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The Sultan's consorts are entitled to certain titles depending on the order in which they were married and which country paid their bridal price. The first wife of the Sultan is always the chief wife and she enjoys the title of Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, Sultana of Packilvania and Queen of Drakkengard. Other consorts are referred to as Her Imperial Highness, Princess of Packilvania. Namdun did not like how his wives were equal in rank to his daughters, so he had the Kingdom of Drakkengard pay their dowries so that they can enjoy the title of Her Majesty, Queen of Drakkengard.
The Constitution states that all of the Sultan's offspring shall enjoy the title of Prince of Packilvania and the offspring of his male children shall be Princes of Packilvania. It does not place a limit on how far the title of Prince can be passed down. Furthermore, many other relatives were granted the title of Prince and Princess of Packilvania which they could pass on to their offspring by the male line. The consorts of Princes of Packilvania also enjoy the title of Prince of Packilvania. The Sultan does have the power to strip a Prince of the titles and emoluments of a Prince.
The Sultan can be addressed by the following styles when he is acting in right of Packilvania:
* Your Imperial Majesty (directly in formal situations)
* His Imperial Majesty (indirectly)
* Sire or my lord (informal)
== Succession ==
The succession is by agnatic primogeniture. This means that the sons of the Sultan shall inherit the throne by order of birth to the exclusion of daughters. Furthermore, this order is irrespective of the seniority of the consort who birthed him. Illegitimate sons are not allowed to inherit the throne but the Sultan may grant them Princely titles. If the Sultan dies or abdicated without sons, his brothers by order of birth, then his father's brothers, then their sons by order of birth shall inherit the throne.
The Sultan has the power to appoint the Council of State. The Council of State is responsible for verifying and recording the credentials of Princes and delineating the line of succession. It has the power to declare the incapacitation of the sovereign and appoint a Regent in his stead. It also has the authority to declare the end of a Sultan's reign if he dies or goes missing for longer than 10 years. The Council of State has the power to compel the Sultan to abdicate if it finds him guilty of various high crimes. If the Council of State declares the Sultan permanently incapacitated then it is seen as a constructive abdication.
The Sultan can be addressed by the following styles when he is acting in right of Packilvania:
== Emoluments ==
* Your Imperial Majesty
The Sultan is entitled to the use of Royal residences for the exercise of his duties. He currently resides in the [[Bingol Royal Palace]] which is an International Heritage Site. Furthermore his remains are to be kept in the [[Tomb of Sultans]] unless he has declared another place for his internment. There are other palaces owned by the state that he has a right to use such as. There are 21 state owned palaces. This means that they belong to the state and are held by the Sultan in trust during his tenure and cannot be sold except by statute. There are hundreds of properties owned by the Bedonite dynasty that he access to as well. Most of the state-owned palaces are used as public spaces and museums when the Sultan is not in residence.
* His Imperial Majesty
The government is responsible for covering the Sultans expenses when he exercises his Royal duties including security, support staff, entertainment and catering etc. The affairs of the Royal Court are administered by the Department of Imperial Affairs which is staffed by a non-Council of Minister-ranked minister. It is responsible for administering and overseeing the affairs of the monarch and it falls under the office of the Prime Minister. The daily running of household affairs falls to the Imperial Chamberlain, the Sultana and the Sultan's Mother.
The Sultan
The Sultan is entitled to military protection specifically the use of the Ferrus
* Halaler Imperial Palace in Halaler, [[Fidakar]]
* Akas Akil Imperial Palace in [[Akas Akil]], [[Ashura]]
* Sharkol Imperial Palace in Sharkol, Shakar
* Everyet Imperial Palace in Everyet, Jumhurikesh
* Meker Imperial Palace in Meker, Mekedesh
* Yukader Imperial Palace in Yukader, Ukanar
* Derengol Imperial Palace in