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The monarchy also reserves the right to veto legislation passed by the Diet. However, by law, the monarch may only do so on the advice of the Council of State. As the Council of State is composed almost entirely out of members of the Cabinet, no monarch has ever done so since the Instruments were ratified. However, the monarch may exercise a veto on their own initiative if the legislation in question concerns the direct prerogatives and interests of the monarchy and royal family. Additionally, a monarch always has the right to refer a bill to referendum, in which case the bill only takes effect if approved in a national referendum. Also, the monarch may refer a bill to the Constitutional Court if they believe the bill to be unconstitutional. These powers are granted to the monarch to exercise on their own initiative, with or without advice from the Council of State to do so.
Since the Tavari annexation of Rodoka in 1634, the monarch has also been the head of the Rodokan tribes, of which there were historically twenty, all of which are now part of the Rodokan Native Tribal Administration. Since then, the title “High Chief of the Tribes of Rodoka” has been part of the monarch’s title. This continued to be the case after Rodokan independence, when the position of High Chief became a separate constitutional monarchy. The title of the current monarch is, in full: "His Esteemed Majesty Otan IV, Emperor of the Tavari, King of Tavaris, High Chief of the United Tribes of Rodoka and the Isles, Chief of Nuvo, Chief-of-Chiefs, Lord-Patron of Ilarís, and Defender of the Faith." While the monarch does not use a line name or family name in day-to-day life, they do have them just the same as other Tavari. Emperor Otan’s name as recorded on his [[Tašriran|certificate of birth]] is Otan Nuvo Šolosar.
===Political Parties===
