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The [[Tyberian Palace]] ([[Packilvanian]]: ''luQasoor luTyberiy''), is a building located in the city of [[Bingol]], [[Packilvania]], the seat of the legislative branch of the [[politics of Packilvania|government of Packilvania]], the [[Parliament of Packilvania]].
== History ==
The Parliament of Packilvania (''luMijhalis luBas'') was established in 1680 by Sultan [[Saidun the Conqueror]]. The body's members, who all sat in one house and were members of the [[nobility of Packilvania]], first gathered at the Great Court of Lions (''luKhama luBas aleGisam'') in the [[Halaler Imperial Palace]] (''luQasoor luShahitishme aHalaler'') which was an indoor courtyard flanked by pillars capped by statues of lionine beasts. Under his successor, Sultan Ishak IV, the ''Mijhalis luBas'' met once a year in the Court of the Esma Ashrafiya (''luKhama amuYusma Ashrafiya'') once a year. The ''luKhama amuYusma Ashrafiya'' was expanded by Sultan Zygros I to accommodate the increasing number of members through a merger with the Court of Elephants (''luKhama aleVuray'') which were together referred to as the Court of the Kings of Beasts (''luKhama aleMamluk aleQuyar''). They continued to meet in this court until the reign of Sultan Zygros II who in turn made renovations and expansions to the ''luKhama aleMamluk aleQuyar''. The body began to meet twice a year and Zygros II felt that the body's meetings were disruptive to the regular functioning of the court and so he commissioned the construction of the Ladiyam Palace which was built in the town of Ladiyam located 20 kilometres from the city of Bingol.
The Palace was first built in 1521 by High King Tyber V as the seat of the [[Imperial Court of Packilvania]] while the [[Bingol Royal Palace]] remained the ceremonial seat of the [[Zubraynite dynasty]] and the government of the country. The palace was destroyed in an urthquake in 1589, and a new building was constructed atop and using the stones of the ruined structure by High King Yasu I.
The Ladiyam Palace was built in the Ornamental Style fashionable in the era. The Grand Vizier of Parliament (''muVazeer muBas aluMijhalis luBas'' or simply ''muVazeer aluMijhalis'') became a permanent employee of the Crown and resided full-time in the Ladiyam Palace. His duties and powers expanded to not only act as the custodian of the Ladiyam Palace and its surrounding gardens, but also to summon members, organise and preside over sessions. The Sultan then managed the functioning of the Parliament through the ''muVazeer aluMijhalis,'' this enabled the professionalisation of this body and the creation of the Code of Procedure of the Parliament (''luTalimat aluThariqa aluMijhalis luBas'') which was housed in the Library of the Grand Vizier (''Merufiyakhim amuVazeer muBas''). This Library began being used by scholars and scribes working for the nobles who wanted to come prepared and be knowledgeable before coming to its sessions. This was especially important when the Sultan delegated the power to summon the body to the Grand Viziers. In wanting to promote their policies and profile they began to summon the ''luMijhalis luBas'' more often to report on their work resulting in meetings happening quarterly.
The palace was expanded over the years, most notably by High King Baloo the Great, whose architectural feats became known for their distinct style. The building was sacked and looted during the invasion of Bingol by [[Saidun the Conqueror]]. It was abandoned, but the site was chosen by Sultan Zygros II for the Parliament and the building was renovated and expanded in 1730. The building was completed during the reign of Zerah Demir I in 1781.
The nobles felt that they needed to live in Ladiyam or Bingol in order to serve their duties. So, the Sultan then had apartments constructed for what were called Permanent Members as opposed to Sessional Members who were represented by Proxies and attended only once a year. The Permanent Members and Proxies then had apartments to do their work and house their staff. Ishak V expanded the Parliament's size following protests by the merchants to be represented in the body through the formation of the Consultative Assembly. He then ordered the construction of Great Hall of the Commons (''luShaam luBas ameAlmun'') when the Consultative Assembly was summoned once a year. This was too small and the Sultan ordered the constitution of the Palace of Parliament, the modern building as it stands was constructed. The architect Khajnam Shulmaniyah designed the new structure.
The palace was used as a bunker and hospital during the [[Great War]] by [[Zerah Demir IV]]. It was within its chambers that the [[Packilvanian Communist Party]] was formally proclaimed in 1917. It served as the seat of the National People's Assembly, the legislative branch of the Communist government. Following the [[Second Packilvanian Civil War]], the Constitutional Assembly drafted and passed the Constitution of Packilvania and the Parliament gathered here once again in 1985.
== Location ==
The Tyberian Palace sits on Tyberian Hill, named after High King Tyber V. Tyberian Hill is a granite outcrop that was formed from the corrosion of a larger hill that was eroded by the rains especially the Kariad River that flowed nearby and eventually meandered over 4 kilometres from the site and was covered with primeval tropical forests. It sits within the area of Bingol known as Tyber's Court (''luKhama aTyber'') and lies close to the Bingol Royal Palace and the [[Temple of the Authority]].
== Interior ==
The building contains the Lawbringer's Chamber, which is used as the meeting area of the Legislative Council. Modern amenities such as microphones, electric lights and modern voting stations were added. The Speaker's Chairs sits in the centre of the hemicycle and before it the Mace and Scroll of Parliament by which Sultan Saidun the Conqueror formally recognised the Parliament. The Imperial Legislative Throne is a chair that was added in that chamber so that the Sultan could sit in it when the Prime Minister gave the State of the Empire Address.
The Legislative Council of Packilvania sits in the Chamber of the Legislative Council (''luShaam aluMijhalis luKhanonifiya''). The seats in the room are arranged in a hemicycle with a raised dais with desks and chairs where the officials of the body sit. The Speaker's chair sits in the Center of the dais. Behind the Speaker's chair is the Sultan's throne. Between the dais and the seats of the hemicycle is a lectern where speakers can speak. Beside the lectern is a plinth on which the Imperial Mace sits. The Imperial Mace represents the authority of the Legislative Council to pass laws and other legislative acts. There are galleries in the back where visitors and the public can sit. Before one reaches the Chamber of the Legislative Council is the Lobby of the Legislative Council (''luShaamfitar aluMijhalis luKhanonifiya''). The Lobby has tiled floors and pillars along the walls with paintings and decorations.
The building also contains the Speaker's Chambers, where the Speaker of Parliament and their staff have offices. The Hall of Sultana Ikhtayra contains the plinth dedicated to Sultan Kabran II's second wife and in which rare porcelains are displayed. It is connected to the Abrasiya Gallery named for the variety of orchid that shares the amber colour of finishings in the gallery. The Abrasiya Gallery leads to the Jumhadek Lobby, which contains the Grand Staircase and is used for informal chats by members of the legislature.
The Speaker's Rooms (''leShaamne amuTamuk'') are a section of the building where the offices and other ancillary rooms used by the Office of the Speaker are located. The Speaker's Office (''luBuriy amuTamuk'') is a room containing a large desk in the centre. There are windows opposite on the other side of the room. The office has a painting in the background and shelves for books. The Speaker's Library (''luMerufiyakhim amuTamuk'') is a room where there are books and other records accessible only to the Speaker and others invited there by his permission.
On the west wing is the Kylipsios Observatory, which contains the 200-year old brass telescope of the Count of Kylipsios, the former Speaker of Parliament and is used as a chamber for members of Parliament. The Barkhumiad Chamber contains the personal armoury of Marquis of Barkhumiad, the Speaker during the reign of Zerah Demir III. The Ochre Perfumery is named for the red decorations of the room that look like red perfume bottles.
== HistoryGrounds ==
The grounds of the Palace consist of terraced gardens landscaped with plants native to the area. The water from the Kariad River is used to create streams and ponds throughout the grounds. The grounds are open to the public and many amenities are provided such as benches, water fountains, and shade. The grounds feature prominent monuments such as a statue of Gideon Muktan by Radyami Baskhut which was moved from the Central Garden to the Cloistered Garden. It also features an equestrian statue of Sultan Zygros II in the Orchid Garden. A statue of the Count of Aqmud sitting on a pile of books anchors the Southern Terrace. There is also the Martyrs' Pavilion, which contains the names of members of the [[Carriers of Mercy]] who died in the war against the Communists.
== Transport ==
The Palace is surrounded by Parliament Street (''luViy luMijhalisqur'') to the west and south west, Sentinel Street (''luViy luSuldat'') to the east Rydian Street (''luViy lyRyd'') to the north. On the opposing side of Rydian Street is Rydian Metro Station which sits on Lines II and IV of the Bingol Metro System. There is a bus station about a kilometre away on Sentinel Street with smaller stops in between. Kastiyam Muktaman Viaduct provides access to pedestrians and cyclists straight into the area.
== Security ==
The area is protected by the Parliament Police, a division of the Bingol Capital Police Service, as well as the Imperial Mounted Guard, a contingent of cavalry from the 12th Cavalry Brigade. The Guard usually rides Zygrosian horses. Though they wield ceremonial spears and scimitars, when not in public ceremony or display, they wield military grade arms. The airspace in and around the Imperial District including Tyber's Court is restricted to military jets and civilian aircraft are prohibited. The presence of anti-aircraft guns has been alleged due to the presence of concealed platforms and turrets but the Spokespersons for the Parliament Police has denied the claims.
