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Stratarin was involved in the [[Auroran Imperial War]], and went on to help form the [[Auroran Continental Assembly|ACA]]. Following the war, Stratarin expanded its industrial complex exponentially, but found itself at the mercy of many systemic failures including pay freezes during inflation, harsh stance on Labour unions and corruption scandals, which lead to Ruslan Voronin's 2001 Communist Revolution. Under Voronin, Stratarin left the ACA, implemented the Five Year Plans, sent political and civilian opposition to the gulag, and began a period of isolationism. Eventually, [[Viktor Drugov]] led another revolution which saw Voronin's assassination. Isolationism ended under Drugov, but other factors continued such as the [[Wikipedia:Police state|police state]], restrictions on journalism, gulags and the Five Year Plans. Drugov was eventually couped by Mikhail Starikov at the start of the [[Auroran-Pacific War]].
Today, Stratarin has a mostly [[Wikipedia:Human|human]] populace, but also populations of [[Species#Elves|elves]] and settler [[Species#Vulpine|vulpines]], who live mostly in T'urajaralua (meaningliterally 'fox townsociety'). Its GDP per capita is $13,520 and its total GDP is $873 billion. Relative to its size, Stratarin is considered dense, with 605 people per square kilometer. People here are not considered free compared to the Auroran Standard for Species Rights. Stratarin was denied entry from the [[UNAC]] and has hostile relations with [[Great Morstaybishlia]], who did not expedite Drugov and members of his cabinet at the request of the government. Stratarin primarily exports iron and steel products, rubber and cereals.