Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation): Difference between revisions

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The phrase was used again in 1939 by the Norgsveltian prime minister Ivar Lykke during a state visit to the Federation to emphasize the relationship between the Federation and the Norgsveltian Imperial Realm. In stating that:
“The fraternal relationship between Federation and the wider Imperial Realm has been a large reason for the continued stability in the North Concordian Ocean, and the geopolitical challenges raised by [[South Hills|United Confederation of Concordian States]] and [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlia]]. That not to say there is no differences or disagreements, but continued cooperation between us will be a great boon for not just our people but the world at large”
The Federal Prime Minister of the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], Léonce Fontaine echoed such mood.
"Our socialist project does not, and never will operate in a bubble alone from the world. We can't pretend our socialists siblings are up to the task to insure democracy, equality, justice and uplifting the world. Our socialist kin, for the lack of the better word fail. As a socialist, our duty isn't to make everyone fall in line with our ideology but to prove by every measure our way is better than the capitalist kin. More than that, above than all of that our job as a socialist nation, as a bastion of socialist. Our duty as a moral upstanding people is to uplift and fight for the equality of those who are unable to fight back. We cannot pretend the socialist world is up to the task, with their red dark tinted glasses toward the world. As such, we must align ourselves with nations of like mind, in particular our former historical rival and lesser half personal union, [[Norgsveldet]]. Our great nation, newfound culture and more importantly, our asperations. Our partnership with our former union member, means more than simply putting on a new coat of paint. We will act not only as their partners in cooperation, but as their counterweight in moral and equalitarian affairs. Together, we will not only produce stability, but justice and uplift the world at large while challenging the neo-imperialists and those who attend to lie not only to world but to themselves about their capitalistic greed."
==Military co-operation==
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The two nations have jointly operated bases in several locations, most importantly in Ymirland after the civil war. The Federation and Norgsveldet make great use of each other’s naval and air bases across the Urth, example being a joint submarine base in the most southern island of Eyjaria. Which served as an important placement of the two nation’s nuclear submarines.
===Military procurement and industrialIndustrial-militaryMilitary complexComplex===
===Military procurement and industrial-military complex===
The Norgsveldet and Federation has a long history of sharing military technology and industrial-power. There are several dozen jointly-owned or shared corporations which produce military equipment. An unofficial rule between the two countries, all ground equipment, such as tanks, infantry kits and such are built in the Federation while all naval and (armed) military aircraft are made in Norgsveldet.
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As such, the joint industrial-military industries are so heavily connected that laws were passed between the countries. That created a special zone for them which removed any form of transition fees and gave priority transition of equipment and minerals between the two countries. Creating a near perfect symbiosis between the two military-industrial complexes, having a complex network of shared industrial might between the two.
=== Intelligence sharingSharing ===
===Economic policy=Aspect==
The Federation and Norgsveldet are one of the most integrated if not the most integrated on the planet. Even more-so impressive when comparing the two economies being incredibly different in structure, [[Norgsveldet]] following [[Worker’s Spirit in the Economy]] style of method, a semi-capitalistic model and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] using a [[Rochefort Model]], a socialist model of economics. Interesting aspect, between the two nations has moderated and outright adapted to each other economies. [[Norgsveldet]] having far worker cooperatives per capita than virtually any capitalistic nation and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] working with far more companies through Rochefort subsidiaries or intermediaries. The intermixing of the two nations firms resulted in some of the largest companies on Urth outright, examples being [[Union Square]], [[Jotun]] and many others. As the two economies are able to not only complement each other, but directly make up for each other's weakness. The [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] sure industrial and sheer number educated labor output with the [[Norgsveldet]] more technological and service based economy results in a a strange sense of harmony between each other country making up each other's falls. Several sectors of each others economy only existing because of the harmony and integrating of the two nations economies such as the massive medical sector in the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] or the [[Norgsveldet]] technological sector. The collaboration of the two, created such massive successes as the [[Norse Way Group]], or more in particular the subsidiary [[Gyllir Motor Corporation]] one the largest automobile companies on Urth. [[Norse Way Group]], and its other subsidiaries outside of Gyllir are one of the largest manufactures of non-military aircraft and watercraft in the world.
==Other areas of co-operation==
=== Norvegiançaise ===
Norvegiançaise is a catch all term for a new language and a industry term. As a industry term, Norvegiançaise acts as a definition for agencies, companies, cooperatives and other such organizations that it is impossible to call the entity purely Norgsveltian or purely Côtois in nature. While the exact definition of the term greatly various between who is labeling it at the time. The most loose definition sometimes uses [[Norse Way Group]] as a model of what a Norvegiançaise is. Though more moderate or stricter definitions refuse the term for [[Norse Way Group]] as it is primary a Côtois entity but with heavy Norgsveltian investments. The generally accepted term for it by both governments, is that a Norvegiançaise entity is a firm that is equal parts influenced by both nations, is non-government owned and the listed head quarters of the firm is either in [[Osfjord]], [[République C.D]] or in [[Vakrestrender|Vakkerhavfruebukt]]. The government accept term is heavily criticism by economic experts and organizations for being too board in terms of influence. Primary directed Norvegiançaise being as a language not being listed within the definition. Often when Norvegiançaise as a language is spoken, it is done throughout the firm be it in the boardroom or in the general working area.
Followers of [[Ny’Ingerism]] and other forms of Crown Federalism place a heavy focus on Norvegiançaise in both uses of the term. Pushing forwarded that Norvegiançaise inheritably pushes for [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] to be Federalized proper, as Norvegiançaise firms confusion about being Norgsveltian or Côtoise entity, and the challenges (such as taxation) that follow will only deepen further the cooperation between the two nations. Language wise, the pushers of Crown Federalism put forth the idea that Norvegiançaise will be language of the future of the realm, alongside [[Nys'tat'en|Norgsveltian Nys'tat'en]].
===Intelligence sharing===
Relationship between Federation and Norgsveldet has been close ever since Federation’s founding in 1920 in which Crown Prince Gustaf became an important factor in ensuring its creation. In which the Crown Prince helped solve ethnic tensions within the Federation, and ensured continued support from Norgsveldet to the monarcho-socialists fighting in the Great Unification Conflict. So much so that he became known as the Red Prince in both Norgsveldet and the Federation.
===Economic policy===
Relationship between the two was mainly held together in its early years by the efforts of Crown Prince Gustaf, as the conservative governments in the 20s and early 30s wanted to keep the Federation at an arm's length to not alienate Vistaraland. With the relationship growing closer after Gustaf was crowned as monarch in 1936, reversing laws that gave unfair electoral benefits to conservative parties and in which liberal governments were soon available to be elected. With the liberal prime minister Ivar Lykke being the first Norgsveltian prime minister to visit the Federation. Through the continuous efforts by Gustaf III and Ivar Lykke, the special relationship was able to be established. With even more conservative parties supporting the relationship.
The Federation and Norgesveldet economics are some of the most well integrated on Urth. With several companies operating both in the countries with very barriers to operate if any.
==Public Opinion & Cultural Impact==
The barrier for trade, company operation and ect are near non-existent besides taxation depending on where the company is doing business. With the factories being spread out across the Federation and the headquarters in the Norgsveldet for the tax benefits.
While the popularity of the special relationship has varied depending on the time, most public polls done in either country showed high support for the relationship. With the public perception of the relationship only hitting an all time low in the 70s over the matter of the [[Tieresh Independence War]]. In a poll held in 1975, 62.5% of those asked in the Federation viewed Norgsveldet with distrust. Though polls done in Norgsveldet at the same time showed the majority of Norgsveltians holding a positive view of the Federation. Norgsveltian alliance and friendship with [[Vistaraland]] during the [[Concordian Cold War]] have been another factor hurting the public perception of the relationship. It wouldn’t be until the end of the Cold War and the geopolitical split between Norgsveldet and Vistaraland during the 90s that the special relationship would see high end in public perception. Heavily thanks to the close friendship between Norgsveltian PM Magrete Kverheim and Côtois FPM Judith Ardouin which became nicknamed as the Iron Ladies in both countries. With Kverheim being polled as the favorite Norgsveltian prime minister by the majority of the Côtois public. With Ardouin being polled as the second favorite Côtois leader in Norgsveldet only being beaten by [[Jeanne Pierre]].
Freedom of Movement between the two countries have been long since established. With college graduates from the Federation working in the Norgsveldet and blue collar workers from Norgsveldet heading to the Federation for the worker protections and higher pay. The freedom of movement has not been without controversy after the Assasination of Magrete I by a member of the far left SEP party in Norgsveldet, however the troubled times soon passed after a series of negotiations between the two nations.
All time high support for the special relationship was polled in both countries in 2002 during the coronation of [[Olav I]]. With over 78% of Norgsveltians polled stating to have high trust in the Federation and stating the relationship to be a vital part of [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm|Crown Realm]]’s status in international politics. With over 71% those polled in the Federation stating similar sentiments.
One of the largest success stories the integration being the [[Norse Way Group]] and its subsidiary [[Gyllir Motors Corporation]]. The largest automobile, civil aircraft and personal usage boats producer in both countries, originally founded by Norgsveltian investors and made with Federation technical know-how and minerals. The corporation produces several million products each year and operates in every continent to sell its automobiles.
Freedom of trade while reserved for the [[Red Crown Economic Union]] by the Federation has been long established between Norgsveldet and the Federation.
The role of both nation’s shared monarchy has played a significant element in ensuring deep ties between the two. With the monarch sending its eldest child to the Federation to act as the Royal Protector, with the Royal Protector being the Crown’s representative to a Crown Realm nation. With Crown Princess Alexandra being the current Royal Protector to the Federation, taking up the title as High Jarlynja of the Federation. With the public perception that the Royal Protector to the Federation is often done to train and prepare the heir to their role as monarch to the entire Crown Realm. While different monarchs and royals had varying degrees of popularity within the two countries the institution of the monarchy has remained high. With the current monarch, Olav I, holding a high approval rating in both countries. With 89% support in Norgsveldet, and 78% support in the Federation. Though [[Queen Wilhelmina]] holds staggering high support in both countries, with 92% support in Norgsveldet and 97.5% within the Federation. Wilhelmina has the highest approval rating of any Royal, being barely beaten by Haakon III in Norgsveldet who hold an approval rating of 94% there and Gustaf III for the Federation who holds an approval rating of 97.8%.
The only monarch and royal to hold an extremely low approval rating for both nations being that of [[Harald III]], with an approval rating of 45.3% within Norgsveldet and 24.9% within the Federation being by far the lowest ranked monarch either country had. It is claimed that If it was not for the popularity of the two nations’ premierships at the time and the popularity of the then Crown Prince Olav that the special relationship and the existence of the Crown Realm could be put into question. With Harald III being polled to be uncharismatic and arrogant by the majority of Norgsveltians and Côtois. Many also stated their clear opposition to the then monarch for his opposition to the marriage between Olav and Wilhelmina. With many politicians in both countries outright excusing the king for being an [[Anti-Akuanism|Anti-Akuanist]] for his opposition to the marriage. When asked If they wanted to abolish the monarchy because of Harald’s attitudes, the majority stated no, but in both cases majority of those who opposed the abolishment of the monarchy clarified that it was for their support to the Crown Prince and Wilhelmina in spite of their dislike to Harald.
==Public opinion==
Moderators, verified
