Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation): Difference between revisions

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==Public Opinion & Cultural Impact==
While the popularity of the special relationship has varied depending on the time, most public polls done in either country showed high support for the relationship. With the public perception of the relationship only hitting an all time low in the 70s over the matter of the [[Tieresh Independence War]]. In a poll held in 1975, 62.5% of those asked in the Federation viewed Norgsveldet with distrust. Though polls done in Norgsveldet at the same time showed the majority of Norgsveltians holding a positive view of the Federation. Norgsveltian alliance and friendship with [[Vistaraland]] during the [[Concordian Cold War]] have been another factor hurting the public perception of the relationship. It wouldn’t be until the end of the Cold War and the geopolitical split between Norgsveldet and Vistaraland during the 90s that the special relationship would see high end in public perception. Heavily thanks to the close friendship between Norgsveltian PM Magrete Kverheim and Côtois FPM Judith Ardouin which became nicknamed as the Iron Ladies in both countries. With Kverheim being polled as the favorite Norgsveltian prime minister by the majority of the Côtois public. With Ardouin being polled as the second favorite Côtois leader in Norgsveldet only being beaten by [[Jeanne Pierre]].
All time high support for the special relationship was polled in both countries in 2002 during the coronation of [[Olav I]]. With over 78% of Norgsveltians polled stating to have high trust in the Federation and stating the relationship to be a vital part of [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm|Crown Realm]]’s status in international politics. With over 71% those polled in the Federation stating similar sentiments.
The role of both nation’s shared monarchy has played a significant element in ensuring deep ties between the two. With the monarch sending its eldest child to the Federation to act as the Royal Protector, with the Royal Protector being the Crown’s representative to a Crown Realm nation. With Crown Princess Alexandra being the current Royal Protector to the Federation, taking up the title as High Jarlynja of the Federation. With the public perception that the Royal Protector to the Federation is often done to train and prepare the heir to their role as monarch to the entire Crown Realm. While different monarchs and royals had varying degrees of popularity within the two countries the institution of the monarchy has remained high. With the current monarch, Olav I, holding a high approval rating in both countries. With 89% support in Norgsveldet, and 78% support in the Federation. Though [[Queen Wilhelmina]] holds staggering high support in both countries, with 92% support in Norgsveldet and 97.5% within the Federation. Wilhelmina has the highest approval rating of any Royal, being barely beaten by Haakon III in Norgsveldet who hold an approval rating of 94% there and Gustaf III for the Federation who holds an approval rating of 97.8%.
The only monarch and royal to hold an extremely low approval rating for both nations being that of [[Harald III]], with an approval rating of 45.3% within Norgsveldet and 24.9% within the Federation being by far the lowest ranked monarch either country had. It is claimed that If it was not for the popularity of the two nations’ premierships at the time and the popularity of the then Crown Prince Olav that the special relationship and the existence of the Crown Realm could be put into question. With Harald III being polled to be uncharismatic and arrogant by the majority of Norgsveltians and Côtois. Many also stated their clear opposition to the then monarch for his opposition to the marriage between Olav and Wilhelmina. With many politicians in both countries outright excusing the king for being an [[Anti-Akuanism|Anti-Akuanist]] for his opposition to the marriage. When asked If they wanted to abolish the monarchy because of Harald’s attitudes, the majority stated no, but in both cases majority of those who opposed the abolishment of the monarchy clarified that it was for their support to the Crown Prince and Wilhelmina in spite of their dislike to Harald.
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