Timeline of world history: Difference between revisions

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* 1960: The Tretridian impactor probe Mōna 1, intended as an impactor, misses the Olune due to a malfunction and instead becomes the first artificial object in [[Wikipedia:Heliocentric orbit|heliocentric around Teporbit]].
* 28 April 1961: [[Ethalria (Grand Matriarchy)|Ethalrian]] female astronaut Almut Fichtner conducts the first [[Wikipedia:Human spaceflight|manned spaceflight]].
* November 11 1964: [[Asendavia]] lands the first man on Olune, dealing quite a large blow to the Auroran Space Race by being the first nation to do so.
* 1 April 1966: Completion of Operation Oppermacht/Overlegenhet, with a joint [[Vistaraland|Vistarian]]-[[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] team successfully testing the first Hydrogen Bomb.
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* 9 June 1966: [[Durakia|Durakan]] scientist/engineer Dr Laura Ansof, in her evaluation of the debris from the first Hydrogen Bomb, discovers and records the exsistance of the synthetic element now known as [[w:Einsteinium|Ansofium]].
* 1611 MayNovember 19681967: [[Great Morstaybishlia|MorstaybishliaAsendavia]] winsis the Auroranfirst Spacenation Raceto and lands fourland men on [[Olune]], thwarting the Auroran Space Race.
* 16 May 1968: [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlia]] wins the Auroran Space Race, landing three men and the first woman on [[Olune]].
* 4 September 1969: Provincian Astronaut Pieter-Johan Maarten, serving under the Vistari Space Program, alongside the first lunar plaque.