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(Created page with "{{Infobox country |conventional_long_name = The Militarised Communist State of Stratarin |common_name = Stratarin |image_flag = Strat Flag.jpeg |image_map =...")
(I largely copied and pasted Stratarin's NS Wiki page to this one, changed some info that needed to be corrected a bit also, the page is largely the same though besides the additions)
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|national_motto = "Glory to the Workers"
|capital = Coyden
|official_languages = [[StaynishCodexian]], Strataric, Bastardized Strataric
|ethnic_groups = 86.2% [[Wikipedia:human|Human]] <br> 11.5% [[Vulpine]] <br> 2.3% Other
|ethnic_groups_year = 2016
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|currency = Dreyk
|currency_code = D
|date_format = DD/MM/DD/YYYY
|drives_on = Right
|cctld = .stn
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Stratarin was involved in the [[Auroran-Pacific War]], where it allied with the [[Ethalria (Matriarchy)|Matriarchy of Ethalria]] and her allies. It was a crucial component to the success of its allies, but a huge taskforce in the Pacific Ocean prevented an enormous Strataric land based invasion.
===Coalition of Clans (600? AD - 1077 AD)===
====Ancient History (600? AD - 861 AD)====
Not much is known about the early Stratarians, or as they were known at the time, the [[Bolvans]]. They were organized as a loose host of houses and clans, and are said to have worshiped such gods as [[Zevs (Mythology)|Zevs]] (the father of the gods), [[Razrushitel (Mythology)|Razrushitel]] (the god of war), and [[Drakhyn (Mythology)|Drakhyn]] (the ferryman of the dead). Some historians posit that the Bolvans originally came from [[Concord]], whereas others strongly hold to the belief that they were cast out from a tribe located in the [[Gondwana|Gondwanan]] inland. One of the few things agreed on by all accounts is that they were ferocious raiders and slavers.
Being mostly land-based, they would attack settlements in modern day [[Nation/Setzna|Setzna]] quite frequently, and occasionally clashed with more northern Gondwanan tribes. The latter of these rarely were much of a threat again the Bolvans, and were considered primitive by the raiders. The Setznan settlements, on the other hand, were respected to a degree by the Bolvans, to the point that many would keep their captives as spouses instead of selling them into slavery.
After many years of uneasy coexistence, the various Bolvan factions finally grew dissatisfied with their respective territories, and skirmishes between them became more and more common. These escalated when the chief of the [[Rus]] house was poisoned, and the regional power that the Bolvans had enjoyed collapsed as their infighting turned more and more serious. Finally, after an estimated twenty years, the [[Strat]] clan, led by a powerful warlord named [[Vadim]], seized total power over the others and unified the clans under the Strat banner - a depiction of a crouching tiger. Vadim is regarded as the father of Stratarin.
====From Strats to Stratarians (862 AD - 971 AD)====
Around approximately 862 AD, a [[Vayan Catholicism|Vayan Catholic]] missionary from [[Vekaiyu]] named [[St. Yiisu Imlostroviyey|Yiisu Imlostroviyey]] arrived in the Strat lands with the intent of spreading his religion. The clansmen were startled at the [[Vulpine|Vulpine’s]] fox-like appearance. They initially confused him for the elusive [[Stroynyy Fox (Mythology)|Stroynyy fox]] from their mythology, only realizing that he was not after the missionary had already been in jail several days. Imlostroviyey was quickly released, mainly because the Strats feared what revenge his God would deal to them. After learning as much of their language as he could, the missionary attempted to preach the words of One that the Strats called ‘''Troitsa''’, or ‘Trinity.’ Despite a valiant effort, Imlostroviyey’s attempts to spread Vayan Catholicism were a resounding failure. But he was not the last missionary to come.
After several more evangelists followed him, one of which even played a pivotal part in the development of the Strataric written language, the Strat chieftain known as [[Isai|Ipati]] agreed to be baptized and took the Christian name ''Isai''. Though this originally seemed a massive success for the Vekaiyaun efforts, Isai was killed several days later for his rejection of the old ways by an [[Alenin|old political adversary]], who took the opportunity to kill the deceased chieftain's wife and twelve children. The third eldest son, known to history as [[Legkiy]], managed to escape. At the time, he was 17, and therefore a grown man according to Strat custom. Also known as a feared and bold warrior, Legkiy wasted no time mustering anyone he could against the usurper, aided by and soon overcame him and put him to death. Legkiy became the new leader of the Strat tribes.
As briefly recorded in an ancient Strat document known simply as '[[The Collection]]’ in Codexian:
{{quote|...And the great chieftain Legkiy declared that the traitorous Alenin be burned alive as punishment. The final words spoken by Alenin in this life were as follows, “I have served the old faith, and I will forever rejoice in the Grey Fields.”}}
Legkiy began to question whether or not the Strat beliefs were more destructive than productive. If one could betray his lord on the grounds of protecting the old faith, could it be more of a shield to protect one’s acts from being labeled as wrongdoing than a legitimate belief? After much debate, many meetings with various other Strat warlords, and late night discussions with the local Vayan Catholic missionary, Legkiy decided to follow his father’s example and publicly accept the religion of Vekaiyu. To further signify his devotion, he even went so far as to demand that a Vulpine be sent for him to wed. And finally, to fully indicate that the Strats would be ‘born again’, Legkiy changed the house name slightly, from ‘Strat’ to ‘Stratarin.’
Although great strides had been taken to evangelize the Stratarians, there were still many who rejected the new faith. This was mainly due to the underlying anti-slavery theme found in the Vayan Catholic Bible. These objectors mocked Legkiy publicly, calling him ‘zoofil’ (roughly translated as ‘one who has sex with animals,’ due to his Vulpine wife), ‘pushistyy’ (meaning ‘fluffy’ or ‘furry’. Again, an insult relating to his wife’s fur-covered skin), and other such epithets. This went on, with little or no reprisal (any such act would surely cause rebellion), until Alenin’s brother, [[Vladic]], challenged Legkiy to a fight to the death.
After careful consideration, Legkiy accepted on one condition, the winner of the fight would prove once and for all which belief was stronger. This was not to be a contest between Legkiy and Vladic, but Troitsa and Zevs. Vladic gladly accepted, the bargain was struck, and the date of the duel was set.
There was a massive gathering of clansmen present at the [[Duel Between Legkiy and Vladic|combat]], a greater crowd than almost all previous major Strataric events. As it was recorded in the Collection:
{{quote|The day of the contest between Zevs and Troitsa was cloudy. When the fight commenced, Vladic, brother of the traitor, struck first. Legkiy parried the blow with the speed of a serpent and struck back. Both men fought like vultures over a carcass, with never a more brilliant display of prowess to be seen again, in any land.}}
It goes on to say that as the fight wore on, Legkiy began to weaken. His previously strong and precise strokes were beginning to be slower and weaker. Seeing this, Vladic summoned all his strength and readied a crushing blow against his foe. As he was about to do so, the sun suddenly shone through the clouds, temporarily blinding him. Legkiy took advantage of this and quickly killed his opponent (Sources differ as to how. Some say a stab through the heart, other believe that Vladic was decapitated. A more unlikely, but still prevalent theory is that the unfortunate Stratarian was clove in twain). It is said that in the crowd’s silence, an insect could be heard buzzing.
Although there had been previous attempts, this is the official date that the Stratarians converted to a Christian people group. After hearing of the safety of the Strataric lands, several Vulpine families journeyed across the sea and settled there. This event is widely credited as the reason there are still Vulpines in Stratarin today, although several smaller groups of them will have made a similar journey before the present day.
===Empire (1077 AD - 1868 AD)===
====Birth and Expansion (1077 AD - 1105 AD)====
[[File:Thing.png|thumbnail|left|The Strataric Empire, at Its Zenith]]
By the year 1077, Stratarin's temporary stability had all but collapsed due to tribal infighting, allowing Setzna to develop with relative independence (Kash needed for confirmation or denial) and more primitive Gondwanan tribes (most notable the Bour tribe) were starting to claim formerly Strataric land with ease. Each chieftain refused to offer any aid to another, and had to frequently deal with treacheries from within. Some of the more powerful Stratarians even went so far as to offer aid to invading tribes in exchange for the eradication of rival clans. Chaos and warlordism reigned supreme as one by one, clans began to fall. With one notable exception.
The Lisa (lit: fox) clan, one of the few Strataric factions settled near the Bour tribelands that weren't overwhelmed, stood fast. Due to the almost entirely Vulpine composition of this clan, modern historians claim that the Bour warriors were afraid of these unfamiliar creatures, thinking they were demons and evil spirits. Tribal legends passed down for generations to modern day Bourun indicate that the Lisan chieftan, [[Gorok]], was said to be the height of a tall man, unusual for a Vulpine. He has been called 'terrifying to behold; his fangs pierced death itself.' One of the few recovered writings from a Lisan clansman offers a different explanation for their survival: they were protected by Troitsa. In any case, the Lisa clan remained intact.
Gorok was a fierce warrior, but also a shrewd tactician, blessed with a foxlike cunning and a gift for strategy. He was well aware that the Lisa clan would fall eventually if Stratarin as a whole continued offering weak and uncoordinated resistance. Inspired by stories of Legkiy, he sent word to the nearest clan (Clan [[Drakon]]) that he would openly attack a heavily defended Bour settlement in exchange for Drakon's support. Should the raid prove successful, it would once and for all show that Troitsa still protected Stratarin. And should it fail, then 'it is not Troitsa's will for Stratarin to be strong.' Intrigued, the chieftain of the Drakon clan agreed.
[[The Battle of Qawiun]], where the city of [[Lisa (City)|Lisa]] now stands, was very peculiar. Gorok waited until dark to mount his attack, which he accomplished by dividing his forces into three different groups. One of these groups attacked from the west, while another approached from the south, and the considerably smaller third silently crept in from the east. When they were a certain distance away from Qawiun, one of these groups chanted with a loud voice 'Drakon!' while the other chanted 'Lisa!' Well acquainted with both tribes, and fearful of Lisa especially, the Bour warriors rushed to meet their foe. Though they are fierce fighters, many were hastily awoken and discombobulated. As this hasty force gathered and rode out to meet Gorok's forces, the third group attacked. Although many were slain, it provided the necessary confusion for the other two groups to mount their attack and utterly crush the Bours.
With the support of the Drakon clan, which was somewhat influential, Gorok slowly began to unite various clans and slowly drive back the invaders. By the year 1089, all of the land in the original Strataric borders had been reclaimed. But Gorok wasn't satisfied. As long as clan divisions and tribalism existed, the threat of a strong enemy attacking a divided nation was a definite danger.
In the year 1093, after extensive arguing among the chieftains, Gorok was crowned Tsar of All Stratarin. The mantle of Tsar was not only political, but deeply religious. The Tsars of this time wore crowns akin to those of ancient Christian rulers and were said to directly speak with Troitsa. There is little to no evidence yet discovered if the idea of the latter springing up was due to the Tsar's words of the people's. Regardless, he was held in high reverence.
Gorok was sadly unable to do much in this new position, as he died due to disease two years after assuming it. He was survived by his heir, [[Alek Gorokhin|Alek]], who in honor of his father took the surname Gorokhin.
Alek Gorokhin assumed the title of Tsar in 1095. At this time, he was a fifteen year old boy. His father's advisers distrusted him, as he refused their advice often and acted cruelly. When he was seventeen, it is said that he even had one of his generals killed for not showing proper respect. Strataric historical texts mention him in an almost worshipful regard, whereas early non-Strataric Gondwanan writings postulated that the boy was a devil sent to earth. Whichever record is true, both agree that his enemies feared him for good reason.
Although his early years of tsardom were relatively uneventful, it was just as he turned nineteen that he hatched an ambitious plan: crush the Setznans and claim their land. Gathering a larger Strataric army than any before it, his march to Setzna was interrupted by word that the Bours had united with various other Gondwanan tribes and were marching on Stratarin. Alek was faced with a choice: crush an unprepared foe yet risk sacrificing Stratarin, or rally against the foe and give Setzna more time to grow and become more powerful. In the end, he reluctantly chose the latter.
There were few finer tactics in this climactic battle with the Bours. It was basically a massed army clashing against another massed army. As the death toll steadily grew, the battle finally ended when the great Bour king [[Abdullah Al Haddad]] was slain. The Bour army fell into a confusion, and those who did not flee were cut down. Alek specifically ordered that no quarter be given any Bour or 'any son of [[Samawi]].
After this great victory, Alek wasn't content. He had long since given up on the idea of invading Setzna, since it 'wasn't the will of Troitsa.' However, merely crushing a tribal army wasn't enough for him. He wanted to teach them a greater lesson.
Even with their casualties, Alek's army was far from weak. Facing some small and futile resistance along every step of the way, he systematically struck at the heart of the tribes that had defied him. He was not foolish enough to kill every man, woman, and child. However, many were slain needlessly as Alek brought tribe after tribe under Strataric dominion. He returned home a hero, who had more than doubled Stratarin's size.
====Division (1105 AD)====
Deciding that the will of Troitsa had changed, he again plotted to invade the Setznan lands. However, before he could do so, an assassin killed him as he bathed in the year 1105. What happened next is unclear. Some historians claim that he was so promiscuous that no one was sure who was or wasn't his heir. Other sources suggest that he was completely heirless, and his generals couldn't decide what to do. So early in the following year, Stratarin split into three main parts, each ruled by one of his main generals. Joakim Morein took the northern area, dubbed Stratirium. Konstantine Ivanoff, the only Vulpine of the three, claimed the conquered Bour and tribal lands, known officially as Stratic and colloquially as 'Yama' (literally translated as 'Pit'). The third, a man known as [[Magomedkhan the Great|Magomedkhan Dushkin]] claimed the southeastern portion, which retained the name Stratarin. Each was considered a tsar, which led to great confusion among the Strataric church.
====Reforging an Empire (1109 AD -)====
(Stratic's history diverges here. For more on this period, please see [[Bourun]] and [[Ivlya]])
'Yama' was soon retaken by the Bours, given that neither Stratarin nor Stratirium came to its aid. However, Ivanoff, his personal guard, and several thousand civilians were able to flee to modern day Ivlya. Regardless, the Bour-allied tribes would never be fully reconquered by Stratarin.
With the fall of Stratic, and Ivanoff no longer considered a prominent leader of the church, Magomedkhan and Morein took it upon themselves to declare war upon each other. Unlike past Strataric-centered conflicts, this was not on the scale of massed armies pitched against each other, but harassment of trade routes and border skirmishes. Eventually, Magomedkhan tired of this and mustered an army. As he began to capture and hold more and more of Stratirium's border settlements, several others started joining his cause. It is said that at one point, Magomedkhan's army had almost doubled in size, though many historians consider this a clear exaggeration. Regardless, Morein's situation was not a fortunate one. Despite attempting to raise up an army of his own, he was too late in doing so. Eventually, his personal stronghold of [[Vyzhivaniye]] was [[besieged|The Siege of Vyzhivaniye]]. This siege ended after one month when Morein succumbed to disease and died. Vyzhivaniye quickly surrendered, and Magomedkhan claimed Stratarium as Strataric once more, with minimal casualties.
Magomedkhan, unlike his ancestors, was less greedy for total domination of Southern Gondwana. Instead of expending resources in trying to reconquer Bourun (as it had started to be called), he settled for reunification of the two main Strataric-based powers. Although few other notable events occur during his reign, he ruled with a fair hand until his death in 1152. For the act of reunification, he is known to antiquity as Magomedkhan the Great.
====The Last Tsarina (1836 AD - 1864 AD)====
In the year 1836, Tsarina [[Anzhelika Yenina]] was the sole royal heir her father left and took power at the age of 15. Though she was young, Anzhelika was shrewd and developed plans for conquest against Bourun over the next few years. She knew that this move would be backed more easily by the international community if it had the support of another prominent international power. Thus, in 1840, she entered into a controversial courtship with the 23 year-old Asendavian baron [[Terje Harstad]], the younger brother to the King of [[Asendavia]]. However, not all agreed with this political action. The clergy and her religious advisors counselled her against this decision, as Harstad was an [[Ademarite]] and not a Vayan Catholic. Regardless, she went through with her plan, and the two married in 1842.
However, this joining in matrimony was unusual for royal marriages. For instance, due to her higher political position, Anzhelika had the stipulation that any of their descendents would bear their matrilineal surnames as opposed to the patrilineal surname. This was to keep the Strataric royal family from fully integrating into the Asendavian nobility. Furthermore, while Terje would be granted the title of tsar, primary leadership of the Empire and the Strataric church would remain in the tsarina’s hands. It was only after these conditions were agreed upon that the wedding occurred, which has been recorded by Asendavian and Strataric historians alike as a splendid affair.
Several months after, in early 1843, Anzhelika set her plans to conquer Bourun were put in place. With somewhat mixed support from the international community, though no nation objected with military force. After initially quickly conquering many of the southern Bourun territories, the invasion was stymied by the defensive response from the Islamic state. Although it was unable to claim much land, the two sides were practically entrenched, with Stratarin barely gaining ground.
In November that year, Anzhelika was no longer able to personally travel with her army due to her pregnancy starting to impair her ability to lead her military. Due to the lack of her presence and stronger resistance in Stratarin against the current tsarina because of her marriage, the Strataric army slowly lost ground. Still in possession of half of its initial gains, Stratarin agreed to a cease-fire offered by Bourun in February 1844. And thus ended the last Strataric invasion into Bourun.
[[Demyan Yenin]] was born in the April of 1844. His birth was met with mixed approval from the general Strataric public. While some approved of the royal birth as it produced an heir, many felt as though it would only draw the tsarina and Terje closer together. This fear proved vindicated, as historians have found numerous incidents of fairly explicit romantic poetry exchanged between the two following Demyan’s birth.
The two would only grow closer. In September 1845, the clergy’s fears were realized as Anzhelika used her power as the leader of the church to abolish the Vayan Catholic Strataric church and founded the [[Strataric Church of Ademar]]. While Christianity was still technically legal, weekly attendance to an Ademarite service became mandatory unless you first officially stated a legitimate reason for not doing so, such as sickness. However, punishment for this was considered relatively minor.
Nine months later, in June 1846, [[Marion Yenina]] was born, followed over the next few years by [[Nadezhda Yenina|Nadezhda]], [[Karsten Yenin|Karsten]], and [[Lidiya Yenin|Lidiya]] Yenin, born respectively in August 1848, February 1851, and September 1855. After Lidiya, there was one last pregnancy in 1858; however, the baby died in the womb. The royal couple then agreed that that would be Anzhelika’s last intentional pregnancy.
While a small portion of Stratarians had converted to the Ademarite faith at this point, the majority were still fairly Vayan Catholic. Over time, punishment for not practicing Ademarite had slowly yet steadily grown harsher. Finally, in 1861, a predominantly vulpine group started a small revolt that was put down quickly. However, those killed in the revolt were deemed martyrs, and public outcry against the Ademarite leadership of Stratarin grew. More and more organized revolts beginning to crop up, leading to a coordinated revolution against the theocratic government. Anzhelika, Terje, and their children fled the country in 1864 and were ousted by the movement against them.
===Nationalist Republic (1864 AD - 2001 AD)===
Quickly electing a leader and founding the [[Nationalist Strataric Republic]], the new republican government quickly made diplomatic agreements with Ivlya in exchange for protection against Bourun during this time.
===Communist Dictatorship (2001 - Present)===
After the initial success of the Great Revolution, [[Ruslan Voronin]] officially declared Stratarin a one-party state and named himself General Secretary of the [[Strataric Communist Party]]. Practically immediately, he cracked down heavily on crime, opened several Gulags in which the working conditions were hellish, and began the first of the [[Nation/Stratarin#Economy|Five Year Plans]]. He also instituted an isolationist policy that left many discontented. However, none dared to speak out for fear of being taken by the recently-founded [[STP]].
After Voronin sent many politicians and co-conspirators who had helped his rise to power to the gulags, [[Viktor Drugov]], a brigadier general who had backed Voronin’s rise to power, began orchestrating a coup, stirring up deeply-buried resentment in the people and bribing politicians for aid or information. After several years of this slowly building, this culminated in Voronin being assassinated in 2007 and Drugov taking his place.
Already well-liked by the people of Stratarin, Drugov immediately ended the isolationist policy and, though he did not completely discontinue them, improve the working conditions in the Gulags drastically. Furthermore, he appointed an entirely new assemblage of ministers from those who had helped his cause, perhaps most notably his old friend, [[Rurik Lukin]], and a rising star in the [[Strataric Military]], [[Anatoly Baryshnikov]]. There were some institutions that he kept from his predecessor’s reign, such as the STP and the Five Year Plans.
===Primary Offices===
====Head of State====
The two highest administrative positions of Stratarin are the Premier and the General Secretary of the [[Strataric Communist Party]]. The office of Premier is the official head of Stratarin, whereas, due to the power that the Strataric Communist Party holds, the office of General Secretary is effectively the ''de facto'' ruler of the nation. The current head of state is [[Mikhail Starikov]], who carries out the duties of both offices.
The Premier’s duties included managing the [[Nation/Stratarin#Economy|Five Year Plans]], resolving state administrative duties that do not come under the competence of the Supreme Council, and ensuring socio-cultural development.
The General Secretary wields incredible power, due to two factors: One, the Communist Party more or less controls the state, and the position of General Secretary is the head of the Communist party. Two, the holder of this office even controls the staffing of party positions, which means that he could pack them with his own most loyal supporters and be unfettered by any opposition. In effect, he has almost complete control over his country. This system, proposed by former General Secretary Ruslan Voronin, is liable to turn a General Secretary into an autocrat, should he be so predisposed. Though he maintained that he was in fact not an autocrat, Voronin essentially had all the powers thereof. Viktor Drugov, after seizing power, did little to change this system, though he was slightly more honest about it than his predecessor, whereas Mikhail Starikov simply refuses to answer it altogether.
====First Deputy Premier====
The First Deputy Premier of Stratarin is essentially the equivalent to the vice-head of government. Unlike other similar government positions, several politicians may have this title at the same time, though there is only one at the moment.
In the event that there are several, each First Deputy Premier generally is given responsibility over a single area. For instance, one may oversee and be responsible for agriculture, while another may head industry. An officeholder is also responsible for coordinating the activities of ministries state, committees, and other various government bodies. He must give these various institutions guidance efficiently and speedily and occasionally ensure that orders from the Council of Ministers are being followed. Should the Premier ever be unable to perform his duties, one of the First Deputy Premiers will be selected by the Presidium of the Council of Ministers to assume the Premier’s position until such time as he is fit to return.
====Administrator of Affairs====
The Administrator of Affairs is a relatively high-ranking government official whose primary duty is to co-sign resolutions made by the Council of Ministers with the Premier. The government apparatus prepares items of policy, which the Administrator checks systematically against decrees of the Party-Government.
====Procurator General====
The Procurator General is responsible for the whole system of offices of public procurators and supervision of their activities on Strataric territory. In turn, public procurators are state officers charged with the investigation and prosecution of crime.
===Councils and Organizations===
====Supreme Council====
The Supreme Council is the highest legislative body of the Strataric government, and the only one capable of passing constitutional amendments. It formed the Council of Ministers and appoints the Procurator General.
The officials of the Supreme Council are elected by secret ballot in accordance with the principles of so-called ‘council democracy.’ However, only candidates approved by the Strataric Communist Party are permitted to participate in the elections. There is one official elected for every 150,000 people in the Militarized Communist State of Stratarin. The Council elects a chairman to lead its sessions and four deputies under him.
The Presidium of the Supreme Council is elected by the Supreme Council at the first session of each following convocation. The deputies of the Presidium were appointed for the duration of the term of office of the Supreme Council. The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the consisted of a chairman, his seven deputies, a secretary, and 20 members. The Presidium is accountable to the Supreme Council.
====Council of Ministers====
[[File:Dementyev.jpg|thumbnail|right|Pyotr Dementyev, Minister of Defense]]
The Council of Ministers is the highest executive and administrative body in Stratarin, as well as the ''de jure'' government.
The Presidium of the Council of Ministers is the collective decision-making body of government. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, his First Deputy Chairmen, Deputy Chairmen, ministers, State Committee chairmen, and other classified personnel make up the Presidium.
The Council of Ministers is completely accountable to the Supreme Council. It is responsible for management of the national economy; formulation of the Five Year Plans; defense of the interests of state, socialist property, and public order; ensuring state security; general leadership over the [[Strataric Military]] and determination of how many citizens were to be conscripted; confirming or denouncing international treaties signed by Stratarin; and several more.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name in Codexian !! Minister
| Ministry of Aviation Industry || [[Taras Yozhov]]
| Ministry of Automobile and Agricultural Machinery || [[Vitaly Izmaylov]]
| Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry || [[Pravda Lilova]]
| Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations || [[Pasha Dobrygin]]
| Ministry of Internal Affairs || [[Anastasia Kovalyov]]
| Ministry of Geology || [[Seksobyekt Semenovich]]
| Ministry of Civil Aviation || [[Slava Grankina]]
| Ministry of Health || [[Olga Valeryevna]]
| Ministry of Foreign Affairs || [[Fyodor Lyvov]]
| Ministry of Information and Press || [[Lozha Kortnev]]
| Ministry of Culture || [[Konstantin Charkov]]
| Ministry of Material Resources || [[Mened Illyushin]]
| Ministry of Metallurgy || [[Timur Zhelezo]]
| Ministry of Marine || [[Yakov Rudin]]
| Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry || [[Arkady Lavrov]]
| Ministry of Defense Industry || [[Sviatoslav Alexandrov]]
| Ministry of Defense || [[Pyotr Dementyev]]
| Ministry of General Machine Building || [[Stefan Lobov]]
| Ministry of Nature and Environment || [[Natasha Ivanovna]]
| Ministry of Transport || [[Vladislav Nekrasov]]
| Ministry of Radio Industry || [[Kliment Dorokhin]]
| Ministry of Fisheries || [[Ivan Grachyov]]
| Ministry of Communication || [[Anton Vasilyvich]]
| Ministry of Agriculture and Food || [[Ilya Durova]]
| Ministry of Special Construction and Assembly Works || [[Nicholas Lysenko]]
| Ministry of Terrestrial Exploration and Research || [[Darya Venediktova]]
| Ministry of Space Exploration and Research || [[Klara Dreykova]]
| Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry || [[Maksim Zuykov]]
| Ministry of Trade || [[Grisha Yakunin]]
| Ministry of Transport Construction || [[Feliks Amelin]]
| Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs || [[Boris Ivanov]]
| Ministry of Coal Industry || [[Teplov Yegorovich]]
| Ministry of Finance || [[Igor Stralov]]
| Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Industry || [[Ermolai Pronichev]]
| Ministry of Economy and Forecasting || [[Dima Blanter]]
| Ministry of Electronic Industry || [[Lyosha Vitsin]]
| Ministry of Electrotechnical Industry and Instrument || [[Matvey Zhigunov]]
| Ministry of Energy and Electrification || [[Osip Kozakov]]
| Ministry of Justice || [[Molotok Zhidkov]]
====Supreme Court====
The Supreme Court of Stratarin is the highest judicial body in the government. It includes a Military Collegium and other minor elements that are atypical of supreme courts across Urth.
===Communist Party Organizations===
====Political Bureau====
The Political Bureau is the highest policy-making government authority under the Strataric Communist Party. The General Secretary, naturally, is the chairman of the Political Bureau. In practice, the Political Bureau essentially acts as the executive branch.
====Organizational Bureau====
The Organizational Bureau was created to make important decisions about organisational work in the Stratarin. It oversaw the work of local party committees and had the power to select and place Communist members in the positions that they saw fit. The functions of the Organizational Bureau and the Political Bureau were often interconnected, but the latter is ultimately the final decision-maker. While the Political Bureau is mostly concerned with strategic planning and monitoring of the people and status of the country, the Organizational Bureau is tasked with overseeing the party cadre and its assignment to various positions and duties, presumably in furtherance of the government's strategic agenda.
The Secretariat of Stratarin is responsible for technical issues such as coordination of the activities of regional party organizations and handling routine administrative affairs of the Party.
The economy of Stratarin is guided by a series of nationwide centralized five year plans developed by [[Uplan]], a state planning committee. Since sixteen years have passed since the rise to power of the Strataric Communist Party, three has so far been completed, with the fourth currently in progress. They have so far had a heavy focus on industrialization, with notable contributions to the military and transportation as well.
The [[Strataric Military]], officially known as the Strataric Armed Forces, was completely revitalized following the takeover of General Secretary Voronin. Massive amounts of funding began to pour into military funding and weaponry. Conscription was also reintroduced, although this policy was toned down to a wartime-only conscription by General Secretary Drugov. However, it was reintroduced by General Secretary Starikov.
==Culture and People==
Due to the theories of the 'Father of Strataric Communism', [[Rishim Rubashkin]], modern Stratarin is incredibly atheistic. Only an estimate of 3.6% Stratarians follows a religion, of which Vayan Catholicism is drastically the most common. Although there is technically no freedom of religion guaranteed to the people, atheism becomes less and less prevalent the further into rural areas you go. The least atheistic people group in Stratarin is predictably made up of the Vulpine citizens, many of whom still cling to the previous centuries of Vayan Catholicism.
Before Rubashkin's ideology was fully embraced, religion was an important part of state affairs and daily life, and state-funded Vayan Catholic missions being sent out overseas were common. There are even rumors that the Stratarin of those days helped other Christian states defend against the [[Pax Caliphate]], though these are word-of-mouth tales passed down from generation to generation and have yet to be proven archaeologically.
According to the theory that the Bolvans originated from Concord, the Strataric language was originally much different, and evolved rapidly after contact with and the influence of Gondwanan tribes. It more or less stabilized after a Vekaiyuan missionary helped develop a written Strataric language, though there have been minor adjustments over the years.
Its present form has been described by foreigners as 'brutal,' 'gutteral,' and 'angry.' One tourist hailing from [[Nation/Kaeliv|Kaeliv]] reported that it was, "Like the sound of sandpaper scraping on a rough surface and scaring a cat, which then proceeds to yowl. This awakes a nearby chicken, which squawks as loudly as it can." Some, however, enjoy the sound. A surprising amount of tourists, especially among [[Tuvaltastan|Tuvalts]], have described it as 'sexy.'
Due to immigration from [[Fortuna]] near the 17th century, in which the arrivals combined their language with aspects of Strataric, there exists a lesser-known version of Strataric known as Bastardized Strataric. Despite its name, it is much more similar to Fortunan. It is predominantly still spoken in rural areas, rarely used in more urban areas, and never on any official documentation.
Among Vulpines especially, some Unonian is spoken. However, it is even less common than Bastardized Strataric.
The official written language of Stratarin is called Istrobukvy, and is based heavily off Unonian. It's name comes from a combination of the missionary who helped develop the first Strataric written language in the 880's, [[Kirov Istroveysi]], and the Strataric word for 'letters,' 'bukvy.' When first adjusting to this form of communication, the Strats originally called it 'Istrobukvya bukvy,' which was slowly shortened over time into the modern name for it.
Modern Strataric architecture relies on an extensive communal apartment system in the larger cities, in which tenants are ruled over by a housing committee. Typically, an average of four to five families share a single communal apartment, although in special cases (if a member of a tenant family is diseased, needs space for medical reasons, or feeble due to age), it is not uncommon for a single family group to live in one. In the more rural areas, such as the mountainous regions, a house is more likely to be small, single floored, and built for a single family. Most military men prefer living in this area, as do Vulpines.
Architecture from years past tends to be much grander. There is a heavy Vayan Catholic theme, although many religious symbols have been removed from buildings and public places. There are also some various Setznan influences present, although these are much rarer. However, there are uniquely Strataric design elements to architecture, such as the onion dome. It also has a penchant for tall spires. Several government buildings have been constructed after this more traditional style, though with modern security.
Underneath most government buildings, there exists a catacomb network for quickly departing the building, such as in case of a terrorist attack or invasion.
Strataric media is solely controlled by the government. The primary news source for Stratarin is [[The Coyden Harbinger]], a news broadcast named after a newspaper that existed in the 1900's. Out of the various forms of media in Stratarin, the internet is the least tightly regulated. Certain restrictions are in place for it, though (for instance, internet pornography is illegal).
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