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===Current Government===
[[File:Vaklori National Diet 2021.png|thumb|left|300px|The current National Diet of Vaklori, as of 5 October 2021. The parties are, from left to right:<br /><br />'''Government:'''<br />Ademar Democrats: 121 seats<br />Liberal Alliance: 87 seats<br />Agrarian Center Party: 72 seats<br />Free Democratic Party: 23 seats<br />Pirate Party: 11 seats<br />Crypto Revolution: 7 seats<br /><br />'''Other Parties:'''<br />Labor Party: 77 seats<br />Green Party: 33 seats<br />VKLeft: 29 seats<br />Communist Party: 22 seats<br />Vaklori Communist Party: 7 seats<br />Ailurine Voice: 6 seats<br />Stand Up!: 3 seats<br />Alliance of Man: 1 seat<br /><br />'''Official Opposition:'''<br />Royal Nation Party: 109 seats<br />New Popular Party: 29 seats<br />Pensioners Party: 3 seats]]
Elections in 2021 resulted in a coalition led by the Ademar Democrats Party entering government. The leader of the Ademar Democrats, Maeve Holstein, became Vaklori's first female Prime Minister. The coalition is broadly center to center-right, and is considered to be somewhat fragile, consisting of the Ademar Democrats (an Ademarist party of the center-right) as well as the Liberal Alliance (classical liberals), Agrarian Center Party (agrarian populists), the Free Democratic Party (centrists), and for the first time, two minor parties: the Pirate Party, focused on issues of information freedom and government transparency, and the Crypto Revolution Party, which advocates for financial deregulation and the adoption of cryptocurrency. Stated policy goals for the Holstein Government include lowering taxes on businesses and individuals, revamping the country's system of crop insurance and farm subsidies, considering the adoption of cryptocurrency in the country's national payment networks, and undertaking an audit of the National Bank of Vaklori as well as the Ministries of Treasury and Defense.
The official opposition consists of three parties: the Royal National Party (a monarchist party), the New National Party (a big tent populist party), and the Pensioners Party, which advocates for issues relating to the retired and elderly. The Royal National Party and New National Party had never collaborated in any coalition prior to 2021, but agreed to serve together with the Pensioners Party so that their coalition, at 141 seats, was larger than the coalition of the Labor Party, Green Party, and VKLeft at 139 seats and therefore took the spot of Official Opposition. The Labor/Green/VKLeft coalition had previously served as government since 2013, but the 2021 elections saw Labor—the previous largest party—lose 50 seats due in large part to the unpopularity of increased fuel taxes, accusations of corruption in regard to the country's 2020 World Cup bid, and controversy surrounding Vaklorian membership in the [[Alliance of Northwest Gondwana]], which increased in unpopularity after perceived political and economic instability in its most powerful member, [[Tavaris]].