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=== '''The first Tawusian expansion period''' ===
Prior to the 11th century, the Tawusian Cape was predominantly inhabited by human tribespeople who lived a nomadic lifestyle due to the hostile climate. However, by 1100, a small coalition of these tribes restructured to form the Tawusian Kingdom and founded Altomaré, which encompassed the present-day province of Centro. This centralization of power marked the beginning of an age of expansion within the southern tip of Arcturia.
By 1150, the Tawusian Kingdom had extended its control over the entire west coast of present-day Tawuse. Large swathes of mountainous terrain remained unclaimed due to their low land productivity, while valleys and passes to the east of the Centro Mountains were prioritized for their strategic value. By the end of the 1160s, the coastal regions of Copesca and Gratulto were under Tawusian control, bringing the Tawusian forces into competition with the Kormistazic Empire over the mineral-rich land in the Gratultan region.
By 1210, nearly all of present-day Tawusian Cape territory was under the control of the Tawusian Kingdom, with the exception of the northeastern coastline of Tawusian Gratulto, where the Estcollina Peninsula served as a Kormistazic beachhead.
=== '''Kormistazic Period''' ===
With the establishment of the Kormistazic Arcturian Territory in the 12th century, tensions between the Tawusian Kingdom and the Kormistazic colonial forces escalated as their territories began to border in Gratulto. As Tawusian forces advanced into northern Gratulto, present-day Ñawwquta, Kormistazic forces attempted to intercept them by settling the northern Gratultan countryside. However, in 1235, Kormistazic forces in Estcollina crossed into Tawusian-controlled Gratulto, initiating a series of conflicts that resulted in several Tawusian losses over the century.
The Tawusians, native to the inhospitable area, mounted strong resistance against the Kormistazic incursions. Despite this, the influx of resources and reinforcements from the Auroran power enabled the Kormistazic forces to gradually conquer Gratulto by 1300.
Under Kormistazic control, the native humans of Gratulto faced hostility from the colonial settlers. A wave of violence against the natives, combined with a series of devastating plagues, led to the eventual replacement of the human population with a cava majority. During this period, the population of Tawuse grew rapidly as refugees from the Kormistazic Arcturian Territory fled to the kingdom, bringing with them the plague that had devastated their communities. By 1350, the plague had claimed 20% of the Centro population, contributing to a decline in productivity in the Gratultan region.
The Kormistazic colonization of Arcturia, characterized by high demands for manpower, numerous border conflicts, and diminishing returns on investment, became a key factor in the empire's decline from the 14th century onwards. The empire's capitulation to Morstaybishlia and the subsequent reorganization of the Kormistazic Arcturian Territories into the Lousquarii Empire resulted in the division of the former possessions between the rival powers of Quariin and Gratulto, with Qayam retaining control of Baridabadi.
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