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Though the Minister-President of [[Maanbriak|Briaklandr]], Sigurd Vesgard identified himself as a social democrat, it has been roumered he has put mixture of his left wing ideals with religious beliefs in Duarism, such as increasing the funding for Duaristic churches and working together with religious figures within [[Maanbriak|Briaklandr]] to help with ensuring welfare to everyone in the nation. During a speech Vesgard made infront of Church of Soleikenborg in 1st December 2021, he stated that: "Whenever times of largest emergency, when the state might not have the capability to provide for the people, we can often find ourself at home and at care, in the places of worship."
However, in contrast the leadership of the nation of Noraida, who officaly calls themself as a theocratic-socialist state has been often rejected by many theocratic-socialists abroad, especialy among tiefling communities in other countries. Largly because of the religious leadership's decision to ally themself with the armed forces of Noraida, who is considered apolitical. While large parts of land in Noraida is owned by the Church in Noraida, many central industries has been seized by the army. Noraida's ideology often been defined by regionalism, anti-modernism, gender equality and decentralisation. With the nation's priests, who make up the legislature, being elected by the people in which the matters of indiviual communes and food security is seen as top priority. TheyBecause also been notified forof their extreme hostility toward any religious minority within Noraida, which included withand their alliance with [[Blaskog]] has made them be rejected by tieflings abroad.
==Theo-Socialist Ideas in Other Religions==
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