to isles. Thanks to the collaboration of government officials, house Bjørn and entertainment executives. Tourism accounts for 35% of the GDP and more than 70% of the Vakrestrenders' foreign exchange receipts. More than 63% of government tax revenue comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. The development of tourism fostered the overall growth of the country's economy. It created direct and indirect employment and income generation opportunities in other related industries. The first tourist resorts were opened in 1949 with Lyst Sted's Island Resort, which transformed massively transformed the economy.
According to the Ministry of Tourism, the emergence of tourism in 1949 transformed the economy, moving rapidly from dependence on fisheries to tourism. In just under a decade, the industry became the main source of income. Tourism was also the country's biggest foreign currency earner and the single largest contributor to the GDP.
==== Jewelry ====
'''Vakrestrender''' has one of the largest jewelry markets, due to few regulations maintained by the Bjørn family which the industry was "entrusted" with by the government. While parliament and policing agencies still has the ability to prevent unlawful behavior or unethical actions and can enforce new regulations into the jewelry industry. What this is means in practice is that the government is still able to have regulations in the industry however act under the Bjørn family name. The Bjørn family has maintained a close relationship with many of the world's leading jewelry designers and industry insiders. Allowing a particular special relationship and a web of connects to varies key members of the fashion world.
The regulatory body governing for the jewelry industry, "Prestisjedelstener" acts board where the head of the Bjørn family sits as the ceremonial executive officer and diplomat to the industry. The rest of the board being members varies economic ministers, who create and vote on the policies the body takes.
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