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==== Jewelry ====
'''Vakrestrender''' hasis one of the largest jewelry markets on Urth, due to few regulations maintained by the Bjørn family which the industry was "entrusted" with by the government. While parliament and policing agencies still has the ability to prevent unlawful behavior or unethical actions and can enforce new regulations into the jewelry industry. What this is means in practice is that the government is still able to have regulations in the industry however act under the Bjørn family name. The Bjørn family has maintained a close relationship with many of the world's leading jewelry designers and industry insiders. Allowing a particular special relationship and a web of connects to varies key members of the fashion world.
The regulatory body governing for the jewelry industry, "Prestisjedelstener" acts board where the head of the Bjørn family sits as the ceremonial executive officer and diplomat to the industry. The rest of the board being members varies economic ministers, who create and vote on the policies the body takes.
Varies cottage and niche industries have taken up around the jewelry market such as gem-stone polishing, clockwork repair and additional luxury fashion related services. Many of the businesses are small, natively owned family owned enterprises. Traditionally the techniques being used passed on via family members and a closely guarded trade secret.
==== Anime ====
Administrators, verified
