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'''The Spiritual and Glorious Reiktic Kingdom of Talusi''', commonly known as '''Talusi''', and known as '''Das Spirituelle und Glorreiche Reiktische Königreich Taluniko''' in the native Reiktic tongue, is a [[wikipedia:unitary state|unitary]] [[wikipedia:sovereign state|sovereign state]] located in [[Gondwana|Northwestern Gondwana]]. As well as territory on the Gondwanan mainland, Talusi also controls three islands known as the Rügen archipelago off of it's northwestern coast. Talusi shares land borders with the Tolorian Empire to it's north and northeast, Rallia to it's east, and [[Hausberg]] to it's south and west across the Bay of Reiktic. Besides the land borders, Talusi borders the Pacific Ocean to the north and northwest and the Bay of Reiktic to the west, southwest, and south. Talusi is an absolute monarchy. The current monarch is Arnulf II of house Krakouer, who took power on February 29th, 1972, and was coronated on the 29th of May, 1972. The current heir apparent is Siegmar Krakouer, second son of Arnulf II. The capital of Talusi is the city of Rheinlingen, while the largest city is Rappersstadt. Talusi is also a part of the [[FPA]]
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===The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi===
With The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi officially established on April 22nd, 1929, Ulrich Krakouer began to strengthen the army. Five years later, on September 12th, 1934, he attacked Hausberg in the [[1st Talusi-Reiktic War]]. After two years of war, the war ended on October 29th, 1936 with a white peace. Ulrich reigned for nearly 5 more years, dying on April 23rd, 1941, with the rest of his reign having been uneventful. His son, Arnulf Krakouer, became the next king, with his coronation being held on July 22nd, 1941, 90 days after the death of his father. During the first ten years of his reign, Arnulf built up the country's infrastructure and strengthened the economy. Three years later, on August 2nd, 1954, Hausberg invaded Talusi, starting the [[2nd Talusi-Reiktic War]]. The war lasted for 12 long and bloody years, ending on December 23rd, 1966 with a Tulusian victory. Arnulf demanded land on the Talusi-Hausberg border, and for Hausberg to pay ♄3 billion in war reparations. Arnulf spent the rest of his reign spending the war reparations on improving the country. Arnulf died nearly 5 and a half years later, on February 29th, 1972. His first son, also named Arnulf and the current king, succeeded him as King. 90 days later, on May 29th, 1972, he was coronated. During Arnulf II's, there have been several border skirmishes on the Talusi-Hausberg border, and the war reparations were paid off on 1992. Today, the country's infrastructure is better than ever, and the economy is getting better.