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By 1988 the nation 's economy was dominated by Tamerlaine Minerals Concern. Sapient rights and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_of_life quality of life] remained high, but international watchdogs issued a report in 1987 suggesting Tamerlaine was experiencing a sharp drop in political freedoms. Crucially, the Republican Forum signed into law the Tamerlaine Trade and Regulation Act of 1990, which provided [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_economic_zone special economic zones] across the country where specified corporations could enforce policies and regulations in order to ensure best practices in their industries. In return for continued tax contributions and subsidised public programs, the TMC established direct oversight over the facilities and government bodies related to their mining work. The Act was expanded in 1990 to include more companies interested in investing in Tamerlaine, providing a boom in industries like banking, logistics, shipbuilding, and steel forging.
Tamerlaine has focused their "Decade 2 Reinvigoration Program" government project on improving infrastructure, tourism, healthcare, education, and environmental neutrality with the assistance of resident corporations. In 2020, as part of its International Client Outreach Initiative, [[The Company of the Quill|Quill Defense Consultants, Incorporated]] opened a complex on Khalden with new headquarters for subsidiary companies Quill Engineering, Quill Air Consultants, and Quill Shipping Consultants. The TTR Act was subsequently expanded to include Quill as an oversight company. On February 2nd, 2021, the Republican Forum of Tamerlaine unanimously voted to expand the special economic zones to cover the entire territory of the country, handing over ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_facto de facto]'' control of infrastructure, finances, defense, and public policy of the newly-created Tamerlaine [[International Trade Zone]] to the corporations of Quill Defense Consultants, Inc., Tamerlaine Minerals Concern, Concordian Shipbuilding & Design Ltd, BioSupra Pharmaceutrical, Matriarch Steel, BG&D Central Bank, Special Service Cargo Shipping, and VasMart General Goods. Other corporate presences of note include the Gusanaszna Export Corporations, Örn AB, and Gengxin Technologies.
Tamerlaine is one of, if not the most wealthy nation on Urth when referencing GDP per capita, with an estimated $350,000 per citizen. Its economy is highly diverse and specialised across the four islands, including industries such as shipbuilding, resort tourism, pharmaceutical development, investments and banking, aerospatial testing, and mining. The influence of corporations, especially those recognized by the Tamerlaine Trade and Regulation Act as part of the International Trade Zone, is pervasive throughout the country. Authorities in the International Forum have identified Tamerlaine variously as a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_welfare corporate welfare] state, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatocracy corporatocracy], a neo-banana republic, and a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppet_state puppet government].
