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|demonym = Tivotian
|government_type = [[wikipedia:Republic|Republic]]
|leader_title1 = Chief Executive StatesmanPresident
|leader_name1 = [[BorisTanya LoctovTarasovna]]
|leader_title2 = Chief Mediator
|leader_name2 = [[Zurab Eristavi]]
|leader_title3 = Mayor of Tarov
|leader_name3 = [[TanyaTalia Tarasovna]]Periuli
|leader_title4 = Secretary of Foreign Affairs
|leader_name4 = [[Ivan Trikolovich]]
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|calling_code = +17
|area_rank=|GDP_PPP=|GDP_PPP_year=|today=|native_name=ტივოტის რესპუბლიკა <small>([[Wikipedia:Georgian language|SAL]])</small>}}
'''The Republic of Tivot''', more commonly referred to simply as [[Tivot]], is a small,republic prosperouslocated nationon thatthe shares[[Horn aof singleKaltariezh]]. borderIt with borders the nations of [[CaltharusKaltariezh]] ([[Great Morstaybishlia|MBE]]) and [[Blueacia]] to its south on the continent [[Aurora]], and a small border with [[JustelvardJusdelva]] on the island of Isekora. It is the northernmost nation on the continent, and was part of [[Salovia]] for centuries, gaining independence soon after the conclusion of [[Auroran Imperial War|The Auroran Imperial War]] following an independence referendum backed by [[Ethalria]] and [[Great Morstaybishlia]] in 1975. It has maintained peaceful relations with the former Salovian territories of [[BaykaliaBiramura]], [[Volova]], and [[Nilovia]], and has particularly close relations with [[TuvaltastanLovelia]] and [[Nolova]]. The nation, with a Nominal GDP per capita of $37,361, has an estimated population of 23,482,684 as of 2020. The nation is located at the tip of the [[Great Auroran Peninsula]], and is a major port on [[Morstaybishlian Sea|The Morst Thoroughfare]] for shippings directed towards [[Gondwana]] and [[Novaris]]. Tivot also has three outlying islands, [[Alirus Isle]] to the northeast, [[Eternium Isle]] to the northwest, and [[Zycal Island]] to the west, all of which have been designated as nature preserves since [[Nature Preservation Acts of 1834|1834]]. Collectively, the three islands are referred to as the [[Tivot Outlying Preserves]] (TOPs). Along with the TOPs, Tivot also owns the port city of [[Okros Sanap’iro]], located on the southeastern corner of the [[JustelvardJusdelva|JustelvardicJusdelvic]] island of Isekora, given to Salovia to be part of the Tivotian province by [[Great Morstaybishlia]] as reparations for occupying Tivot during the Great War. The capital [[Tarov]] and its metropolitan area hold almost the entire population of the mainland at over 22 million people, due to lack of practical usable space elsewhere, and also [[Verk'ohism#Zycalerian Myths|local beliefs]] pertaining to the [[Zycannes Mountains]] found in the center of the nation. The only other separate populations are the settlement of [[Per]], home to a population of approximately 237,200 individuals, mostly consisting of [[Species#Peregrin|Peregrin]] and [[Species#Nekomimi|Nekomimi]], and Okros Sanap’iro, hosting a population of 332,800. This concentration of the population within Tarov results in "Tivot" and "Tarov" to be occasionally used interchangeably, as well as the rare reference to Tivot as a city-state, although semantically that terminology is inaccurate to describe the nation as a whole.
The origin of the name "Tivot" is not entirely known. However, it along with "Tarov" are believed to share the same etymology, as evidenced by ancient manuscripts (namely shipping records and the Emarl Manuscript) in which the words "Tavorit" and "Tireva" were used to describe the peninsula. The exact meanings of these words has since been lost, but expertsit speculateis speculated that the words are related to "ts’minda" and "khvreli" which directly translate to "holy" and "hole" respectively, however there is little evidence to prove this.
The name "Per" stems from its native inhabitants, who are ethnically related to the elves of [[Peregrinia]], who in their native language Kilumi are called Pereh. Salovians first heard Pereh and mistakenly believed it to be the name of their settlement, rather than the name of their people.
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===As a Salovian Province===
[[File:TarovOld.jpg|thumbnail|left|View of Boscow Beach, Tarov 1890]]
First acquired by Salovia in 976 AD after the Great Battle of Morta, Tivot had alwaysstarted been locatedoff on the political peripheral of Salovian politics, and since 1132 AD had been an autonomous province of the nation. This self-sufficiency and unique freedom over its own affairs allowed the region to chart its own course, separate from the other regions of Salovia.
Throughout its history, Tivot's capital Tarov served as a focal point for Salovians to travel to and from Salovian colonies, with it being the primary gateway for foreign goods to enter the empire. There were a few points in history where Tivot would effectively become independent, namely during the Salovian Interregnum period and the Era of Uncertainty, with a few short periods wherein Tivot was the subject of a war over its territory with [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlia]].
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===Modern-Day Tivot===
Tivot has inserted itself into the global economy, emerging as a major shipping and trade hub. The nation makes the majority of its wealth from tourism, trade, its numerous financial businesses, and its numerous coastal ports within Tarov and Port Triklov, which have a comparatively low tax rate. It also holds one of the world's largest stock markets. The nation has also solidified a place of importance in the United Nations of the Auroran Continent as the host to one of the headquarters of the [[Auroran ContinentalCentral Bank]].
The Politics of Tivot take place in the framework of a Republic, wherein the Chief Executive Statesperson, or Chief Executive for short,President is the Head of Government and Head of State. Tivotian representation is broken up into twelve subdivisions, two of which being Per and Okros Sanap’iro (Okro for short), with the rest being Tarov itself. There are three branches of government; the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, with a checks and balances system implemented to separate power amongst the branches equally.
The currentPresident Chiefis Executive,directly [[Boriselected Loctov]],by isa directlycombination electedof votes by the Legislative branch and general populous, with ana approvalconfirmation vote by the Judicial and Commercial branchesbranch in a foursix year cycle. The legislature is unicameral in organization, with the legislative body being called the National Senate. The seats in the National Senate are elected directly by the general populous every two years, and are distributed according to population. As of 2015, the National Senate is made up of 285 seats, with the seats apportioned to each province in accordance to their population.
Along with the primary national government, the Mayor of Tarov serves as a major political leader as well, serving as a ''de facto'' second head of Government. Elected every six years, the position is directly elected by Tivotian citizens living in Tarov. Because of the nature of the position, the Mayor takes on many of the same issues as the Chief Executive Statesman, and as such the two positions often coordinate their efforts.
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Tivot is a member of the [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]], which has established a continent-wide trade agreement and non-aggression pact. They are also an economic member to the [[East Pacific Treaty Organization|EPTO]]. Tivot has also established free trade agreements with a wide number of nations and international organizations outside of Aurora, including the [[The Vekaiyun Union|Vekaiyun Union]], the [[South Hills|SHACOG]], the [[Association of Yasterian Nations|AYN]], and [[Packilvania|the Pax Caliphate]]. The nation is also a major economic power on the world stage, having numerous trade agreements with nations across the world, and is the seat of the [[Auroran Central Bank]].
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The culture of Tivot is varied and diverse, pulling from various different sources for its traditions and customs ranging from the original Kingdom of Natavi and its time as a Salovian province to its close ties to CaltharusKaltariezh, JustelvardJusdelva, and Peregrinia.
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Tivot's climate is dominated by the subtropical highland oceanic climate and the climates found in the Zycannes. The non-mountainous climates are arable, but are primarily occupied by urban, commercial, and industrial developments, with a few nature parks dotted sporadically throughout the Tarov metro area.
[[File:Tarov1.jpg|200px|thumb|left|View of a vertical farm in Tarov]]
[[File:Alirus.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Alirus Isle]]
Alirus Isle is a large conic volcanic island that is believed to have formed approximately 30-40 million years ago. MostThe flora of the vegetation on the island isconsists primarily smallerof small shrubs and lichens, and other similarly hardysimilar flora suited to the climate of the island. FaunaThe ondominant fauna of the island are mostlyprimarily small rodents thatlike livethe alonginvasive theyellow-necked coast,field mouse and migratory seabirds that visit the island on a seasonal basis.
[[File:Iluvikov.png|200px|thumb|left|Iluvikov Island]]
IluvikovZycal Island, the largest of the three, is an island made up of two caldera volcanoes connected by an isthmus made up of what is believed to be landproduced from an ancient eruption some time between 20 and 25 million years ago. The vegetation on the island is relatively diverse in comparison to the other TOP's, with a number of different tree species, smaller ferns and grasses, various weeds, and lichens and fungi. The island is home to the endangered Auroran Gold-coated Grimalkin and the Zycalerian cloud rat.
[[File:Eternium.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Eternium Isle]]
Eternium Isle, alsoan island formed from a volcanicnow-extinct islandvolcano, is the only island of the three that has any humansentient population. This is due to the fact that, prior to the original Nature Preservation Acts of 1834 that had formed the Tivot Outlying Preserves, a small community of native inhabitants known as the Aderin Tribe protested against a section of the original act that would have had them be expelled off the island in favor of preservation of nature. The inhabitants argued that because the Aderin had been on the island longer than recorded history, that they had become a natural part of the ecosystem. The Grand Court at the time ruled that they had indeed become an integral part of the environment, and the Aderin have lived on the island since, with their population staying between 150 and 250 individuals since 1460, when reliable Salovian population records began.
[[File:PerCityKiyomizu-dera_(24828175671).jpg|thumbnail|left|Overlook of Per]]
===Financial center===
As one of the world's leading international financial centers, Tarov has a major capitalist service economy with low taxation, and has established free trade agreements with numerous nations throughout Urth, attracting major companies such as [[Metatron Corporation]] to set up holding companies there. It is an important center for international finance and trade, with one of the greatest concentrations of corporate headquarters in the Caven/Morstaybishlian Sea, along with [[Sani Bursil]] and Aeternum[[Rouanezkador]], among others. The Tivot Stock Exchange is one of the largest in the world, making up a large share of all stocks traded (it lists some of the largest companies in the world on its indices such as [[Café Pay]]).
[[File:Triklov.png|thumbnail|right|Okros Sanap’iro]]
The Currency of Tivot is the [[Kirib]], the currency of much of the Auroran continent. Formerly using the [[Salovia|Salovian net'a]], Tivot opted for the more stable kirib in an effort to separate itself from the political turmoil of the [[Salovian Civil War]]. The [[Auroran Central Bank]], the central authority regarding banking within the [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]], is situated in Tarov.
===Agriculture and Livestock===
[[File:Tarov1.jpg|200px|thumb|left|View of a vertical farm in Tarov]]
====Livestock in Tivot====
[[File:MeatFactory.jpg|thumbnail|right|West Tarov Cultured Beef and Pork Factory]]
cartographer, Administrators, verified
