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==== Tourism ====
'''Tourism Vakrestrender Isles''' became a massive hub for tourists quickly in 1940s as entertainment industry giants flocked to isles. Thanks to the collaboration of government officials, house Bjørn and entertainment executives. Tourism accounts for 35% of the GDP and more than 70% of the Vakrestrenders' foreign exchange receipts. More than 63% of government tax revenue comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. The development of tourism fostered the overall growth of the country's economy. It created direct and indirect employment and income generation opportunities in other related industries. The first tourist resorts were opened in 1949 with Lyst Sted's Island Resort, which transformed massively transformed the economy.
According to the Ministry of Tourism, the emergence of tourism in 1949 transformed the economy, moving rapidly from dependence on fisheries to tourism. In just under a decade, the industry became the main source of income. Tourism was also the country's biggest foreign currency earner and the single largest contributor to the GDP.
==== Jewelry ====
'''Vakrestrender''' is one of the largest jewelry markets on Urth, due to few regulations maintained by the Bjørn family which the industry was "entrusted" with by the government. While parliament and policing agencies still has the ability to prevent unlawful behavior or unethical actions and can enforce new regulations into the jewelry industry. What this is means in practice is that the government is still able to have regulations in the industry however act under the Bjørn family name. The Bjørn family has maintained a close relationship with many of the world's leading jewelry designers and industry insiders. Allowing a particular special relationship and a web of connects to varies key members of the fashion world.
The regulatory body governing for the jewelry industry, "Prestisjedelstener" acts board where the head of the Bjørn family sits as the ceremonial executive officer and diplomat to the industry. The rest of the board being members varies economic ministers, who create and vote on the policies the body takes.
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==== Anime ====
The animation industry of Vakrestrender consists of more than 215 production companies organized into a trade association, Association of Ulvrikian Animations. The largest trade union for workers in the industry being the Animation Labor Association.
Administrators, verified
