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== History ==
===First Arrival===
Records of the first instance of sapient habitation point to the first arrival of human beings to have been between 1380 BCE to 1560 BCE. The ancestors of modern Polynesians were remarkably advanced for their time. They possessed large vessels that were able to traverse large distances across the sea. They possessed incredible knowledge of plants, animals, marine life, geography, navigation and astronomy. Although most of their settlements were wiped out by sea waves, earthquakes, landslides, floods and volcanic eruptions, some ruins from this era have survived.
=== MorstoPre-Oan Warhistory ===
The first known polity was the Confederation of the West Pacific Tribes, a loose coalition of seafaring peoples whose Council met at least once a year to discuss and decide on matters affecting the whole of the West Pacific peoples. There is evidence that they reached as far as Gondwana and Aurora. They are also known to have practiced several polytheistic, animist and ancestral worship related religions. Some ancient texts from this era survive, such as the Teakerakau stone tablet on which a message was inscribed for future traveller’s which warned them of the dangers of the place which today comprises the Oan Isles, specifically natural disasters. This has led anthropologists to believe that this ancient civilization possessed early warning and detection technology. Despite their largely peaceful disposition, this period was filled with wars between rival tribes.
The Oan Isles was first colonised by human beings 90,000 years ago. These humans migrated from Yasteria to populate Aurora. There are contradicting conclusions drawn by archeologists as to the nature of these humans and how they spread as they did. It is believed that they made simple rafts from branches of trees strewn together with vines and simple rope made from braiding grass. They possessed basic navigation as there is evidence of cave and rock paintings and carvings depicting what scientists believe are star constellations. These primitive people are believed to have mostly worn simple clothes made from animal skins and basic plants such as grasses which they found lying around. They used basic tools such as stone and bone tools to cut things, skin animals and so on. It is believed that they possessed a rudimentary understanding of hygiene as they had toothbrushes made from the fibrous tissue of branches and sticks from the toothbrush tree. These people were almost entirely hunters, gatherers and simple fishermen. They often moved around often to follow the shoals of fish. Fish were their primary food source and they greatly revered fish as fish are featured in their paintings. Based on remains of canoes buried with the bones of some men, it is believed that sailing and fishing were regarded as signs of wealth and virility.
===Great Scattering===
The Wars of the Red Kelp arose in 670 when a Taheka princess drowned in the waters of the Whareha tribe where the water was abundant in red kelp. Her death was not only suspicious, but was regarded as a portent of future hardship. Believing that the Whareha had brought ruin on the West Pacific Tribes, the Taheka called on their alliance to destroy the Whareha. The war was unique in that it was the first recorded use of battering rams in naval warfare. But it was more notable for the string of smaller conflicts that arose. The continued period of war and mistrust led to an event known as the Great Scattering. This was when the West Pacific Tribes fled the Oan Isles and sought a peaceful life on other islands. The tribes which remained survived while those that left mostly died or were assimilated into other cultures.
=== Whakoa civilisation ===
===Pan-Polynesian Age===
Between 45,000 and 30,000 years ago, there emerged the Whakoa civilisation. Although it is unknown whether the people of this era had a name for themselves there are some unifying characteristics which people living in this 15,000 year period had in common. They are named after Mount Whakoa on Manaakitangamotu near the city of [[Anapa]]. This is because most of the evidence for their civilisation is found around this mountain. Scientists believed that the fertile soil of the mountain (which seismological evidence shows was much more active then than it is today) allowed many calorie-rich plants to grow. This civilisation is the first era of humans in the Oan Isles to develop agriculture. they farmed a variety of plants such as tropical fruits and root plants where a major source of starch. This era also shows the emergence of fixed settlements. There are ruins made of stone that show that small groups of people would live together for most of the year. They were not completely sedentary as there is evidence that they moved when natural disasters struck or when weather changed drastically. These people made tools from simple metals like iron. Because the Oan Isles is hopelessly humid, they rarely lit flames above ground. Instead there are primitive furnaces in caves which have
This gave rise to the teachings of Hongaongaiwi, an ancient wise man who taught that the West Pacific Island nations were divinely meant to live together. This set the first stone in the foundation of the Pan-Polynesian identity that led to the unification of the Oan Isles in 1000 CE. His teachings gave rise to a society that valued collective advancement and tribal harmony. Although there were many challenges from rogue tribes, pirates and natural disasters, the first written laws emerged from this period to guide humans to do better and live peacefully. In light of this, the concept of West Pacific Human tribes being part of the greater Polynesian civilization arose.
=== Morsto-Oan War ===
{{Main|Morsto-Oan War}}
Between 1800 and 1850, the Morstaybishlians were running low on labour for their plantations and industries, so Lord Admiral Lusergart worked with the Wakatunuye tribe to enslave Oans. The Oans discovered the ploy and attacked a Morst naval vessel-turned-slaving-ship. Before the Oans could report this violation of their sovereignty, Lord Admiral Lusergart convinced the Morst government that the Oans had attacked them first. The Morsts declared war on and attacked the Oan Isles, sparking the Morsto-Oan War in 1855.<ref>''Partition of the Oan Isles''. The East Pacific Forum. (Please note that this RP was completed, but the content of the wiki is considered canon as of 26 February 2021)</ref> Because of their highly decentralized government and poor military leadership, the Oans were cripplingly defeated with most of their territory under Morst occupation. After soliciting the sympathy of Liberal Morstaybishlian aristocrats, the Oans managed to convince the Morsts to sign a peace treaty. Some islands were returned and slavery of Oans was outlawed, but many islands were taken by the Morsts and absorbed to the Morstaybishlian West Pacific Territories.
=== Great War===
