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===The Republic of Talusi===
In 1917, Talusi had won their war for independence after an 8-year long struggle. Upon securing their independence completely, the leader of the independence war, [[Karl Kleinfeld]], set up a democratic system with him as the first president. It worked, for a time. After four years, an election was held and Karl lost the election. When it came time for the next president to be sworn in, Karl peacefully stepped down and handed his power over to the next president. The next president, [[Ulrich|Ulrich Krakouer]], took over the position with no problems. When the time came for another election four years later, Ulrich won the election. By the time his second term came close to an end, Ulrich began to plan to seize the country. Since he could not run for president again, he decided that he should take control of the country. When it came time to hand over his power to the next president, he refused to give it up and ordered the army to seize the next president and the rest of his political enemies. With the army securing his rule and his opposition arrested, Ulrich declared himself King Ulrich I of House Krakouer over The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi on April 22nd, 1929.
===The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi===
With The Spiritual and Glorious Kingdom of Talusi officially established on April 22nd, 1929, Ulrich Krakouer began to strengthen the army. Five years later, on September 12th, 1934, he attacked Hausberg in the [[1st Talusi-Reiktic War]]. After two years of war, the war ended on October 29th, 1936 with a white peace. Ulrich reigned for nearly 5 more years, dying on April 23rd, 1941, with the rest of his reign having been uneventful. His son, [[Arnulf KrakouerI]], became the next king, with his coronation being held on July 22nd, 1941, 90 days after the death of his father. During the first ten years of his reign, Arnulf built up the country's infrastructure and strengthened the economy. Three years later, on August 2nd, 1954, Hausberg invaded Talusi, starting the [[2nd Talusi-Reiktic War]]. The war lasted for 12 long and bloody years, ending on December 23rd, 1966 with a TulusianTalusian victory. Arnulf demanded land on the Talusi-Hausberg border, and for Hausberg to pay ♄3 billion in war reparations. Arnulf spent the rest of his reign spending the war reparations on improving the country. Arnulf died nearly 5 and a half years later, on February 29th, 1972. His first son, also named [[Arnulf II|Arnulf]] and the current king, succeeded him as King. 90 days later, on May 29th, 1972, he was coronated. During Arnulf II's, there have been several border skirmishes on the Talusi-Hausberg border, and the war reparations were paid off on 1992. Towards the beginning of 2017, Talusi decided to join the [[FPA]]. On June 5th, 2017, Talusi applied to become an observer state in the Gordic Union and was accepted. Today, the country's infrastructure is better than ever, and the economy is getting better.
