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===The Reiktic Kingdoms===
===The Reiktic Kingdoms===
In 834 AD, the last Talunikonian kingdom fell to the Reiktic invaders. With full control over the native Talunikonian people established, the Reiktic kings ruled with an iron fist. The Talunikonian language was banned, the people's native customs were banned, and they were forced to follow Reiktian customs and learn the Reiktic language. For hundreds of years, new kingdoms rose and fell, rebellions failed, and the Talunikonians were oppresed. The assimilation of the Talunikonians nearly succeeded. However, there were groups of Talunikonians that were able to escape the oppression by fleeing into the wilderness outside of the kingdoms. In 2392 AD, over 450 years after the last of the kingdoms of Taluniko fell, one kingdom began to rise above the rest. This kingdom, known as Legerralia, was situated in western Talusi. Within five years, it conquered the kingdoms immediately surround it. However, the kingdoms beyond that, were not so easy to conquer. It took over 33 years to conquer the rest of Talusi. In 1337 AD, Talusi was finally unified under the Kingdom of Legerralia. However, the kingdom had more things to worry about outside of their borders.
In 834 AD, the last Talunikonian kingdom fell to the Reiktic invaders. With full control over the native Talunikonian people established, the Reiktic kings ruled with an iron fist. The Talunikonian language was banned, the people's native customs were banned, and they were forced to follow Reiktian customs and learn the Reiktic language. For hundreds of years, new kingdoms rose and fell, rebellions failed, and the Talunikonians were oppresed. The assimilation of the Talunikonians nearly succeeded. However, there were groups of Talunikonians that were able to escape the oppression by fleeing into the wilderness outside of the kingdoms. In 1292 AD, over 450 years after the last of the kingdoms of Taluniko fell, one kingdom began to rise above the rest. This kingdom, known as Legerralia, was situated in western Talusi. Within five years, it conquered the kingdoms immediately surround it. However, the kingdoms beyond that, were not so easy to conquer. It took over 33 years to conquer the rest of Talusi. In 1337 AD, Talusi was finally unified under the Kingdom of Legerralia. However, the kingdom had more things to worry about outside of their borders.

===The Reiktic Empire===
===The Reiktic Empire===
In 1349 AD, 12 years after the unification of Talusi under the Kingdom of Legerralia, an army from the Reiktic Empire to the south crossed the border and invaded Legerralia. Completely unprepared for the attack and fighting against a larger and better trained army, the kingdom was conquered within a few months. By the beginning of 1350, Legerralia had been completely conquered. Under the Reiktic empire, the Taluniko people were allowed to practice their customs, religonn, and speak their language again, but it was too little too late. By this time, most Talunikonians had been assimilated and the amount of people who identified as Talunikonian was very small. During their time under the empire, the arts, architecture, and the economy flourished. Infrastructure and fortifications were also built during this time. However, not everything was so peaceful. The most notable event to occur was the [[Peasant's Revolt of 1498]], in which all over the Empire, peasants rose up against the Emperor because they were unhappy with the government. It took 7 years to quell the revolt and during that time, several break-away states in Talusi declared independence. After the revolt was crushed, the Empire dealt with the break-away states, which took another 4 years. With the Empire finally at peace in 1509 AD, the Empire focused on its external borders. The first land that the Reiktic Empire expanded to was to the west and southwest, claiming that the savages living there needed to be civilized. Next, in 1514, the Empire claimed multiple islands in the Pacific. Finally, in 1529, the Empire tried to expand across the ocean into [[Atlantia]], but were repelled by the nations already there. For the next 380 years, the Empire focused on internal development and development of their colonies. Unfortunately, by 1873, the Empire had lost their colonies and were in decline. The killing blow to the Empire happened 36 years later, in 1909, when [[Talusic War for Independence|Talusi declared independence from the Empire]]. The war was long and bloody. Finally, in 1917, Talusi won the war for independence.

===The Republic of Talusi===
In 1917, Talusi had won their war for independence after an 8-year long struggle. Upon securing their independence completely, the leader of the independence war, Karl Kleinfeld, set up a democratic system with him as the first president. It worked, for a time. After four years, an election was held and Karl lost the election. When it came time for the next president to be sworn in, Karl peacefully stepped down and handed his power over to the next president. The next president, Ulrich Krakouer, took over the position with no problems. When the time came for another election four years later, Ulrich won the election. By the time his second term came close to an end, Ulrich began to plan to seize the country. Since he could not run for president again, he decided that he should take control of the country. When it came time to hand over his power to the next president, he refused to give it up and ordered the army to seize the next president and the rest of his enemies. With the army securing his rule and his opposition arrested, Ulrich declared himself King Ulrich I of House Krakouer over The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi on April 22nd, 1929.

===The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi===