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Members of Vaarliament are elected in regular elections every 4 years. The members elect one of their own to serve as First Minister, who assists in the administration of the principality and who serves independently of the princess or prince of the day. While the Vaar monarchy is expected to remain politically neutral and unaffiliated with any particular faction or party, the First Minister is invariably the leader of the largest party in Vaarliament. The job of First Minister is often derided as being "irrelevant" or even "useless" considering the monarch's executive authority, but the First Minister's consent is always required for any Constitutional changes, and law requires that the First Minister not only be kept aware but "be present for the making of all major decisions of state" and be allowed access to the monarch at all times. The First Minister is generally considered to be the ''political'' leader of Vaarschaft whose job is to represent the will and desire of the citizenry to the monarch.
Members of Vaarliament are elected in regular elections every 4 years. The members elect one of their own to serve as First Minister, who assists in the administration of the principality and who serves independently of the princess or prince of the day. While the Vaar monarchy is expected to remain politically neutral and unaffiliated with any particular faction or party, the First Minister is invariably the leader of the largest party in Vaarliament. The job of First Minister is often derided as being "irrelevant" or even "useless" considering the monarch's executive authority, but the First Minister's consent is always required for any Constitutional changes, and law requires that the First Minister not only be kept aware but "be present for the making of all major decisions of state" and be allowed access to the monarch at all times. The First Minister is generally considered to be the ''political'' leader of Vaarschaft whose job is to represent the will and desire of the citizenry to the monarch.

A monarch is elected only upon the death or resignation of the previous monarch. In cases of temporary absence for any reason, the First Minister assumes executive control of the principality. Since Constitutional reforms undertaken in 2009, upon the death or resignation of the monarch, Vaarliament must appoint exactly five candidates, who will then appear on the ballot in an election placed before the entire citizenry of Vaarschaft. The voting age for elections for Princess or Prince is mandated to be 15, unlike all other Vaar elections, in which it is 18, and the law requires that voting be done through a system of ranked choice. Voting in elections for monarch are compulsory, with the fine for not participating being ₦10,000 or six months of the non-voting individual's income, whichever is higher. Candidates for monarch must be at least 40 years of age and must have been resident in Vaarschaft for at least ten consecutive years prior to the election. There has never been a gender requirement in the law, and the first Princess of Vaarschaft was elected in 1806. Elections for monarch must be non-partisan, and individuals who have served in a partisan electoral office are ineligible for nomination as candidate unless they have been out of office for at least 3 years. Prior to her election as Princess, Anna-Kristina Henschel was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Civil Court of Vaarschaft.
